
Halloween to November 4, 2016 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

The Billing > Current > Student Balances report has an astonishing new Detail view that includes incredible columns for fascinating data points like the incomparable Expected Aid and the indefatigable Pay Now Amount and even the phantasmagoric Uncollectible amount.

Equally momentous, a new filter on the Leads report: the date on which an active lead was set to inactive.


We now let Academic Auditors text, email, and export course rosters. Previously they got a sharp rap across the knuckles when they tried to do so—but only figuratively speaking, because those buttons weren't there at all, and so they couldn't even really try.

The list history in mailing lists was "broken". One of our developers "fixed" it. And now I'm "telling" you about it.

Used to be that a feller would edit a disbursement on a student's f'nancial aid view, and upon hittin' the enter button, would summon the default action. Now, that default action, if you could believe it, was delete! Of all the confounded functions a feller could unwittingly summon! Well, the guys here just couldn't abide by that, so they changed the default action to Save.

If you unapplied a credit from an invoice, we—staggering geniuses all—marked not the invoice unpaid but rather the credit. We now do what makes sense to do in that situation.

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