
December 12 to December 16, 2016 Release Notes

These are, in fact, the last release notes for Anno Domini 2016.

Features & Improvements

We added a bunch of cool stuff to courses this week. Since I don't get paid by the word, there's no need to retread what I wrote about the new stuff in this blog post.

There's a new "lifetime" consequence that can be triggered after a certain number of violations in Campus Life. So, if a student slows down the soup line one too many times, that can trigger the No Soup For You consequence in perpetuity. They may say a lot of things about you, but at least they won't be able to say you don't run a tight ship.

Added a new Student TIN checkbox to the 1098-T to comply with new regulations imposed by our beneficent overlords at the Internal Revenue Service.

There's a new search function in Financial Aid > ISIRs that lets you, uh, search for stuff in them.

Term statistics now feature a gorgeous new Course Evaluation Completion % that, if you stare at it for long enough, will start changing colors.

There's an absolutely incredible new API function that lets you add something to the Hometown field on a person's profile. So, theoretically, you could build a simple web app that scrapes Springsteen, Mellencamp, and Bon Jovi lyrics for the word "hometown" and then inserts the next place name into the profiles of random female students. I don't know why you would do that, but this is technology, where the only question is Can I?, never Should I?


Fixed a bug that none of you found (I found it myself, actually) on the student end of the transcript request form that would ask you for a credit card number even if there was no charge for the request.

In former times, it was impossible to edit the end date of the very last academic term in your system. But a new day has dawned.

Fixed something with text notifications for proctors so the texts always come from the same phone number.

Adding tags would occasionally act super-dumb. It would take twenty minutes to explain what it was doing. We made it stop. Now adding tags is always super-incredible.

Links in email signatures could be mangled by a thing we were doing. We stopped doing that thing.

Unlinking a donation didn't go far enough—the donation was unlinked (good!) but the transaction still somehow remained tied to the donor (bad!). Unlinking now goes the distance.

Depending on where you were looking, course waiting lists might show you a different order of students. Totally lame, so we made it brodacious.

160-character texts would occasionally not send because we'd convert things like & to & on the back-end, thus exceeding the character limit. Ridiculous. We knocked it off.

Fixed a thing with the timestamper thing that prevented you from adding aid disbursements.

We decided to let you enter a Social Insurance Number for anyone you wish. Previously we restricted that to people whose profiles said something about Canada, or Canada-based schools.

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