Features & Improvements
For some reason we never added Gender as a filter condition in the Admissions > Leads report. Until now.
You can now retrieve information about empty data fields from the Data Slicer. If you choose a filter condition that has this as an option, you'll see a Blank option in the selector. We've always wanted to help people make reports about nothing, and here's another way to do that!
Added a pile of variables to Discipline Letter layouts. I will shout them at you right now: STUDENT_ADDRESS_STREET, STUDENT_ADDRESS_CITY, STUDENT_ADDRESS_STATE, STUDENT_ADDRESS_ZIP, STUDENT_ADDRESS_COUNTRY
Nixed an occasional and erroneous Course is full message that sometimes popped up when enrolling students on Profile > Student > Courses.
When exporting Resources Awaiting Entry from Library > Catalog > Inventory, we'd give you a blank spreadsheet. Given that users aren't generally seeking reports about nothing from this feature, we fixed it.
Discussion assignments weren't cloning properly into our shiny new lessons—they'd leave a blank spot and detach the discussion from the lesson. We told that bug to stop blocking our shine.
Made sure that Lead Source is an option in the export helper wherever
fine furniture is soldpeople can be exported from Populi.
Fixed a few edge-case hard-to-find test deletion errors—now they're changelogged and they don't inadvertently shove 0's into the gradebook.
IPEDS updated some of their import-XML stuff for the Fall Enrollment report without publicizing the changes (they don't do hilarious Friday release notes like some wonderful software companies that spring readily to mind). We updated Populi so everything jives properly now.
We found situations where linking an inquiry to an existing lead who already has an application forced the existing lead info set (with the app) to flip to inactive, creating a new lead info set tied to the inquiry. We hate unnecessary lead info sets—I mean, they really bug some of us—so we fixed this.
Made sure that if it's impossible to Unlink an application from a person, we don't give you that option.
Found a thing that let you save multiple copies of a lesson to a course if you clicked the Save button a bunch of times in rapid succession. We thought about starting a contest to see who could duplicate the most lessons (winner would get a $5 Chili's gift card) but then Joel fixed the bug before we could announce it. After that Isaac grabbed the gift card while no one was looking.