Chats are scheduled real-time discussions. More informal than regular Discussions (which provide a more structured setting, better-suited to long-form compositions), chats are meant more for conversations, quick thoughts, real-time replies, and so on.
The lifecycle of a chat:
- The course instructor schedules the chat.
- Once the chat's start time has arrived, everyone in the course—teachers, students, auditors—can participate in the conversation.
- The chat ends when A) either a new chat begins or B) the instructor ends the chat session.
- After the chat has ended, anyone in the course can review its transcript.
Get to a chat
Go to the course and click the Chat view. You'll see a list of chat transcripts with the current chat at the top. Click the current chat to read the conversation and contribute to it. Click a transcript to read a past chat.
What can you do in a chat?
Obviously, you can write stuff and post it. Just type or copy-paste text and post it to the chat (either click Send Message or hit the Enter key on your keyboard). You can also...
- Upload a file: Just choose a file from your computer and click upload. If someone else posts a file, just click the filename to download it to your computer.
- Use emoji:Emoji are silly little cartoon-like characters. So of course we felt we had to include them in Populi. Use them to lighten up the chat.
- Embed stuff: Embed a URL from YouTube, Vimeo, Scribd, Instagram, or any image URL to post it directly into the chat.