
November 20 to December 1, 2017 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Course Faculty (and Registrars and Academic Admins) can now check off individual students as having completed a required part of a lesson—because sometimes you just need to let a student move forward.

Added a Payment Method column to the Donations XLS export.

You can now specify whether students are allowed to register themselves as auditors for a course. The setting is on the catalog course page: Self Enrollment > Self-audit = Yes/No.

Added a checkbox to the student payment page that lets third-party payers indicate whether the payment comes from an organization.

If you're sick of comments and likes on news items, you can now shut those off.


Tuned up a bunch of things in our Amazon integration with course book lists—better ISBN-to-edition matching, scrubbing HTML entities (e.g. ‷), and a few other items.

We were locking up GPAs on the Degree Audit from students in courses with lock grades dates for course evaluations that were still in the future.

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