Features & Improvements
We're back to collecting address info from payees for tuition and fee payments via Stripe and PayPal, which comes in handy when the payer isn't a student or otherwise in your system already. We'd stopped doing that awhile back because of, I dunno, reasons, but they're back now.
Campus Life > Fees wasn't just showing you retired fees on the list, but it was letting you pick 'em, too. Shameful.
If you tapped on a conference recording in either of the mobile apps, you'd get an empty screen instead of whatever scintillating content you were seeking after.
If you merged duplicate profiles, the merger wouldn't consider degree specializations and they'd get lost in the rush of electrons we'd send colliding into one another as we fused the two profiles into one, single profile forged in the sun-hot fires of Populi.
Videos and Focus Sessions
Next week's Focus Sessions:
- Introduction to the Degree Audit: Learn all about programs, degree requirements, course groups, course mapping, exceptions, transcripts and so on. This will be most useful to Academic Admin and Registrar users. It's scheduled for January 10th, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
- Introduction to Financial Aid: Come for the low-down on setting up financial aid settings, awards, packaging aid, disbursements, aid applications and so on. This will be most useful to Financial Aid and Financial Admin users. It's scheduled for January 12th, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.