
January 4 to January 8, 2021 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Like filter conditions? You're gonna loooove our release notes this week. If you don't like filter conditions but would still like some good reading material, I recommend the novels of Charles Portis or maybe Ron Hansen.

We refreshed the back-end of 1098-Ts, and in the process were also able to add new filters for citizenship and resident alien status.

The Attendance > By Student report has a new filter for meeting start time.

You can now filter by custom Term Student Fields in various reports in Populi.

The Leads report—y'know, the one in Admissions—has a new ZIP code filter condition.


The As Of date filter in the IPEDS Graduation Rates report wouldn't update the stats when you switched the dates around.

Users with both the Academic Auditor and Staff roles should be able to export ID cards from the Academic Term > Students and Faculty reports. But they couldn't! Now they can.

If you were using source code in test questions, that source code would not properly move over when you imported those questions into a new course. Fix't.

Fixed the filters for aid award types so that retired aid awards are separated from active ones.

Fixed an issue with sorting sub-folders by name in Files.

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