Features & Improvements
A couple weeks ago we announced that we'd be updating the Aging Report, and although we got the date wrong, we were otherwise true to our word!
Added the getLeads
method to the API.
Added the Lead Source comment box to the Add New Lead dialog.
Gave you a new setting for the Canvas integration that, if enabled, then once a student's course grade is finalized in Populi, they will be marked Complete in Canvas and given "read-only" status for the course.
'Twas a bug that errantly led you to believe that you could delete a contact organization that had members.
We had a setting that said "Include Teaching Assistants in Course Evaluations"; when you checked Yes for said setting, it would excise TA's from the reporting in Academics > Course Evaluations > Reporting. Just to, you know, see if you were paying attention.
There's a ghost excuse on the attendance calendar said our internal bug ticketing system. Oh, cool! I thought. Ghost excuse. What could that mean? Something terrifying and spooky, no doubt. Turns out it was a thing where a student was Excused during a course attendance event but that wasn't reflected in the reporting. A typo, in other words. Kinda boring.
Deleted Refund Policies could still be attached to tuition schedules AND would still do their thing. This would've been a good bug to call something like There's a Ghost Refund Policy in the room with us right now, but we went with the anodyne Deleted refund policy still linked to tuition schedule.