
February 20 to February 24, 2023 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

The Enrollments report got a nice new filter condition for Grade is/ain't Blank. The results appear in the CSV or XLS when you export the report.


Had to update the IPEDS report so it based its Distance Education stats on students' primary addresses (not their hometowns).

It appeared that the program filter on the Course Evaluation report was returning students based on inactive programs that the course was not mapped to at the student level.

Videos, Focus Sessions, and Articles

In case you missed last week's release notes detailing the upgrades to application and inquiry forms, here's a blog post on the subject.

Next week's Focus Sessions will zoom in on:

  • Introduction to the Degree Audit, which will get into the details of programs, degree requirements, course groups, course mapping, exceptions, transcripts and so on. This will be most useful to Academic Admin and Registrar users. It's scheduled for February 28th, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
  • Introduction to Financial Aid, an exploration of financial aid settings, awards, packaging aid, disbursements, aid applications and so on. This will be most useful to Financial Aid and Financial Admin users. It's scheduled for March 2nd, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.

Josh paraphrases Harry Nilsson to kick off this video that articulates the distinctions, differences, and distinguishments between course discussions and graded discussions.

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