
How do I reset login approvals for another user?

Here's how Populi Account Adminstrators can enable, disable, or reset login approvals for a user.

Login approvals are handled in two places: Account > Account Settings > Security and on individual user profiles.

Account > Account Settings > Security

In Account Settings, the Security view lets you specify which roles can or must use login approvals. Scroll to the Login Approvals section and check next to the roles for which login approvals are available—that is, they can use them if they want to—or required, which means they must use login approvals to access their Populi user account. (We strongly recommend that you at least make them available to all your users!)


On profiles, you can control login approvals for individual users (provided they're available to the user roles the person has!). Keep in mind that the user status of current Account Admins and Billing Contacts can't be edited.

  1. On the user's profile, click Active User in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Edit User.
  3. In the dialog, you can check to enable login approvals or un-check to disable them for this user.
  4. Click Save when you're done.

You can also reset login approvals as follows:

  1. On the user's profile, click Active User in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Reset Login Approvals.
  3. This sets the user back to whatever is established for them in Account > Account Settings > Security:
    • If available, then login approvals are disabled. The user can log in with out the authenticator app, but has the option to set it up again if he so desires.
    • If required, then he'll need to set up login approvals next time he logs in.

Here are some resources you can pass along to users when dealing with login approvals:

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