
October 30 to November 3, 2023 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Added a filter condition for Has active recurring payment to the Student Balances report.

And now the Data Slicer has a filter condition for Lock Reason.

And now your school, if SSO is enabled, has the same options for creating a new user from an accepted application as non-SSO schools.


Reassigning communication plans forgot to reassign the to-do's up until we fixed that earlier this week.

Videos and Focus Sessions

Next week, the Sessions will Focus upon:

  • Introduction to Financial Aid: Cast your eyes toward financial aid settings, awards, packaging aid, disbursements, aid applications and so on. This will be most useful to Financial Aid and Financial Admin users. It's scheduled for November 7th, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
  • Introduction to... Populi: Here's one that'll look at setting up your school's Populi account, logging in, adding new users, login approvals, roles, search, basic reporting, Populi's global settings and so on. This will be most useful to Populi Account Administrator and Academic Admin users. It's scheduled for November 9th, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific time.

The video we were hoping to have ready for you today ran into a snag, so to tide you over, here's Josh from last year giving you the untold story of GPA calculations... which, since this video is from last year, kinda negates the Untold part, doesn't it? Oh well. Enjoy!

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