Communication Plans are sequences of email, letter, and to-do templates that help you consistently interact with the various people with whom your school communicates. Here's how they work:
- You create a new communication plan, filling it with email, letter, and to-do templates.
- The plan is applied to people in various ways—you can add it to them individually or add the plan to a group of people.
- The person who adds the plan to a person is usually the Sender; you can also designate someone else as the sender.
- The person to whom the plan is added is the Recipient.
- The sequence of communications you set up is initiated as of the day you add the plan. As these events occur, the activity feed keeps a complete record of them. You can also view and change scheduled plan events in the Scheduled Events report.
Creating a plan

- Click Add Communication Plan.
- Give the plan a name. This is for your own internal use—recipients will never see this.
- Start adding events. For each event you'll need to select...
- Day/Date: You can schedule events based on how many days have passed since you added the plan to a person OR by specifying a particular date.
- For example, when scheduling a Day event: If you enter 5, when a plan is added on 3/15, the event will be scheduled for 3/20. You can also specify a specific time for emails to be sent.
- When scheduling a Date event: Enter a MM/DD date. If the plan is added after that date, choose how to handle past date events—Skip the event, Schedule (or send) it immediately upon adding the plan, or schedule/send it the following calendar year.
- Choose whether the event affects the sender or the recipient. You can also assign the event to Someone else—this event will always affect the person you select.
- Choose whether an email or letter is sent to the person you just chose, or if a to-do will be assigned.
- Finally, choose which template—email, letter, or to-do—you wish to use for this event.
- Click add an event to continue building the plan. Click to delete an event.
- Click Save to finish updating the plan.
Now that you've created the plan, you can start applying it to people (see below).
- Emails are sent at the time of day you specify in the event.
- Printed letters are sent to the print queue on 12 AM of the day the event occurs.
- To-dos are due on the day the event occurs.
Editing a plan
You can edit a plan at any time. Any changes you make will not affect anyone currently on that plan—they'll only affect those to whom you add the plan in the future.
- Click the plan name in the Communication Plan list to go to the design page.
- Click Edit Communication Plan.
- Make your changes and save them.
Applying communication plans

There are several ways to apply communication plans. When applying a plan, you can designate yourself or someone else as the sender.
- On a person's Profile > Activity Feed, click apply communication plan.
- Use the data slicer to add the plan to a group of students.
- You can add (and remove) plans to the people shown on various reports—Contacts > People, Admissions > Leads, Donations > Donors, and other places.
When adding a plan:
- Select the plan you wish to add from the drop-down.
- Select the person to whom you wish to assign the plan. This person will be the sender in the plan.
- If you wish, change the start date.
- When you're done, click Save.
Scheduled Events

The Scheduled Events report gathers together all the emails, letters, and to-dos scheduled for a particular timeframe. Use the filter to focus the report on certain kinds of events. You can find events for specific senders or recipients, or show only overdue to-dos for a certain plan, or find all the events that contain the word "donation"—among many other things.
Click Actions to perform these tasks:
- Email... Email the senders, recipients, or the people attached to the events shown in the report.
- Change due date: This lets you change the scheduled date/time for all of the events in your report ( see above).
- Delete events: Removes the events in your report from all the actors involved. This does not affect the communication plans in which these events are included.
- Remove communication plans: Removes the communication plans and all associated events from all the actors in your report.
- Export: Create an XLS or CSV of the report.