
Profile > Campus Life

The Campus Life view lets you manage room and meal info, Campus Life fees, custom info, and violations and consequences. It preserves the historic record of these items and also lets you add and update new information.

Although we use the word student, remember that every profile in Populi has the Campus Life view. This comes in handy when you have, say, a professor visiting from overseas take up residence in school housing for a semester. Or maybe you have a hotshot donations guy who nonetheless keeps parking his Maserati in the president's parking space—and so continually racks up the parking tickets.

The Profile > Campus Life view is accessible to Financial Admin, Academic Admin, Registrar, and Campus Life users.


Room Plan History

Here you'll find a record of every room plan the student has ever had—not to mention every room you've assigned them and the corresponding room charges. You can also add a new room plan and give the student a housing assignment:

  1. Click add next to Room Plan History.
  2. Select the term.
  3. Select the room plan you wish to apply.
  4. Select the building in which you wish to place the student.
  5. Select the room; your options only include rooms which are connected to the room plan you selected earlier.
  6. If a student wants to take up more than one slot, you can indicate that by changing the capacity used. For example, a student may want a 2-person room all to herself—in that case, enter 2 next to capacity used. The total capacity used cannot exceed the available capacity.
  7. When you're done, click Save.

Now that you've added the room plan and assignment, a pending room charge is generated on the student's Financial > By Term view. You can edit that charge in either spot until it is invoiced.

  • Click to edit the plan and room assignment. If the charge has already been invoiced, you will only be able to change the student's room assignment.
  • You can also manage rooming arrangements on the room management page.

Meal Plan History

As with room plans, here you'll find a record of every meal plan the student has ever had. Adding a new meal plan is a difficult and arduous workflow; we recommend that you be well-hydrated and have a granola bar near at hand before commencing this task:

  1. Click add next to Meal Plan History.
  2. Select the term.
  3. Select the meal plan you wish to apply.
  4. Click Save.

Now that you've added the meal plan, a pending charge is generated on the student's student's Financial > By Term view. You can edit that charge either here or there until the charge is invoiced.

Campus Life Fees

Here you'll find a record of every campus life fee somehow attached to this student's account. Here's a look at what you'll be seeing here:

  • These fees are also visible on the student's Profile > Financial > Dashboard.
  • The fees here may have been manually-added or triggered by the recording of a violation or consequence against the student.
  • If the violation or consequence that triggered the fee is deleted, the fee will also be deleted (if it is still set to pending).
  • Fees marked with have not yet been invoiced; you can still edit or delete them.
  • Fees marked with have been invoiced; there's nothing more you can do with them on the Campus Life view.

Adding a fee

  1. Click add next to Campus Life Fees.
  2. Select the fee you'd like to add from the drop-down. These, obviously, are the campus life fees that were selected during setup.
  3. If you like, edit the description and amount.
  4. Click Save.

Now that you've added this fee...

  • It is also visible (and editable) on the student's Profile > Financial > Dashboard.
  • A student billing or financial admin user must invoice it.
  • Remember that the fee you've added is not tied to an academic term (in case that's important...)!

Custom Info

Here you'll be able to add and review the custom fields you created for Campus Life.

  1. Click add next to Custom Info.
  2. Select the custom field you want to add and fill it in.
  3. Click Save.

Now that you've added this field, it can be included in the spreadsheet you create when you export any of the Campus Life reports.

Violations & Consequences

Here you'll find a record of all of the violations and/or consequences recorded against this student.

  • Violations—including any associated fees—automatically apply to the student's record.
  • Consequences can be set to:
    • Pending: the consequence is still in some sort of review.
    • Applied: the consequence—and any fees—have been enforced against the student.
    • Waived: someone has decided not to enforce the consequence; any fees have also been deleted.
  • Consequences can be manually-added or may have been triggered by one or more violations.

Adding a violation or consequence

  1. Click add next to Violations & Consequences.
  2. Select whether you wish to add a violation or consequence.
  3. Choose the item you wish to record against the student.
  4. If you wish, edit the description. If you choose to email a notification about the violation/consequence, the description will be included in the message.
  5. If you're adding a consequence, select the status.
  6. If you're adding the violation or are applying the consequence, check if you wish to email a notification to the student. The email will include all of the details, including the description.
  7. Edit the applied date if you wish.
  8. Click Save.

Now that you've added the violation or consequence...

  • You'll see any associated fees in the Campus Life Fees panel and the student's Profile > Financial > Dashboard. The fee must still be invoiced.
  • The violation might trigger a consequence.
  • The item will appear in the appropriate Campus Life report.

Editing and deleting

You can edit or delete by clicking the name of the violation or consequence. A few things to know:

  • To change a pending consequence's status to applied or waived, you'll need to edit the consequence.
  • If you delete a violation or consequence that has triggered a fee, the fee will also be deleted...
  • ...UNLESS you've manually-edited the fee (say, changed the description) or the fee has been invoiced.
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