Campuses and buildings let you represent the places in which your school is located. Campuses are the discrete locations where students attend courses, stay in dorms, etc. Buildings are the places within campuses where classes meet and dorm rooms and offices are located. Here's what you can do with campuses and buildings:
- Associate students and courses with specific campuses. In turn, those students will be restricted to registering for courses at that campus.
- Set up campus-based fee rules.
- Campus is available in several reports, which helps you get information about student activity restricted to a particular campus.
- Filter financial aid disbursement batches by campus.
- Add rooms to buildings, then associate those rooms with room plans. These rooms can now be assigned as student housing.
- Rooms not associated with room plans are available for class scheduling.
Initially, your Populi site is set up to assume that your school operates on one, single campus. However, should you need more than one campus, contact Populi customer support so we can enable multiple campuses for your school. Once that's done, you can manage your campuses in Campus Life > Settings > Campuses.
Before you add campuses, you should decide whether you need to at all:
- Are all of your school's academic activities are held at the same location? If so, then you don't need to add campuses.
- Does your school conduct meaningful academic activity at more than one location, such that students from one location won't normally have access to activities at any of the other locations? If so, then you should<. add campuses.
- Does your school offer distinct academic offerings both at a physical campus and online? If so, then you should add campuses (more below).
Some examples
- A school has one building on Main Street and another five blocks away on Center Avenue. Students may attend courses at either building. This school does not need multiple campuses.
- Another school has a couple buildings within a few blocks of each other in Portland and also holds classes at a location in Salem. While students may attend courses at any location, the point of the Salem campus is to serve students who can't make it up to Portland. This school should have two campuses: Portland and Salem.
- Yet another school has a cluster of buildings in Portland, a few more in Houston, and also has a significant online presence. Several of the online courses are not offered to students in Portland or Houston. This school should have three campuses: Portland, Houston, and Online.
Here's how to add a campus:
- Go to Campus Life > Settings > Campuses.
- Click add next to Campuses.
- Give the campus a name.
- Check if this is the primary campus.
- Enter the address—this address field does not ask for a street!
- Select the timezone this campus falls in.
- Click Save to create the campus.
Buildings contain rooms; rooms are where classes are held during meeting times and students stay when they're on a room plan. Here's how to create buildings:
- Go to Campus Life > Settings > Buildings.
- Click add next to Buildings.
- Give the building a name.
- Select a campus (if any... if you don't have campuses, don't worry about it).
- Enter the number of floors and basement levels.
- Enter the building address.
- Click Save to create the building.
Now that you've added this building, you can start adding rooms and resources to it:
- Start by clicking the building's name in the list. You'll see the Info panel where you can edit any of the basic building details. Below that you'll see Rooms.
- Click add next to Rooms.
- Enter the room's name. It might be a name (Staniger Lecture Hall) or simply a number (112).
- Choose the floor on which it's located.
- Enter the capacity.
- If this room is to be used as student housing: Choose a default room plan.
- The default room plan will be assigned to a student when they are placed in the room.
- Only rooms connected to a room plan can be used as student housing (and likewise, only rooms without a room plan can be used for scheduling course meetings).
- Click Save.
- Repeat these steps for every room you wish to add.
If you wish to add building-specific resources:
- Click add next to Resources.
- Enter the resource name.
- Enter a resource type and select from the results (this field searches the resource types you created earlier).
You can do the same on an individual room's settings page.