
How to view and export student transcripts

The transcript is your school's official record of the student's completed and in-progress coursework. You'll find it on a student's Profile > Student view.

  • Transcripts are organized around the student's academic programs.
  • Various items that appear on transcripts ( discipline, for example) are controlled by your selections in Academics > Settings.
  • If you're using Populi to track clinical hours, this article explains how they appear on the transcript.

What's on the transcript

Here's a look at what the web view of the transcript looks includes (it differs some from the printed version):

  • Use the program drop-down to see the transcript for individual programs, or to see courses that aren't mapped to any programs ( None). If you wish to apply unmapped courses to one of the student's programs, use the Course Mapping tool.
  • Each program's transcript leads off with a summary of the student's degree(s) in that program.
  • Then it summarizes the cumulative resident, transfer, and overall credits/hours, grade points, and GPA.
  • If a disciplinary action was recorded for the student in this program, you'll see a note to that effect.
  • Resident courses are shown in reverse chronological order (the most recent term is at the top). Each term includes any discipline and honors together with term and cumulative GPA. Click to see a pop-up with any course comments left by the faculty.
  • Finally, it summarizes any accepted transfer courses.

Transcript actions

There are various ways to export and send the student's transcript:

  • Export an official or unofficial transcript
  • Send an official transcript PDF to a third party
  • View a history of all transcript exports and requests
  • Submit an official transcript request on behalf of the student

Export Transcript

  1. Click Transcript Actions and select Export Transcript.
  2. Select if you want to export an Unofficial transcript or an Official copy.
  • For unofficial transcripts, check if you wish to include an appendix with course descriptions.
  • Pick a layout. Your options are any custom transcript layouts, the built-in transcript template, and the EDI TS130 electronic transcript format.
  • If an official transcript, choose a format. You can export it as a PDF or an Open Office (.ODT) file.
  • Enter the recipient (if any) of the transcript.
  • Click Export to finish.

    Send Transcript PDF

    This option is only available if you've enabled web transcripts.

    1. Select Send Transcript PDF.
    2. Pick one of your custom transcript layouts or the built-in PDF layout.
    3. Choose a program.
    4. Enter the recipient (if any) of the transcript.
    5. Click Next: Preview.
    6. Look over the preview. Don't like it? Click Back to make changes. Like it? Click Next.
    7. In the Transcript Delivery dialog, you can change or add recipients, edit the message, choose whether to encrypt the transcript, and choose how to send the transcript password. If you've enabled web transcripts, make sure not to mess with the URL in the email! Click Send and Complete to fulfill the request.

    Transcript Export History

    The transcript export history shows every time an official transcript has been exported or requested for this student.

    • For web transcripts, you can click to download the PDF, see who has downloaded it, or delete it (which deletes the URL others use to download the PDF).
    • For transcript requests, click the date to see the transcript request's info page.
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