
Transfer courses

Transfer courses let you "translate" coursework from another school into your own programs and degree course requirements. You can add them both to leads and students. Here's a quick overview of how they work:

  1. You go to the Lead or Student's Profile > Admissions > Other Education view.
  2. You add a transfer institution (that is, the school or organization from which the student wishes to transfer coursework).
  3. Within each institution, you list any degrees earned there together with transfer courses, describing how they fit into your own academic programs.
  4. At this point, they are considered pending. You can find them both on the profile and in Academics > Reporting > Transfer Credits.
  5. When you come to a decision, you approve or reject the transfer courses.
  6. If approved, transfer credits are automatically included in the student's transcript and degree audit as appropriate.
  7. They also figure into the student's cumulative GPA, transfer GPA, and cumulative credits/hours.

You can also use transfer courses to indicate that a student has taken an AP high school course or has "tested out" of one of your courses. This article describes how to do that (but read this article first).

Items that affect whether a student is considered a "transfer student"

To make sure a student is considered a transfer student, you'll want to pay attention to these items:

  • First things first: they need accepted transfer courses (which this article details).
  • When you enter transfer courses, you have to map them to an academic program. When the lead becomes a student, the transfer courses will apply to the mapped program(s); the Program shown on Profile > Student includes an Is Transfer Student checkbox that is automatically checked if you've accepted and mapped transfer courses to that program (you do have the option to uncheck it, though).
  • On a college's organization profile, there's a Transfer Students setting that determines whether students with transfer courses from that school are considered transfer students (it is set to Yes by default).

Adding transfer courses

To add transfer credits, start by going to the Profile > Admissions > Other Education view.

1. Add an institution

  1. Click add next to Other Institutions.
  2. Start typing the institution name. The field will search existing college organizations as you type. If the right school comes up, select it. If not, simply finish typing the institution name.
    • If you end up adding a new institution, it will create a new "College" organization.
  3. Optionally, enter a Field of Study and a timeframe. For example, the student might have studied Liberal Arts from August 2022 to May 2023. Leave the to field blank to indicate that the timeframe goes up to the present.
  4. Select which user roles may view information about this person's transfer courses from this institution.
  5. Check to show the field of study from this institution on the student's transcript (if the transcript is set up to show information from this transfer institution).
  6. When you're done, click Save.

You can add as many institutions as you need by following the above steps.

After you've added an institution, click its name to start adding information about the student's course of study there—degrees and courses.

2. Add a degree (optional)

If you wish, you can list any degrees the student earned at the other institution. For the most part, this will be used by schools demonstrating a basis for admissions to a graduate-level program.

  1. Click Add degree.
  2. Enter the degree's details. All of these fields are optional, save for the degree level and name.
  3. When you're done, click Save.

3. Add transfer credits

This process lets you add one, single transfer course. To add additional courses, just repeat these steps as often as you need to.

Start by clicking Add transfer credit. Add the information required to describe how the transfer course fits in to your own academic programs and requirements.

Course # and name

Enter the course number and name from the transferring institution (you'll pick your school's course in a few steps).


If you do not select a program, this transfer course will not appear on the student's transcript!

  1. Choose a program and click Add. (You can add more than one program if necessary.)
  2. For each program, select the letter grade from the applicant's transcript or leave it blank (--). This grade is used to calculate the student's transfer GPA (according to the program's grade scale).
  3. After you select a grade, select a retake setting (in case the student retakes the course to which you're mapping this transfer course).
    • Automatic treats this course according to the retake policy established in Academic > Settings.
    • Yes or No lets you manually over-ride your standard retake policy regarding the transfer course.
    • Generally speaking, when you first approve a transfer course you'll set this to Automatic; later, if you need to change how it works as a retake, you would come back and change it to Yes or No.

Credits, Hours, Clinical Hours

Enter the number of units that this course is worth at your school—NOT what it was worth at the transfer school! You can enter something for all of these fields, or leave some blank.

Degree, GPA, Standing

Check off all that apply.

  • Does this course fulfill program requirements?
  • Do passing or failing grades affect the student's GPA?
  • Does it affect the student's standing at your school?

Applies To

Does this transfer course apply to one of your courses or course groups?

  • If a course, start typing your course name or abbreviation and select it from the results.
  • If a course group, select the course group from the drop-down.


The description is optional (but can be very useful).


Update this as you approve or reject the course. You can also change the status using the function in the Transfer Credits report.

Updating transfer credits

To update a transfer course...

  1. Click next to the course you'd like to edit.
  2. Change any of the fields you need to update.
  3. Update the status when you've decided to approve or reject the course.
    • When you approve a course, you'll have checkbox options for whether to show this course on the student's transcript for this program and whether to denote the student as a transfer student for that program.
    • The effective date refers to the date after which this course would be considered a retake. In the vast majority of cases, you will not need to enter anything in this field, so feel free to ignore it!
  4. Click Save when you're finished.

Remember that changes to transfer courses will affect the student's degree audits and transcripts!

Transfer credits report

Academics > Reporting > Transfer credits lets you find all transfer courses entered at your school.

  • Click the student's name to go to her Profile > Admissions > Transfer Credits view.
  • Use the filter to sift the report down to show particular kinds of courses.
  • The graded term filter lets you find transfer credits that were entered during a particular academic term. This comes in handy when...
    • You enter a transfer course during a term with a grade scale defined for that particular term.
    • You want to find transfer courses you entered during the Summer 2021 term.
  • Click Change Statuses to update the status of each course in the report en masse.
  • Export students creates a spreadsheet of the report.
  • Likewise, Email students lets you email the students on the report.
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  • 0
    Mary Neel

    If I do these steps AFTER a prospect is made a student, will the process still work?  Thanks!

  • 0
    Brendan O'Donnell


    These steps will work at any time, including after the Prospect is made a student.

  • 0
    Mike Krauss

    Can a student add their own transfer credits for approval?

  • 0
    Brendan O'Donnell


    No, that can't be done, and we'd be pretty hesitant to add that sort of functionality. It could open some real cans of worms to let students write and edit that kind of academic info, plus the inevitable headaches involved in having your people check and double-check it would likely prove skull-splitting.

  • 0
    Karen Martin-Brown

    When I do this report, all students who have ever attended our college come up. Is there a way to filter so that only currently enrolled students' transfer credit information comes up?

  • 0
    Mike Krauss

    Yes, I agree with Karen. Could more filters be added? Perhaps entrance term?

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