Here's how to set up Populi to manage situations in which a student has to retake a course.
Setup: Academic Settings

First, make selections in the retake-focused settings in Academics > Settings > General:
- Retakes: Select which grade you wish to keep when a student retakes a course that does not permit multiple retakes for credit (more on that below). You can direct Populi to keep the highest grade, or the grade from the most recent course or the earliest course. The grade you keep will be used to calculate the student's cumulative GPA; the one you reject will not.
- Retake Display: Select how you wish for retaken courses to display on transcripts.
- Count retakes in Term/Term-Cumulative GPA: If you wish to retain the retake grade in the term and/or term-cumulative GPA calculation, check Yes.
Setup: Catalog Courses
You have the option to specify whether to count retaken courses in earned credits/hours.
- Go to the course catalog and find the course you'd like to modify.
- Find the Retakes setting under the Information heading.
- If you want retakes to count in earned credits/hours, check the box and click Save.
Managing retakes for students
Now that you've selected those settings, you can start managing retakes for individual students. Here's where you can do that...
Profile > Student > Course Mapping

The best way to manage retakes for an individual student is on their Profile > Student > Course Mapping view.
- On the Course Mapping view, select the program from the drop-down. The courses mapped to that program will be checked.
- If a course can be marked as a retake, you'll see a drop-down next to it. Select one of the three retake options:
- Automatic (the default) will treat this Course according to whatever is set up for Retakes in Academic Settings and your Catalog Course.
- Yes or No lets you specify whether Populi should consider this a retake—regardless of your default Retake settings.
- When you're done, click Save so the changes take effect.
Course Rosters
You can manually override your Retake settings for a particular student on the course Roster after you've finalized the student. Only use this method if the catalog course is linked to only one program—this option is not available for courses linked to two or more programs!
- Click edit next to Enrolled Students.
- Select one of the three retake options.
- When you're done, click Save.
Transfer Courses
If you need to mark a transfer course as a retake for a particular student, you can do so when entering transfer courses in Profile > Admissions.
- After entering a program grade for the course, you'll be given the three same retake settings as found in course rosters.
- Retaken transfer courses appear on the transcript with an (R) if you:
- Map the transfer course to one of your school's courses...
- ...and the student takes your course again.