If you've finalized a course or individual students within a course, and later need to make changes to one or the other, you need to first unfinalize the course and/or student. If the student is Incomplete, you shouldn't need to unfinalize him—this article has the details.
1. Make sure the student is finalized
To see if the student is finalized, go to the Course Roster and look in the Status column. If the student has a lock next to his status, then he is finalized. In the example above, Nicolo and Anna have no finalization lock, and are therefore still able to actively participate in course activities. Armin, on the other hand, does have the lock, and so you cannot make any changes to him (save for incomplete grade-entry and retake settings).
2. Go to Course > Settings (or Gradebook) > Manage finalization
You have two options for getting to the finalization screen: Gradebook and Settings. If the course has not been finalized, the link will say Finalize course—even if some students have been finalized. If the course and all students have been finalized, the link will say Manage finalization.
3. Select the students you wish to unfinalize
- Un-check the boxes next to the students you wish to unfinalize.
- You can also Uncheck all students. Note that when you do this, it also un-checks Finalize course and all students.
- Students who remain checked will remain finalized.
- When you're ready, click Submit at the bottom of the page.
4. Make your changes
After unfinalizing a student...
- You can update any of their course information—enrollment status, assignment grades, attendance, and so on. If the student is an active user and the course is still within its Start/End dates, he can also log in and submit assignments, participate in discussions, and so on.
- Course faculty can also make changes to the student's interaction with the course (add grades, update attendance, etc.)—as well as the course itself (course content, lessons, assignments, etc.).
5. Make sure to re-finalize!
When you're done, either you or the course faculty can finalize the course and student(s). Otherwise, the student's record in this course will still be able to be modified.