
Step seven: add courses to a term

You've set up academic years and terms, and you've also added courses to your course catalog. Now it's time to create the courses in which your students will enroll, submit assignments, and receive grades (among many other things!). Those are called course instances; they are based on the courses you have in your course catalog. Before enrolling students in courses, you need to first add course instances to your academic terms.

Start by going to Academics > Academic Term > Courses.

Read more about adding courses in an academic term. (You may also want to consider setting up course evaluations at this time.)

  • If we imported your legacy academic data, we likely populated historic and even some future academic terms with course instances.
  • If you have courses listed in past academic terms, you can import those courses into future terms using the import courses feature.
  • If we didn't import data for you, it's best to get your current and next few academic terms set up before filling in historic terms with course data.

Next: start adding students...

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