Advising summarizes a few separate strains of academic activity in Populi:
- By adding advisors to students, you give those people detailed access to the students' course, academic, and discipline information.
- By setting up flag thresholds, you establish a warning system for students at risk of failing, missing too many classes, or performing poorly in their courses.
- As course faculty take attendance, enter grades, and finalize courses, they supply the information needed for advisors to monitor their students' performance. Additionally, course faculty can manually-flag students to call an advisor's attention to a troubled student.
- Troubled students may be given a disciplinary status or have certain locks placed on their account.
You can read about some of the above-mentioned tasks on the Student Profile, in Courses, and in Advising Setup. The Advised Students report draws all these threads together and is a handy starting-point for advising tasks.
Advised Students report
The Advised Students report shows academic information relevant to your students' recent or current performance. It includes flags, 30-day assignment grades, the last attendance for which the student was marked present, any current discipline actions, and registration locks. The filter lets you sift the report to find students who fit certain criteria. Depending on your user role(s), you have access to different information and actions on this report:
- Academic Admins and Registrars can see any student, whether or not a student has an advisor. If the user is also an advisor to any students, the report will initially show only the advised students; to see all students in this case, just remove the Advisor is ___ filter.
- Advisors can see only their advised students.
- Academic Admins and Registrars can manage advisors, registration locks, email students, and export the report. Advisors cannot manage advisors, but can perform all other actions (see below).
- Check if you wish to include inactive students in the report.
Here's a look at what you'll find at a glance on the Advised Students report:
- Check next to Sara's name to perform various actions for her (and not the other students shown in the report at the time).
- You'll see the student's most serious flag in this report; these flags may have been triggered by flag thresholds or were manually-added on the student course summary. Read more about flags here.
- Click Sara's name to go to her advising view, where you can view her transcript, link to individual course summaries, and manage her academic flags.
- 30 day assignment grades chart out all grades given in the past 30 days, culminating in her most recent grade. These charts are generated from the percentage grades; Sara's most recent grade is 90%.
- Last attendance shows the last date on which Sara was marked present for a class meeting time.
- Any and all disciplinary actions currently in effect on Sara are listed here, too.
- If you've added a registration lock to this student, you'll see it and the reason for it.
- Finally, you'll see any and all advisors assigned to this student.
After filtering the report, you can also check off individual students for whom you wish to perform certain actions.
- Manage advisors: Academic Admins and Registrars can use this option to add or remove advisors for all the students shown in the report or only those who've been selected. See "Step 1" in this article for details.
- Add/remove lock: Registration locks prevent students from self-enrolling during online enrollment periods, requiring instead that their advisor or an academic admin/registrar register them instead. See this article for details.
- Email/Text students: This lets you email or text all the students returned by your filter or only those you've selected.
- Export XLS/CSV: Likewise, this lets you export a spreadsheet/database of all the students returned by your filter or only those you've selected.
Student advising view
The individual student advising view shows you her transcript, term progress report, account locks, and academic flags.
Overview gives you a transcript much like the one presented in Profile > Student, but with a few more options:
- The course abbreviation links to the course catalog.
- The course name links to the student course summary, which gives you details about her grades and attendance for that course.
- Click the attendance percentage to see a chart of her own attendance compared with the standard deviation for other students' attendance in that course.
- Likewise, click the grade to see a chart of her assignment grades compared with the standard deviation for other students' grades in that course.
- Click to see transcript notes or to see course comments.
Term Progress
The term progress view gives you a list of all graded assignments and attendance records for each of the student's courses in a given term. Click Print... to create a PDF of the student's progress report.
Flags may have been triggered by flag thresholds or were manually-added on the student course summary. This interface lets you see current and past flags.
In the above image...
- The selector is set to show active flags; you can also set this to see only all flags (which includes resolved flags, which are part of the student's academic history).
- The red flag was manually-added by Gemma Frye. Flags can also be added when triggered by the thresholds in Advising > Settings. Sara's performance in WRI301 is worrisome.
If a flag was manually-added:
- The advisor, as well as any Academic Admin or Registrar, can click Mark resolved on any active red or yellow flag.
- Likewise, they can also edit any active flag. They can change the flag color and the reason given for the flag.
- If need be, they can click to delete an active flag altogether.