Looking to log in to your school's Populi site?
- Find the welcome email you received from your school. The subject line is "Welcome to Populi".
- In that email is the web address for your school's Populi site. It will look something like
.- Go to that address and enter your username and password.

Welcome to Populi!
Populi is a web-based software program that your school uses to keep academic records (among many other things). We've tried to make Populi simple to learn and easy to use, and it shouldn't take too long to get the hang of it. This article talks about some of the basics and links to other articles that dive a little deeper into how to use Populi.
Technical Requirements
Make sure to read about Populi's technical requirements (in a nutshell: high-speed Internet, an up-to-date web browser, and a good screen to view it on).
Your Login

Populi is designed to keep information secure and confidential. One of the ways it does that is by requiring you to log in with your username and password whenever you use Populi.
When you're done using Populi, make sure to log out! Do so by clicking your name in the upper part of the screen and selecting Log Out from the drop-down.
This article has all the details about your username and password, including how to change your password and some common-sense security measures.

Search is available on every screen of Populi. You can use it to find just about anything at your school (depending on your user roles). This article describes all your options for search, including advanced search. Here are the basics for using search:
- Click in the black bar. You can also press Control + K (on Windows computers) or ⌘ + K (on Apple computers) to open the search field (see below more more keyboard shortcuts).
- Start typing your search term. As you type, search will show suggestions based on what you've entered.
- Click the result you're after to go to the page for that entity, or use one of the options ( more details, advanced search, etc.) to refine or modify your search.
- Click anywhere outside of the search window (or press your Esc key to exit search.

Populi basically works like any other web page. Every page has links or buttons that might perform an action or take you to another page. You can also use your browser's forward, back, and refresh buttons to move among the pages you're working on.
Depending on your level of access and whether your school has enabled certain features, you'll see the high-level navigation app links at the top of the screen: Home, Files, Calendar, Email, Financial, Bookstore, and Library. Below that are the main navigation views, which change depending on which app you're currently in. These are covered extensively elsewhere in this Knowledge Base.

When you log in, you'll go straight to your Populi Home page.
Home shows and links to what's going on right now and what's going to happen. Depending on what you have going on, Home might show you Alerts, News, Invitations, Events, To-Dos, and Courses.

My Profile shows or links to just about all the information about you that's stored in Populi—contact info, financial activity, academic history, and so on. There are a few ways to get there:
- Click the My Profile view next to Home.
- Click your picture/initials in the top black bar; select My Profile from the drop-down.
- Click your name wherever you might see it—say, in a report or on a list.
If you're reading this article, you've made your way into the help system... but just for the sake of being thorough, here are all the ways to get here...
- Click the Help link in the upper right of the screen. You'll see five help options—click the one you're after. You'll be automatically logged in using your Populi credentials.
- Go to the support login page. Enter your Populi username and password, and then enter your school's unique Populi abbreviation.
- You can also read articles without logging in. Start at the Populi Support home page and search for the article you're after.
If you're staff or faculty at your school, we recommend subscribing to the User Forum and Release Notes. You can subscribe by going to those links and clicking the Follow button in either forum.
Terms of Service and Authorized Use Policy
When you use Populi, you are subject to the Terms of Service (TOS) and Authorized Use Policy (AUP). These policies govern the relationship between Populi and our customers and individual users.
Don't be put off by the stern language in the TOS and AUP—these are legal documents, after all, and they just have to make sure to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. Each document includes some plain-language summaries in the interest of making sure you understand what you're agreeing to. That said, there's really nothing unusual in these documents: they basically say, "We'll provide this service, and you'll use it as much or as little as you like."
- You can find the TOS and AUP at the bottom of any screen in Populi as well as the Populi website.
- Your welcome email also includes links to it.
- In order to log in for the first time, you'll have to indicate your acceptance of the TOS and AUP by checking a box (which is right next to links to both items).
- The most relevant sections for you as an individual user would be Acceptance, Service Description, General Conditions, and Trademarks.
- If we ever update the TOS or AUP in any substantive way, we'll inform you ahead of time. If we catch a typo, we'll just update that on-the-fly.