
Using Library

If your school uses Populi Library, you can use it to search the catalog, place holds, leave recommendations and reviews, and keep track of your activity (books you've borrowed, fines to be paid, etc.).

  • Calendar shows you library hours, including any extended closures (like holidays, etc.).
  • Links includes links to other sites outside of Populi Library.

Searching the catalog

Searching the catalog is simple: type your term and press enter. Here are a few ways to refine your search (there are more in this article...

  • Use the drop-downs to confine your search to specific resource types, libraries, or fields.
  • Check if you wish to confine your search to an exact match of your search term.
  • If desired, use modifiers with your search term:
    • title:
    • barcode:
    • author:
    • creator:
    • subject:
    • call number:

You can also browse resources by Subject.

Resource pages

On the resource page, you can place holds and find bibliographic information, details about where to find copies, and recommendations and reviews from other patrons.

  • To place a hold, click Place Hold under the cover image. Choose the library and a particular copy. After you place the hold, you'll receive an email when it's ready for pickup.
  • Click to recommend a resource (and click it again to rescind your recommendation). You can also post reviews.

My Profile

My Profile shows your Library-related activity—circulation and reviews.

  • If you're a staff-level patron, you can export your own library card. If you're a student- or faculty-level patron, your school ID card (available on your regular Populi profile) doubles as a library card.
  • Under Loans, you'll can find a complete history of all the resources you've ever checked out. You can renew currently checked-out resources; if you have fines, you'll see those listed next to overdue/lost loans.
  • Under Holds, you'll see anything the library is currently holding for you. If you need to, you can cancel the hold.
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