Populi bases its Race/Ethnicity collection and reporting in accordance with IPEDS requirements as detailed on their website. As part of this compliance, oddly enough, there are sometimes differences between what you enter in Populi and what is displayed or reported in different parts of the system.
Here is a quick overview of the difference between what is collected and what is displayed:
- If they are Hispanic and don't check any boxes, or they check just the box for White, they are reported as Hispanic.
- If they are Hispanic and choose anything other than just White, they are reported as Non-White Hispanic.
- If they aren't a US citizen, but they have a Primary or Home address in the US, they are reported as U.S. Nonresident.
- If they aren't a US citizen, and they don't have Primary or Home address in the US, they are reported as Unknown.
- If they are not Hispanic, and select one race, that race is reported.
- If they are not Hispanic, and select more than one race, they are reported as Two or More Races.
- If nothing is entered, they are reported as Unknown.