If you wish to use Populi's DoED Integration features, start by contacting Populi customer support; ask us to turn on the DoED features for your school. After we turn that on, you'll then enter your DoED credentials and other settings. After you click Save Settings, remember that Populi will begin importing data from your SAIG mailbox every half hour!
Before starting with the DoED features, please heed the requirements and warnings described in this article!
COD Routing ID
The eight-digit number your school uses to access the U.S. Deparment of Education’s Common Origination and Disbursement system.
Pell ID
Eight-digit number given to your school by the U.S. Department of Education that lets you participate in the Pell Grant program.
Direct Loan School Code
Eight-digit number given to your school by the U.S. Department of Education that lets you participate in the Direct Loan program.
SAIG Mailbox
Enter your SAIG mailbox's TG number (e.g. TGA1111).
SAIG Password
The Group Properties password for your SAIG mailbox. SAIG requires you to reset this password every 90 days. Every time you reset it, you will need to come back here and enter the new password. You can use this site to reset your password. If you're a masochist, you can use the incredibly misanthropic password-reset function in EDConnect (please refer to "SAIG Password" in the EDConnect user guide for details and instructions).
Here's a quick guide to resetting your SAIG password—but please remember that the authoritative instructions are found in the EdConnect User Guide PDF(in Section 4.3 of the aforelinked PDF).
This process is much simpler if you proactively reset your SAIG password—SAIG sends you warnings about it nine days before it expires, so heed that warning!
- Go to the SAIG Portal. Log in with your TG Mailbox Number for the username and your current SAIG Password.
- Navigate to Group Properties > Networking.
- Update your password on that screen.
- Use EdConnect to transmit your new password to SAIG.
- After giving SAIG about thirty minutes to contemplate your new password, try logging back in to the SAIG Portal with your TG Mailbox number and the new password.
- Finally, provided the above process worked, make sure to enter the new SAIG password in Populi!
FTI-SAIG Runtime File
Your FTI-SAIG runtime file downloaded from the Security Subtab under the Participants Tab of the DoED FTI-TDCM website. You will need to update this file annually. This FSA Partners announcement has details and links to instructions.
Let Populi Update SAIG Password
When you let Populi update your password automatically, we will set a new password for you and then renew your password before it expires.
Here's how this setting works:
- Enter a valid SAIG password in the previous setting. (Until you do so, this setting will be unavailable.)
- Set this setting to Yes and then scroll up and click Save Settings.
- Every 80 calendar days, Populi will automatically reset your SAIG password.
- This password will remain hidden and you will not be able to access it. If you need to access SAIG outside of Populi, you will need to set this setting to No and contact COD to reset the password manually (see instructions in previous setting).
Auto-import ISIRs
When you import an ISIR, it can automatically update a student's financial aid information. ISIRs are matched to existing student profiles using the Social Security Number.
Default Officers
Choose an admissions representative or financial aid officer to assign to students when importing ISIRs.
Message Class Download Filter
Populi downloads all of the messages in your SAIG mailbox and stores them permanently (even if Populi cannot interpret the file). If you want Populi to download certain message classes (and exclude the rest), check the message classes you wish to download.
- Messages downloaded to Populi will not be available in EDConnect. Likewise, messages downloaded into EDConnect will not download into Populi.
- If ISIRs is checked, then those will automatically be imported into Populi; you can process these in Aid Applications > ISIRs.
- If you uncheck ISIRs, you can still export those from EDConnect and manually import them into Populi.
COD Sync Start Year
Select the aid year at which you wish to start syncing with COD. Awards attached to aid years prior to the one selected here will not be considered for COD sync. This allows you to exclude old awards you want to manage through a system other than Populi. Populi's COD sync automatically excludes all awards more than one aid year old.
Check enrollment status when creating a new disbursement batch
When you start a new disbursement batch, Populi will check the enrollment status of the students in the batch. Enrollment mismatches will be flagged and the disbursement’s status will change to Not Syncable.
FTI-SAIG Settings
FTI-SAIG is a separate transmission system the DoED uses to transmit Federal Tax Information (FTI). It can be used alongside SAIG but requires a separate set of credentials to receive ISIRs through it. Each FTI-SAIG setting explains what you'll need to enter or upload in order to enable the Populi/FTI-SAIG integration.
By-campus data
If certain campuses at your school have their own COD attended school Routing ID or OPEID, enter those here. Students attached to a single campus will have these IDs submitted to COD, instead of the defaults. Students attached to multiple campuses, no campus, or a campus without data entered will use the default COD Routing ID/OPE ID.