
Application fees

Here's how to set up application fees and waiver codes, as well as what happens when a fee is paid.

  • A Financial Admin user can set up the fee for you in Financial > Billing > Settings.
  • Admissions Admin users can then set up discount codes in Admissions > Settings > Discount Codes.
  • Once it's set up, you can attach it to individual applications in each application's settings.
  • Applicants can pay when they start the application or when they submit it. You can also choose to waive the fee on a case-by-case basis.

Create the fee in Financial

Ask a Financial Admin user to set up the Application Fee in Financial > Billing > Settings > Fees.

Application fees work best when you use these settings:

  • Type: Flat Rate
  • Refundable: No
  • Fin. Aid Applies: No
  • IRS 1098-T/T2202A: No

Setting up discount codes (optional)

In Admissions > Settings > Discount Codes, you can create codes that let applicants get a reduced price on their application fee.

  1. Click Add a Discount Code.
  2. The code is a random series, automatically-generated. Feel free to change it to something intelligible to a human.
  3. Choose whether the discount is a dollar amount or a percent.
  4. Choose whether it applies to all application forms or to particular forms.
  5. Enter a maximum number of times the code can be used (optional).
  6. Enter start and end dates.
  7. Click Save to finish.

The code is now available for applicants to use; how you'll distribute it to them is up to you!

Attach the fee to an application

After the fee is created, you can add it to as many application forms as you wish.

  1. Go to In Admissions > Settings > Application Forms and select the application to which you want to attach this fee.
  2. In the application's settings, click Fee.
  3. Select the fee from the drop-down. You'll be able to select from any of your school's fees, so make sure you pick the correct one!
  4. Enter or change the fee amount. Applicants working on this application will pay this amount. You can use the same fee on another application and charge a different amount there.
  5. Select when you want to require the fee's payment: when the applicant starts the application or before the applicant submits it.
  6. When you're done, click Save.


When an applicant pays the fee, you can arrange to have a notification sent to anyone who needs to know. Go to Admissions > Settings > Other Settings and enter email addresses for those who should receive such notifications. Make sure to separate multiple email addresses with commas. These people will receive a notification every time anyone pays any application fee.

How the fee works...

Here's how the fee works when you require payment before the application is started:

  • When a lead starts an application: When online applicants fill out the initial form, they'll be asked for payment information (and/or a discount code) before they can proceed to the main application form.
  • When you start the application for a lead: When you add the application to the Lead yourself, you'll have four options for the application fee: credit card, cash, check, and waive fee. Waive fee, of course, lets the applicant progress through the application without having to pay the fee.

Here's how the fee works when you require payment before the application is submitted:

  • Applicant pays: Before the applicant can submit the application, he'll be asked for payment information (and/or a discount code). Only after paying the fee (and completing the required fields) will he be able to submit the application.
  • You record the payment: On the application's page, you'll see whether or not the fee has been paid. If so, click Enter payment; you'll have the same four options as described above.
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