
Step two: set up custom admissions fields

Custom admissions fields let you track additional information about your Leads. Add them to Leads on Profile > Admissions >Custom Info. After adding it to a lead, it will be available in the various reports in Admissions.

Don't use custom fields to record information that Populi already tracks. This results in duplicate, inconsistent, and/or missing information. Only create a custom field once you are sure Populi's standard fields cannot store the information you need!

Adding a new field

To get started, go to Admissions > Settings > Admissions Fields.

  1. Click Add field.
  2. Select the Input. Your options are:
    • Integer or Decimal: Integer creates a number-entry field. Decimal creates a number-entry field that accepts decimals. These inputs reject regular text—letters and punctuation.
    • Text: Creates a 255-character text-entry field that accepts letters, numbers, and punctuation.
    • Select: Creates a list of options to choose from a drop-down menu. Type the options in the Value field and click Add to list them.
    • Date, Date/Time: Time creates Populi's standard month, day, and year fields. Date and Time includes an additional standard time field.
    • Checkbox: Creates a list of options. Checkbox lists let you select one or more options from a list. Type the options in the Value field and click Add to list them.
    • Radio: Creates a list of options. Radio lists let you select only one option from a list. Type the options in the Value field and click Add to list them.
    • File/Multiple Files: Creates a custom file upload space.
    • Text Area: Creates a 5,000-character text-entry field that accepts letters, numbers, and punctuation.
  3. Give the field a name (required) and a description (optional).
  4. For the input types that require options, type the options one-by-one. Click ...alphabetical to show them to the end-user in alphabetical order. Otherwise, they'll remain in the order in which you enter them here.
  5. When you're done, click Save.

Next steps: set up your lead sources

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