
Step four: set up your fees

Fees are non-tuition items which you charge your students for some aspect of their education or college life. Here's how they work:

  1. You create a fee, the details of which determine how it applies to student accounts.
  2. You can add optional fee rules, which let you automate the application of the fee when certain criteria are met.
  3. The fee is added as a pending charge to a student's account—it can be triggered by a fee rule or be manually added.
  4. Finally, the fee is invoiced; after that, it can be paid.

Fees have several settings that determine how and to whom they apply:

  • Flat rate fees charge the same amount every time. Per course/credit/hour fees charge a graduated amount depending on the student's enrollment.
  • Refundable fees return all or a portion of the charge to the student when he withdraws from courses; the fee refund is based on the refund policy of the student's tuition schedule.
  • Financial aid-eligible fees can be covered by financial aid awards. Other fees require a customer payment of some kind.
  • Fee rules apply the fee to students who trigger it by some event elsewhere in the system. Fee rules can be based on custom info, enrollment, particular degrees, and so on.

Whether or not we imported data for you, you'll need to set up your fees from scratch when you begin setup. Start by going to Billing > Settings > Fees and clicking Add Fee. Read more about Setting up Fees.

Next: set up meal and room plans...

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