In general settings, you can fine-tune Populi Library to best fit your school's needs.
Library fines fee
Select a Fee to use when charging Library-related fines (such as late fees or a replacement price). If necessary, have a Financial Admin create the appropriate fee before you change this setting.
Some notes for financial users on fees for library fines:
- When setting up the fee, set the type to Flat Rate and the amount to 0.
- Connect the main library fines fee to an income account.
- Each library also needs its own asset account for fee collection.
- This article describes how fees are handled—how they're levied, how they're paid, and how they're waived.
Library display name
By default, your library's display name will be "{COLLEGE NAME} Library". If you'd rather have this say something else, enter it here (and remember, brevity is the soul of wit).
Library greeting message
The greeting message displays on the main search page that greets all patrons and users who visit your school's Populi Library page. You can use text formatting in the greeting.
Disable integration
Library retrieves cover images and other information for your resources from's catalog (perhaps the highest-quality source of such information). However, because Amazon makes this information available via its Product Advertising API, Populi Library must display a Buy from Amazon link on the resource page. Understandably, you may not want this displayed on your Library.
To disable this integration, select Yes.
Disable automatic barcode generation
When you add new resource copies, Populi automatically generates and adds the next available barcode for that copy. If you wish to disable this feature, select Yes.
Lost resources email notification list
When a resource copy is marked as Lost, the people listed here will receive an email. Separate multiple addresses with a space or a comma.
Library Classification System
When adding new resources, Populi can automatically fill in the call number field according to the classification system you select here.
Library Staff can manage resources
By default, only Library Admins can add, edit, and delete resources. Select Yes to extend this ability to Library Staff users.
Z39.50 Servers
When adding new resources to your Library, Populi searches a variety of online library databases for resource information (as well as Amazon for cover images) using the Z39.50 protocol. Populi includes links to five public Z39.50 servers: Library of Congress, New York Public Library, OhioLINK, Washington State University, and Yale University. Login credentials are included for each server.
You can specify any number of Z39.50 servers for Populi to search. Here's how to add a new one:
- Click add server.
- Fill in the information requested. Details like host, database, etc. should be available from the source library.
- Check enabled.
- Click Save to finish adding the server.
Now that you've added this server...
- Click the server name to edit any of its details and enable/disable it.
- Click reorder servers to change the order in which Populi searches these servers for resource information.
- Test Server submits a packet of information to see whether the server is working.
- The date shows the last time you asked that server for information about a resource (or sent a test).
- Click to remove the server from your list altogether.