This is the reference documentation page for the old legacy Populi API.
This API is now deprecated and will receive no further development or improvements, except for security updates.
Please use our new improved API instead at
- addActivityFeedNote
- addAddress
- addAdvisorToStudent
- addAidApplication
- addApplication
- addApplicationNote
- addAssignmentComment
- addCampusToStudent
- addCommunicationPlanToPerson
- addCourseBulletinBoardPost
- addCourseInstanceAssignment
- addCourseInstanceAssignmentGroup
- addCourseOfferingLink
- addDefaultTuitionScheduleToStudent
- addDonation
- addEmailAddress
- addEnrollment
- addFieldOfStudy
- addFinancialAidAward
- addFinancialAidDisbursement
- addFinancialAidRefund
- addInquiry
- addOrganization
- addOrganizationToPerson
- addPayment
- addPendingCharge
- addPerson
- addPersonEmergencyContact
- addPersonRelationship
- addPhoneNumber
- addProfilePicture
- addRole
- addStandardizedTestToStudent
- addStudentDegree
- addStudentDegreeSpecialization
- addStudentProgram
- addTag
- addTermTuitionScheduleToStudent
- addTodo
- addTransferCredit
- addTransferCreditProgram
- addUser
- applyDeposit
- blockUser
- createCourseInstanceMeeting
- createFinancialAidDisbursementBatch
- deleteAddress
- deleteApplication
- deleteCampusFromStudent
- deleteCommunicationPlanFromPerson
- deleteCourseInstanceAssignment
- deleteCourseInstanceAssignmentGroup
- deleteCourseOfferingLink
- deleteCustomField
- deleteEmailAddress
- deleteFinancialAidAward
- deleteFinancialAidDisbursement
- deleteFinancialAidRefund
- deleteLicensePlate
- deletePerson
- deletePersonBirthDate
- deletePersonCitizenship
- deletePersonEmergencyContact
- deletePersonHometown
- deletePersonOrganization
- deletePersonRaceEthnicity
- deletePersonRelationship
- deletePersonSIN
- deletePersonSSN
- deletePhoneNumber
- deleteStudentDegree
- deleteStudentDegreeSpecialization
- deleteStudentMealPlan
- deleteStudentProgram
- deleteStudentRoomPlan
- deleteStudentStandardizedTest
- deleteStudentStandardizedTestSectionScore
- deleteTodo
- downloadBackup
- downloadFile
- downloadStudentSchedule
- editAidApplication
- editAidApplicationComponent
- editDonation
- editFinancialAidAward
- editFinancialAidDisbursement
- editFinancialAidRefund
- editStudentDegree
- editStudentDegreeSpecialization
- editStudentProgram
- editTransferCreditProgram
- finalizeCourseInstance
- finalizeStudentCourseEnrollment
- getAcademicTerms
- getAcademicYears
- getAidApplication
- getAidApplicationComponents
- getAidApplicationForStudentAidYear
- getAidApplications
- getAllCustomFields
- getAppeals
- getApplication
- getApplicationFieldOptions
- getApplicationFields
- getApplicationTemplates
- getApplications
- getAssignmentComments
- getAvailableRoles
- getCOACategories
- getCampaigns
- getCampusLifeRooms
- getCampuses
- getCatalogCourse
- getCommunicationPlans
- getCountries
- getCourseCatalog
- getCourseGroupInfo
- getCourseGroups
- getCourseInstance
- getCourseInstanceAssignmentGroups
- getCourseInstanceAssignments
- getCourseInstanceFiles
- getCourseInstanceLessons
- getCourseInstanceMeetingAttendance
- getCourseInstanceMeetings
- getCourseInstanceStudent
- getCourseInstanceStudentAttendance
- getCourseInstanceStudents
- getCourseOfferingLinks
- getCourseOfferingSyllabus
- getCurrentAcademicTerm
- getCurrentAcademicYear
- getCustomFieldOptions
- getCustomFields
- getDataSlicerReport
- getDataSlicerReports
- getDegreeAudit
- getDegrees
- getDonation
- getDonations
- getDonor
- getEducationLevels
- getEntriesForAccount
- getEvent
- getEvents
- getExitReasons
- getFees
- getFileDownloadURL
- getFinancialAidAwardTypes
- getFinancialAidAwards
- getFinancialAidDisbursement
- getFinancialAidDisbursements
- getFinancialAidYears
- getFunds
- getGradeReport
- getInquiries
- getInquiry
- getInvoice
- getInvoices
- getLeadSources
- getLeads
- getLedgerAccounts
- getMealPlans
- getMostRecentCompletedBackup
- getMyCourses
- getNews
- getOccupations
- getOnlinePaymentUrl
- getOrganization
- getOrganizationTypes
- getOrganizations
- getPayment
- getPaymentPlans
- getPendingCharges
- getPerson
- getPersonApplications
- getPersonCommunicationPlans
- getPersonLeads
- getPersonLocks
- getPersonOrganizations
- getPersonRelationships
- getPersonSIN
- getPersonSSN
- getPossibleDuplicatePeople
- getPrintLayouts
- getPrograms
- getProvinces
- getRaces
- getRefund
- getRelationshipTypes
- getRoleMembers
- getRoles
- getRoomPlans
- getStandardizedTests
- getStates
- getStudentAssignmentSubmissions
- getStudentBalances
- getStudentDefaultTuitionSchedules
- getStudentDiscipline
- getStudentEnrollment
- getStudentInfo
- getStudentMealPlan
- getStudentPrograms
- getStudentRoomPlan
- getStudentStandardizedTests
- getStudentTermTuitionSchedules
- getTaggedPeople
- getTags
- getTermBillingInfo
- getTermCourseInstances
- getTermEnrollment
- getTermStudents
- getTodos
- getTransactions
- getTranscript
- getTransferCreditProgramGradeOptions
- getTuitionSchedules
- getUpdatedEnrollment
- getUpdatedPeople
- getUsers
- getVoidedTransactions
- invoicePendingCharges
- linkApplicationToPerson
- linkDonation
- linkInquiryToPerson
- postFinancialAidDisbursement
- removeAdvisorFromStudent
- removeDefaultTuitionScheduleFromStudent
- removeRole
- removeTag
- removeTermTuitionScheduleFromStudent
- removeUser
- requestBackup
- resubscribeEmailAddress
- searchOrganizations
- searchPeople
- setApplicationField
- setCustomField
- setLeadInfo
- setPersonBirthDate
- setPersonCitizenship
- setPersonGender
- setPersonHometown
- setPersonName
- setPersonRaceEthnicity
- setPersonSIN
- setPersonSSN
- setStudentAssignmentGrade
- setStudentEntranceTerm
- setStudentFinalGrade
- setStudentID
- setStudentMealPlan
- setStudentRoomPlan
- setStudentStandardizedTestSectionScore
- setTodoCompleted
- submitApplication
- unblockUser
- unlinkApplication
- unlinkDonation
- unsubscribeEmailAddress
- updateAddress
- updateApplicationFieldStatus
- updateApplicationStatus
- updateCourseInstanceAssignment
- updateCourseInstanceAssignmentGroup
- updateCourseOfferingLink
- updateEmailAddress
- updateInquiry
- updateLicensePlate
- updatePersonOrganization
- updatePhoneNumber
- updateStudentAttendance
- updateStudentCourseEnrollment
- updateStudentStandardizedTest
- updateStudentTermTuitionScheduleBracket
- uploadAssignmentSubmission
- uploadFile
Adds a note and/or a file to a profile's activity feed.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose profile the note/file will be attached to. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization whose profile the note/file will be attached to. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
note | The note that will be attached to the profile's activity feed. | No (but either note, file, or both must be set) |
file | The file that will be attached to the profile's activity feed. Uploaded the via the HTTP POST method. | No (but either note, file, or both must be set) |
is_private | Boolean. Use when you want to mark the note/file as private. | No |
visibility_roles | An array of role IDs that can view the note/file, in JSON format. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The note/file visibility will default to your "Default activity feed visibility" setting.
When using visibility_roles, see getAvailableRoles to look up all possible roles and their numeric IDs.
The following roles are not allowed: Everyone, Student, and Library Patron.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Adds an address to a person or organization.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person to whose profile you are attaching this address. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization to whose profile you are attaching this address. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
street | e.g. 777 Magnolia Ln | Yes |
city | e.g. Moscow | Yes |
state | e.g. ID | No |
postal | e.g. 83843 | No |
country | e.g. US | No |
type | Person addresses: HOME, WORK, BILLING, SCHOOL, SHIPPING, OTHER Organization addresses: MAIN, BILLING, SHIPPING, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the address as primary or not primary. Defaults to false. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the address as public or not public. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be adding this address to his/her own profile.
Adds an advisor to a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
advisor_person_id | The numeric person ID of the advisor you're interested in. | Yes |
student_person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Adds a new financial aid application to a particular student in a particular aid year.
Parameter | Description | Required |
student_id | The numeric ID of the student. | Yes |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of the aid year. | Yes |
assigned_to_id | The numeric ID of the person to whom this aid application is assigned. | No |
enrollment | The student's enrollment status (for financial aid purposes): FULL_TIME, THREE_QUARTER_TIME, HALF_TIME, or LESS_THAN_HALF_TIME (defaults to FULL_TIME) | No |
dependency | Whether this student is considered a dependent for aid purposes: can be blank, DEPENDENT, or INDEPENDENT | No |
student_aid_class_id | The numeric aid class ID for this student (aid classes are how Populi groups similar types of students together). | No |
program_months | The number of months this student is expected to be enrolled in your school's program. | No |
year_coa | This student's Cost of Attendance if they were attending for the entire year (this should be extrapolated out from their program_coa for shorter programs, since Pell calculates based on COA for the entire year). | No |
program_coa | This student's Cost of Attendance in this aid year. | No |
year_efc | This student's Estimated Family Contribution in this aid year (extrapolated out to a full year for shorter programs, if necessary). | No |
program_efc | This student's Estimated Family Contribution in this aid year. | No |
student_agi | This student's Adjusted Gross Income in this aid year. | No |
parent_agi | The parents' Adjusted Gross Income in this aid year. | No |
legal_residence_state | The student's state of legal residence. | No |
verification | Whether this student has been selected for verification. Must be either blank, SELECTED_BY_COLLEGE, or SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT. | No |
verification_status | If this student was selected for verification (see above), what's their status? If set, must be one of: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, REJECTED, or EXEMPTED. Cannot be set if `verification` is blank. | No |
verification_group | If this student was selected for verification (see above), what verification group are they in? If set, must be one of: 'Standard, 'Child Support Paid', 'Custom', 'Aggregate', or 'Household Resources'. Cannot be set unless `verification` is set to SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT. | No |
auto_zero_efc | Whether the student's EFC was calculated using the "automatic zero" EFC formula. If set, must be: 1 or 0 | No |
status | The application status: SETUP, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, NEEDS_ATTENTION, or CANCELED (defaults to SETUP) | No |
housing | The student's housing situation: ON_CAMPUS, WITH_PARENT, or OFF_CAMPUS | No |
program_coa_categories | Array. The array keys should be COA category IDs (see getCOACategories). The array values should be the category amounts. Example: array(coa_category_id => amount, ...). | No |
component_ids | Array. The array values should be Aid Application Component IDs (see getAidApplicationComponents). If not specified, the default components for the aid classification will be used. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Adds an admissions application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_template_id | The numeric ID of the application template. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person who is the applicant. | No (But either person_id OR first_name, last_name and email_address must be set) |
lead_id | The numeric ID of the lead record this application should be attached to. Defaults to the person's active lead record. If no active lead record exists a new one will be created. Requires person_id. | No |
first_name | The first name of the applicant. | No (But either person_id OR first_name, last_name and email_address must be set) |
middle_name | The middle name of the applicant. | No |
last_name | The last name of the applicant. | No (But either person_id OR first_name, last_name and email_address must be set) |
fee_status | UNPAID, PAID, or WAIVED. Defaults to UNPAID | No |
email_address | The email address of the applicant. | No (But either person_id OR first_name, last_name and email_address must be set) |
start_date | The date this application was started (e.g. 2014-01-15). Defaults to the current date. | No |
representative_id | The numeric ID of the admissions representative who will be assigned to this application. | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program the applicant is applying to. | No |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree the applicant is applying to. | No |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization the applicant is applying to. | No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term the applicant wishes to enroll in. | No |
expected_enrollment | FULL_TIME (default), HALF_TIME, LESS_THAN_HALF_TIME | No |
lead_source_id | The numeric ID of the lead source to record for this application. | No |
email_link_to_applicant | Boolean. A link to the application will be emailed to the applicant. Defaults to true. | No |
request_email_verification | Boolean. An verification email will be sent to the applicant. Defaults to false. | No |
street | The applicant's street address. | No |
city | The applicant's city. | No |
state | The applicant's state or province abbreviation. | No |
postal | The applicant's postal code. | No |
country | The person's country abbreviation. | No |
phone | The person's phone number. | No |
skip_existing_application_check | Boolean. Defaults to false. See comments below. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
By default, if an in progress application already exists for the email_address and application_template_id a new application will not be created and the existing ID will be returned. Pass along skip_existing_application_check = true
to disable this feature.
Adds a note to an existing application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application. | Yes |
content | The text content of the note. | Yes |
public | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
If the note is public, a notification email will be sent to the applicant if they have an email address on record.
Adds an assignment comment to a particular assignment and student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
assignment_id | Numeric ID of the assignment. | Yes |
person_id | Numeric ID of the student. | Yes |
comment | The comment content. | No (but either comment OR file MUST be set) |
file | File uploaded the via the HTTP POST method. | No (but either comment OR file MUST be set) |
internal | Boolean. Use if you want the assignment comment to be an internal comment. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>39174392</id> </response>
The author of the assignment comment will be the current user.
Returns the assignment comment ID on success.
Adds a campus to a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
campus_id | The numeric ID of the campus you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The current user must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Adds a communication plans to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
communication_plan_id | The numeric ID of the communication plan you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
sender_id | The numeric ID of the person who the email/letter will be sent from or who a to-do is assigned by. | No |
start_date | The date communication events can start on (e.g. 2018-01-18). Defaults to the current date. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>99</id> </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
Adds a bulletin board post to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
post | The post content. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <post_id>1234578</post_id> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Creates an assignment in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the assignment. | Yes |
discussion_id | Only used when the assignment type is DISCUSSION. The numeric ID of the discussion you want to use (the default is 0 which means a new discussion will be created). | No |
description | A description of the assignment. | No |
catalog_course_ids | Only used if the course is cross-listed. This would be an array of catalog course IDs that the assignment applies to. If you leave this parameter out of the request the assignment will apply to all cross-listed courses. | No |
points | The number of points that the assignment is worth (the default is 0). | No |
extra_credit | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
group_id | The assignment group ID this assignment belongs to (the default is 0 which is the built-in "Other" group). | No |
published | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
time_due | When the assignment is due (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
visible_to_students_before_due | When the passed in type is TEST this sets whether or not the test is visible before it's available (the default is 1). | No |
availability | FROM, AFTER, BEFORE, or ALWAYS (the default is FROM). If the value is FROM and both start_window and end_window are empty then the test will not be available. | No |
start_window | When the test availability starts (e.g. 2017-06-01 00:00:00 - must be in the course instance's timezone). Only used when the availability parameter is FROM or AFTER. | No |
end_window | When the test availability ends (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). Only used when the availability parameter is FROM or BEFORE. | No |
The following parameters are only used when the assignment type is TEST: | ||
time_limit | The time limit in minutes (the default is 0 which is "No time limit"). | No |
retake_policy | NO_RETAKES (no retakes - the default), KEEP_HIGHEST (keep highest score), KEEP_LAST (keep most recent score), AVERAGE (average all scores). | No |
retakes | The number of retakes allowed (only used when the retake_policy is not NO_RETAKES - the default is 0). | No |
proctored | NOT_PROCTORED (the default), EMAIL_OR_SMS, or SMS. | No |
test_submit_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback - the default), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers). | No |
test_end_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers - the default). | No |
course_end_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers - the default). | No |
The following parameters are only used when the assignment type is PEER_REVIEW_FILE_UPLOAD or PEER_REVIEW_ESSAY: | ||
peer_grade | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
grade_submission_points | The number of points that submissions are worth (the default is 0). | No |
grade_review_points | The number of points that reviews are worth (the default is 0). | No |
anonymous_reviews | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
review_visibility | NEVER (not visible to other students - the default), AFTER_REVIEW (visible to other students after their review), ALWAYS (visible to other students). | No |
allow_review_comments | Boolean. Only used when review_visibility is not NEVER. Defaults to false. | No |
reviews_time_due | When reviews are due (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
reviews_closed_date_time | When reviews are closed (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Creates an assignment group in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the new assignment group. | Yes |
weight | The assignment group's weight percent (the default is 0). | No |
extra_credit | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
drop_lowest | The number of lowest-graded assignments to drop from this group for each student (the default is 0). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Adds a link to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the link. | Yes |
url | The URL for the link. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <link_id>2345</link_id> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task (and the course must not be finalized).
Adds a default tuition schedule to a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Adds a new donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
amount | The total amount of the donation. | Yes |
posted_date | The date the donation transaction was posted. If this parameter is not supplied, then the donation will be considered posted today. | No |
fund_id | The numeric ID of the fund the donation is applied to. | Yes |
funds | An array of fund_ids and amounts, in JSON format, if the donation should be split between multiple funds. (e.g. [{"fund_id":522,"amount":150.00}, {"fund_id":526, "amount":50}]) | No |
deposit_into_account_id | The numeric ID of the financial asset account where the donation money is deposited. | Yes |
first_name | The first name of the donor. | Yes |
last_name | The last name of the donor | Yes |
org_name | If the donor is an organization, provide the name here. | No |
person_id | To link this donation to an existing person as the donor, supply their numeric ID here. If this parameter is supplied, then first_name and last_name are not required. | No |
organization_id | To link this donation to an existing organization as the donor, supply their numeric ID here. If this parameter is supplied, then first_name and last_name are not required. | No |
payment_reference | Additional information about the payment, such as a check number. | No |
gift_in_kind_description | if the payment_method is GIFT_IN_KIND, use this parameter to describe what was donated. | No |
staff_comment | The comment about this donation only visible to staff. | No |
phone_number | The phone number of the donor. Typically leave blank if person_id or organization_id is included. | No |
email_address | The email address of the donor. Typically leave blank if person_id or organization_id is included. | No |
campaign_id | The numeric ID of the campaign associated with this donation. | No |
appeal_id | The numeric ID of the appeal associated with this donation. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>57002</result> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Upon success, the numeric ID of the newly created donation is returned. Otherwise, an error message will be returned.
If recording a donation split between several funds, use the funds parameter. In this case, the single fund_id parameter is ignored.
Adds an email to a person or organization.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person to whose profile you are attaching this email address. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization to whose profile you are attaching this email address. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
email_address | e.g. | Yes |
type | Person email addresses: HOME, WORK, SCHOOL, OTHER Organization email addresses: WORK, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the email address as primary or not primary. Defaults to false. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the email address as public or not public. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be adding this email address to his/her own profile.
Adds a student to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
status | ENROLLED, AUDITOR, or WAITING (if you have access to the waiting list). The default is ENROLLED. | No |
status_date | What date Populi should recognize the student as added. This is used for financial, add/drop dates, etc. The default is the current date. | No |
catalog_course_id | This is used for cross-listed courses. The default is the primary catalog course ID. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher that can override enrollment to call this task.
Adds a field of study to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
name | The name of the field of study. | No |
start_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2020-09-05". | No |
end_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2024-05-07". | No |
is_private | Boolean. Defaults to the "Make relationships between people and organizations private by default" security setting. | No |
can_show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Private fields of study are only visible to Faculty/Staff/Advisors.
Adds a new financial aid award to a student in a given aid year, and optionally add disbursements.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of a student. | Yes |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of an aid year (see getFinancialAidYears). | Yes |
award_type_id | The numeric ID of an award type (see getFinancialAidAwardTypes). | Yes |
amount | The total/gross amount of this award. | Yes |
net_amount | The net amount of this award. | Yes |
status | Possible values: SETUP, OFFERED, ACCEPTED, DECLINED, CANCELED. | Yes |
max_amount | The maximum amount for this award. | No |
disbursements | An array of json encoded objects, each with the following keys: date, net_amount, gross_amount, academic_term_id | No |
include_details | Boolean. Defaults to false. If true, additional details about the newly added award and disbursements will be included in the response. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Adds a new disbursement to an existing financial aid award and returns the ID of the new disbursement.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of a student. | Yes |
award_id | The numeric ID of an award. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of an academic term. | Yes |
scheduled_date | The anticipated disbursement date in the format '2012-10-10'. | Yes |
amount | The net amount of this disbursement. | Yes |
gross_amount | The gross net amount of this disbursement (defaults to the net amount). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <disbursement>123456</disbursement> </response>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Adds a new refund (to source or to student) on an existing financial aid award.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of a student. | Yes |
award_id | The numeric ID of an award. | Yes |
scheduled_date | The anticipated refund date in the format '2012-10-10'. | Yes |
amount | The net amount of this disbursement. | Yes |
type | REFUND_TO_STUDENT: The refund is being paid out to the student. This amount will remain on his or her 1098T. REFUND_TO_SOURCE: The refund is being returned to the aid source and will no longer affect the student's 1098T. | Yes |
asset_account_id | The ID of the asset account the money's coming from. Only applies to REFUND_TO_STUDENT type refunds. | Yes (for REFUND_TO_STUDENT) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Adds a new admissions inquiry.
Parameter | Description | Required |
first_name | The person's first name. | Yes |
middle_name | The person's middle name. | No |
last_name | The person's last name. | Yes |
phone | The person's phone number. | No |
The person's email address. | Yes | |
lead_source_id | The numeric ID of the lead source to record for this inquiry. | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program the person is interested in. | No |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree the person is interested in. | No |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization the person is interested in. | No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term the person is interested in attending. | No |
content | The text content of the person's request | No |
added_on | The date the inquiry was made in the format '2016-10-27' | No |
representative_id | The numeric ID of the person to assign this inquiry to as a representative. | No |
create_response | Boolean. Create a response thread and/or email a thank you message on create? Defaults to false. | No |
street | The person's street address. | No |
city | The person's city. | No |
state | The person's state or province abbreviation. | No |
postal | The person's postal code. | No |
country | The person's country abbreviation. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>43551</id> </response>
You must have the Admissions or Admissions Admin role to call this task.
Adds a new organization into Populi.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The name of the organization. | Yes |
type_id | The numeric ID of the type. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>457896354</id> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
See getOrganizationTypes for "type_id" options.
See addPhoneNumber, addEmailAddress, addAddress if you'd like to add contact information to your new organization.
See addTag if you'd like to tag your new organization.
Adds an organization to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
title | The person's title at the organization. | No |
start_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2020-09-05". | No |
end_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2024-05-07". | No |
is_primary | Boolean. | No |
is_private | Boolean. Defaults to the "Make relationships between people and organizations private by default" security setting. | No |
occupation_id | The numeric ID of the occupation. See getOccupations. Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
full_time | Boolean. Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
weekly_hours | Only used when full_time = 0 and type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
salary | Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
can_show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Only used when type = EDUCATION. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>123456</result> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Private person organization records are only visible to Faculty/Staff/Advisors.
Adds a payment to a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
amount | The amount of the payment. | Yes |
asset_account_id | The numeric ID of the asset account. | Yes |
posted_date | The transaction's posted date. Defaults to the current date. | No |
automatically_apply_to_invoices | Boolean. Pass in true if you want the payment to automatically apply to invoices. Defaults to false. | No |
pay_invoices | Array. The array keys should be the invoice IDs that you want the payment to apply to. The array values should be the amount that you want to apply. e.g. array(invoice_id => amount_to_apply_to_invoice, ...). | No |
paid_by_type | PERSON (default) or ORG. | No |
paid_by_id | The numeric ID of the person or org who is making the payment. Defaults to the passed in person_id (the first parameter). | No |
source_type | CASH, CHECK (default), CREDIT_CARD, ACH, MONEY_ORDER, or OTHER. | No |
reference_number | The payment's internal reference number. | No |
currency | USD, CAD, EGP, EUR, GBP, MXN, KYD, HTG, HKD, or ZAR. Defaults to your organization's main currency. | No |
exchange_rate | Only used when the currency is not your organization's home currency. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <payment_id>1178</payment_id> <receipt_number>596fe256b9c4c</receipt_number> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Adds a pending charge to a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
amount | The amount of the pending charge. | Yes |
item_type | TUITION, FEE, ROOM_PLAN, or MEAL_PLAN. | Yes |
item_id | Depending on what item_type is passed in this would be a tution bracket ID, a fee ID, a room plan ID, or a meal plan ID. | Yes |
academic_term_id | A pending charge with item_type FEE does not have to be attached to a particular academic term. All other item_types must be attached to a particular academic term. | No |
description | A description for the pending charge. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <pending_charge_id>1111</pending_charge_id> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Adds a new person into Populi. To avoid duplicate records, we strongly recommend calling getPossibleDuplicatePeople before calling addPerson.
Parameter | Description | Required |
first_name | The official/legal first name for this person (you can set preferred name later). | Yes |
last_name | The last name for the person. | Yes |
gender | MALE, FEMALE, or UNKNOWN (default). | No |
birth_date | e.g. 1979-10-02 | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
See addPhoneNumber, addEmailAddress, addAddress if you'd like to add contact information to your new person.
See addRole if you'd like to add a role to your new person.
See addTag if you'd like to tag your new person.
Adds an emergenct contat to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
emergency_contact_person_id | The numeric ID of the emergency contact person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
A relationship between the two people must exist - see addPersonRelationship.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Adds a relationship between two people.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
other_person_id | The numeric ID of the other person. | Yes |
relationship_type_id | The numeric ID of the relationship type. | Yes |
emergency_contact | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>123456</result> </response>
See getRelationshipTypes.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Adds a phone number to a person or organization.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person to whose profile you are attaching this phone number. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization to whose profile you are attaching this phone number. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
phone_number | e.g. 1-800-888-8888 | Yes |
type | Person phone numbers: HOME, WORK, MOBILE, SCHOOL, FAX, OTHER Organization phone numbers: WORK, FAX, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the phone number as primary or not primary. Defaults to false. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the phone number as public or not public. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be adding this phone number to his/her own profile.
Adds a profile picture to Populi. The ideal dimensions are 600 wide x 750 tall.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
image | A base 64 encoded string of the image. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role to call addProfilePicture.
Adds a role to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
role_id | The numeric ID of the role you want to add. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role and permission to add the role (this varies by role... so Academic Admins can add the Registrar role, Admissions Admins can add the Admission role, etc).
See getAvailableRoles to look up all possible roles and their numeric IDs.
Adds a standardized test to a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
standardized_test_id | The numeric ID of the standardized test. | Yes |
taken_date | The date the test was taken. | Yes |
received_date | The date the test was received. | Yes |
score | The test score. | Yes |
primary | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
section_scores | Array. The array keys should be the section IDs and the values should be the section scores. e.g. array(section_id => section_score, ...). | No |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Add a degree to a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree you're interested in. | Yes |
active_date | The active date in the format '2012-10-10'. | Yes |
catalog_year_id | The numeric ID of the catalog year you're interested in. | Yes |
anticipated_completion_date | The anticipated completion date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether the degree should show on the transcript. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Adds a specialization to student's existing degree.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
degree_student_id | The numeric ID of the degree_student object in question. | Yes |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization you wish to add. | Yes |
granted_date | The granted date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether the specialization should show on the transcript. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Add a program to a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. | Yes |
start_date | The start date of the program in the format '2018-06-05'. Defaults to the current date. | No |
previous_education_level_id | The numeric education level ID the person has completed (e.g. High School, Some College, etc). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Adds a tag to a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person who should be tagged. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization that should be tagged. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
tag_id | The numeric ID of the tag. | No (but either tag_id or tag must be set) |
tag | The actual tag you want to be attached (e.g. "Do not call", or "Good reference"). | No (but either tag_id or tag must be set) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
If you pass "tag" and that tag doesn't exist, it will be created. If you pass in a tag_id that doesn't exists, a BAD_PARAMETER error will be thrown.
The same tag cannot be attached multiple times to the same person - if the person already has this tag, addTag will return SUCCESS and do nothing.
System tags cannot be assigned by anyone other than Populi... so certain tags like "Expelled" are off-limits. To add these tags, you'll need to take some action in Populi - the correct system tags will be added as a byproduct of that action.
Adds a term tuition schedule to a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_bracket_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule bracket you're interested in, or "AUTOMATIC" (defaults to "AUTOMATIC"). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Adds a new todo (the Added By of this new todo will show the currently logged-in user).
Parameter | Description | Required |
content | What the todo should say (e.g. "Remember the milk on the way home from work") | Yes |
due | The due date for this todo (e.g. 2011-06-24) | No |
assigned_to | The person responsible for completing this todo. Defaults to the currently logged-in user. | No |
attached_to_type | If you'd like to attach this todo onto someone's profile, set this to PERSON. | No |
attached_to | If you'd like to attach this todo onto someone's profile, put that person's numeric ID here (and you MUST have attached_to_type set to PERSON). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Right now you can only attach todos to people, so the only legitimate value for attached_to_type is PERSON. If you attach a todo onto someone's profile (say a lead or student who needs to be called), it will be visible to everyone with the Staff role.
If you attach a todo to a person, there will be a handy link to jump to their profile when the todo is displayed on your dasboard.
Adds a transfer credit to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization. Transfer Instutitions are Organizations. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
course_number | Yes | |
course_name | Yes | |
credits | No (but either credits, hours, clinical_hours, or attendance_hours must be set) | |
hours | No (but either credits, hours, clinical_hours, or attendance_hours must be set) | |
clinical_hours | No (but either credits, hours, clinical_hours, or attendance_hours must be set) | |
attendance_hours | No (but either credits, hours, clinical_hours, or attendance_hours must be set) | |
fulfills_program_requirements | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
pass_affects_gpa | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
fail_affects_gpa | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
pass_fail_pass_affects_gpa | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
pass_fail_fail_affects_gpa | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
affects_standing | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
catalog_course_id | The numeric ID of the catalog course. | No (but either catalog_course_id or course_group_id must be set) |
course_group_id | The numeric ID of the course group. | No (but either catalog_course_id or course_group_id must be set) |
description | No | |
status | PENDING (default), APPROVED, or REJECTED | No (you must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to set a transfer credit to APPROVED or REJECTED) |
effective_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2020-09-05". | No (may only be set when status is APPROVED) |
applies_to_all_programs | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>789654423</id> </response>
You must have the Admissions Admin, Admissions, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Transfer Institutions will automatically be created.
applies_to_all_programs = true will automatically apply the transfer credit to the student's program(s). To enter program grade information see addTransferCreditProgram or editTransferCreditProgram.
effective_date is the date after which the transfer credit may be counted as a retake. Defaults to the "Transfer Credit Default Effective Date" academic setting.
Adds a program to a transfer credit.
Parameter | Description | Required |
transfer_credit_id | The numeric ID of the transfer credit you're interested in. | Yes |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. | Yes |
grade | Mixed. See getTransferCreditProgramGradeOptions for a list of values. | No |
pass_fail | Boolean. Whether or not this the grade is a pass/fail grade. Defaults to false. | No (but must be passed in if the grade parameter is numeric) |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether or not the transfer credit should show up on the transcript. Only used when the transfer credit's status = APPROVED. | No |
is_transfer_student | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether or not the student is considered a transfer student in the particular program. Only used when the transfer credit's status = APPROVED. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions Admin, Admissions, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Grants user access to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose user account will be created. | Yes |
username | A username for the person. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, period and underscore. If no username is passed in Populi will autogenerate one. | No |
send_welcome_email | Boolean. Send a welcome email to the person's primary email address. Defaults to true. | No |
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Applies a deposit to a student, from a liability account to their accounts receivable balance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
liability_account_id | The numeric ID of the liability account. | Yes |
amount | The amount to apply. | Yes |
posted_date | The transaction's posted date. Defaults to the current date. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <transaction_id>1178</transaction_id> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Used to block a particular user account.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose user account will be blocked. | Yes |
reason | The reason the user account is being blocked. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
Users with the Academic Admin role can block anyone.
Users with the Staff role can block anyone except for users with the Academic Admin role.
The user status of current Account Admins and Billing Contacts can't be edited.
You cannot block your user account.
Creates a meeting for a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instanceID | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
startMonth | e.g. 01 | Yes |
startDay | e.g. 01 | Yes |
startYear | e.g. 2016 | Yes |
startHour | Hours should be 0 based. e.g. 0-23 | Yes |
startMinute | Minutes should be 0 based. e.g. 0-59 | Yes |
endMonth | e.g. 01 | Yes |
endDay | e.g. 01 | Yes |
endYear | e.g. 2016 | Yes |
endHour | Hours should be 0 based. e.g. 0-23 | Yes |
endMinute | Minutes should be 0 based. e.g. 0-59 | Yes |
roomID | The numeric ID of the room where the meeting will take place. | No |
counts_toward_attendance_hours | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
counts_toward_clinical_hours | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
initial_student_attendance_status | PRESENT (default), ABSENT, TARDY, EXCUSED, or NONE | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
If you pass in initial_student_attendance_status = NONE then students in the course will not get an attendance record for the new meeting by default. Otherwise, students in the course will get an attendance record (the default status is PRESENT).
Creates a new financial aid disbursement batch and returns the ID of the new batch.
Parameter | Description | Required |
disbursement_ids | An array of disbursement IDs - see addFinancialAidDisbursement | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> <id>123456</id> </result>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Deletes an address.
Parameter | Description | Required |
addressid | The numeric ID of the address. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be deleting an address on his/her own profile.
Deletes an application from an applicant.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | Numeric ID of the application. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Deletes a campus from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
campus_id | The numeric ID of the campus you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The current user must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Deletes a communication plans from a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
communication_plan_instance_id | The numeric ID of the communication plan instance you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes an assignment in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
assignment_id | The numeric ID of the assignment you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Deletes an assignment group in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
group_id | The numeric ID of the assignment group you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Deletes a link attached to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
link_id | The numeric ID of the link you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task (and the course must not be finalized).
Deletes a custom field attached a particular person, organization, or donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
owner_id | The numeric ID of the object you're interested in. | No |
custom_field_id | The numeric ID of the custom field you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | No (but must be set for TERM_STUDENT type fields) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
When deleting a custom field on a Donation or Organization, use the owner_id parameter. Otherwise use person_id.
Deletes an email address.
Parameter | Description | Required |
emailid | The numeric ID of the email address. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be deleting an email address on his/her own profile.
Deletes an existing financial aid award (must not have any posted disbursements).
Parameter | Description | Required |
award_id | The numeric ID of an award with no posted disbursements. | Yes |
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Deletes an existing disbursement which has not yet been posted.
Parameter | Description | Required |
disbursement_id | The numeric ID of a disbursement with a status of SETUP or SCHEDULED (but not POSTED, DELETED or VOID) | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Deletes an existing refund (REFUND_TO_STUDENT, REFUND_TO_SOURCE) which has not yet been posted.
Parameter | Description | Required |
refund_id | The numeric ID of a refund with a status of SETUP or SCHEDULED (but not POSTED, DELETED or VOID) | Yes |
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Delete a person's license plate.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role to call deleteLicensePlate.
Deletes a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You cannot delete your own account.
You must have the Academic Admin role to delete an Academic Admin's account.
You cannot delete an Account Admin's account.
You cannot delete a Billing Contact's account.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes the birth date for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes the citizenship for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Removes an emergency contact from a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
emergency_contact_person_id | The numeric ID of the emergency contact person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
A relationship between the two people must exist.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes the hometown for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes a person organization record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
id | The numeric ID of the person_organization record. See getPersonOrganization. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes the race/ethnicity for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes a specified relationship between two people.
Parameter | Description | Required |
id | The numeric ID of the relationship you want to delete. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Deletes the social insurance number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN/SIN editing permissions to call this task.
Deletes the social security number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN editing permissions to call this task.
Deletes a phone number.
Parameter | Description | Required |
phoneid | The numeric ID of the phone number. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be deleting a phone number on his/her own profile.
Deletes an existing student degree record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
degree_student_id | The numeric ID of the degree_student record. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Deletes a specialization attached to a student's degree.
Parameter | Description | Required |
degree_student_id | The numeric ID of the degree_student object in question. | Yes |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization you wish to remove. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Removes a meal plan from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, or Student Billing.
Deletes an existing student program record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
student_program_id | The numeric ID of the student's program you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Removes a room plan from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, or Student Billing.
Removes a standardized test record from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
student_standardized_test_id | The numeric ID of the student's standardized test record. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Removes a student's standardized test section score.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
student_standardized_test_id | The numeric ID of the student's standardized test record. | Yes |
standardized_test_section_id | The numeric ID of the standardized test section. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Deletes a todo.
Parameter | Description | Required |
todo_id | The numeric ID of the todo you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This function can only be used on todos 1) assigned to the currently logged-in user, 2) assigned by the currently logged-in user or 3) public todos attached to somone's profile if the currently logged-in user has the Staff role.
Once a backup is ready for download, you can download it (as a ZIP file named using this task.
Parameter | Description | Required |
backup_id | The numeric ID of the backup you'd like to download. | Yes |
Example Response
Binary zip file data. The HTTP Content-disposition header will include the filename (e.g.
Unlike most tasks in Populi's API, this function returns the actual binary data of a ZIP file rather than XML.
By specifying on_complete_url when calling requestBackup, you can have your own web application called as soon as the backup is ready for download. Your application can then call downloadBackup to get the ZIP file and encrypt and save it however you'd like.
You must be an Account Administrator to call this task.
Downloads the contents of a file.
Parameter | Description | Required |
file_id | The numeric ID of the file you'd like to download. | Yes |
Example Response
The raw binary data for this file - the Content-Type HTTP header will indicate MIME type, and the Content-Disposition header will contain the file name.
Unlike most tasks, this one returns raw binary data rather than XML.
Returns a PDF version of a student's schedule in a term.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
This task will return raw binary data rather than XML.
To call this task for anyone other than yourself, you must have the Registrar role, Academic Admin role, or be an advisor of the person.
Edits an existing financial aid application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_application_id | The numeric ID of the aid application. | Yes |
assigned_to_id | The numeric ID of the person to whom this aid application is assigned. | No |
enrollment | The student's enrollment status (for financial aid purposes): FULL_TIME, THREE_QUARTER_TIME, HALF_TIME, or LESS_THAN_HALF_TIME | No |
dependency | Whether this student is considered a dependent for aid purposes: can be blank, DEPENDENT, or INDEPENDENT | No |
student_aid_class_id | The numeric aid class ID for this student (aid classes are how Populi groups similar types of students together). | No |
program_months | The number of months this student is expected to be enrolled in your school's program. | No |
year_coa | This student's Cost of Attendance if they were attending for the entire year (this should be extrapolated out from their program_coa for shorter programs, since Pell calculates based on COA for the entire year). | No |
program_coa | This student's Cost of Attendance in this aid year. | No |
year_efc | This student's Estimated Family Contribution in this aid year (extrapolated out to a full year for shorter programs, if necessary). | No |
program_efc | This student's Estimated Family Contribution in this aid year. | No |
student_agi | This student's Adjusted Gross Income in this aid year. | No |
parent_agi | The parents' Adjusted Gross Income in this aid year. | No |
legal_residence_state | The student's state of legal residence. | No |
verification | Whether this student has been selected for verification. Must be either blank, SELECTED_BY_COLLEGE, or SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT. | No |
verification_status | If this student was selected for verification (see above), what's their status? If set, must be one of: IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, REJECTED, or EXEMPTED. Cannot be set if `verification` is blank. | No |
verification_group | If this student was selected for verification (see above), what verification group are they in? If set, must be one of: 'Standard, 'Child Support Paid', 'Custom', 'Aggregate', or 'Household Resources'. Cannot be set unless `verification` is set to SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT. | No |
auto_zero_efc | Whether the student's EFC was calculated using the "automatic zero" EFC formula. If set, must be: 1 or 0 | No |
status | The application status: SETUP, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, NEEDS_ATTENTION, or CANCELED | No |
housing | The student's housing situation: ON_CAMPUS, WITH_PARENT, or OFF_CAMPUS | No |
program_coa_categories | Array. The array keys should be COA category IDs (see getCOACategories). The array values should be the category amounts. Example: array(coa_category_id => amount, ...). | No |
component_ids | Array. The array values should be Aid Application Component IDs (see getAidApplicationComponents). If not specified, the existing components will remain as they are. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
If you don't set a field explicitly, its value will remain unchanged.
Sets the status of a specific component of an aid application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_application_id | The numeric ID of the aid application. | Yes |
aid_application_component_id | The numeric ID of the aid application component | Yes |
status | The aid application component status: PENDING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, DELETED | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Edits an existing donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
donation_id | The numeric ID of the donation | Yes |
staff_comment | The comment about this donation only visible to staff. | No |
campaign_id | The numeric ID of the campaign associated with this donation. | No |
appeal_id | The numeric ID of the appeal associated with this donation. | No |
acknowledged_at | The date and time the donation was acknowledged. (e.g. 2019-05-02 14:00:00). Set this to blank to mark a donation as unacknowledged. | No |
acknowledged_by | The numeric ID of the person who acknowledged the donation. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Use the linkDonation task to assign donor or soft credit relationships. Funds and amounts cannot be edited after a donation has been created; to change those, void the transaction and add a new donation in its place.
Edits an existing financial aid award.
Parameter | Description | Required |
award_id | The numeric ID of an award. | Yes |
amount | The total/gross amount of this award. | Yes |
net_amount | The net amount of this award. | Yes |
status | Possible values: SETUP, OFFERED, ACCEPTED, DECLINED, CANCELED. | Yes |
max_amount | The maximum amount for this award. | No |
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Edits an existing disbursement (only possible before it's posted).
Parameter | Description | Required |
disbursement_id | The numeric ID of a disbursement. | Yes |
scheduled_date | The anticipated disbursement date in the format '2012-10-10'. | Yes |
amount | The net amount of this disbursement. | Yes |
gross_amount | The gross net amount of this disbursement. | No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of an academic term. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Edits an existing refund (only possible before it's posted).
Parameter | Description | Required |
refund_id | The numeric ID of a refund. | Yes |
scheduled_date | The anticipated disbursement date in the format '2012-10-10'. | Yes |
amount | The net amount of this refund. | Yes |
type | Possible options: REFUND_TO_STUDENT, REFUND_TO_SOURCE | Yes |
asset_account_id | The ID of the asset account the money's coming from. Only applies to REFUND_TO_STUDENT type refunds. | Yes (for REFUND_TO_STUDENT) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Edit an existing student degree record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
degree_student_id | The numeric ID of the degree_student record. | Yes |
status | ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or GRANTED. | No |
active_date | The active date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
inactive_date | The inactive date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
graduation_date | The graduation_date date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
catalog_year_id | The numeric ID of the catalog year you're interested in. | No |
anticipated_completion_date | The anticipated completion date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Whether the degree should show on the transcript. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Edit a specialization attached to a student's degree.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
degree_student_id | The numeric ID of the degree_student object in question. | Yes |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization you wish to remove. | Yes |
granted_date | The granted date in the format '2012-10-10'. | No |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Whether the specialization should show on the transcript. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Edit an existing student program record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
student_program_id | The numeric ID of the student's program you're interested in. | Yes |
start_date | The start date of the program in the format '2018-06-05'. | No |
previous_education_level_id | The numeric education level ID the person has completed (e.g. High School, Some College, etc). | No |
is_transfer_student | Boolean | No |
enrollment_status | If you wish to force the student's enrollment status to be reported a certain way. Available options: AUTOMATIC, FULL_TIME, THREE_QUARTER_TIME, HALF_TIME, LESS_THAN_HALF_TIME. | No |
exit_date | The exit date, or date the program became inactive in the format '2022-02-05'. Setting this to blank will make the program active if it was previously inactive. | No |
exit_reason_id | Used to specify the exit reason. The program's exit_date must be set. Will default to 0 (Unknown). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Used to edit a transfer credit's program data.
Parameter | Description | Required |
transfer_credit_id | The numeric ID of the transfer credit you're interested in. | Yes |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. | Yes |
grade | Mixed. See getTransferCreditProgramGradeOptions for a list of values. | No |
pass_fail | Boolean. Whether or not this the grade is a pass/fail grade. Defaults to false. | No (but must be passed in if the grade parameter is numeric) |
show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether or not the transfer credit should show up on the transcript. Only used when the transfer credit's status = APPROVED. | No |
is_transfer_student | Boolean. Defaults to true. Whether or not the student is considered a transfer student in the particular program. Only used when the transfer credit's status = APPROVED. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions Admin, Admissions, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Finalizes a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Finalizes a student's course enrollment.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Returns all academic terms.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <academic_term> <termid>1111</termid> <name>Fall</name> <fullname>2010-2011: Fall</fullname> <start_date>2010-08-15</start_date> <end_date>2010-12-18</end_date> <type>STANDARD_TERM</type> <yearid>222</yearid> <start_year>2010</start_year> <end_year>2011</end_year> <nonstandard>0</nonstandard> </academic_term> <academic_term> <termid>4444</termid> <name>Spring</name> <fullname>2010-2011: Spring</fullname> <start_date>2011-01-15</start_date> <end_date>2011-05-18</end_date> <type>STANDARD_TERM</type> <yearid>222</yearid> <start_year>2010</start_year> <end_year>2011</end_year> <nonstandard>0</nonstandard> </academic_term> ... </response>
Returns all academic years.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <academic_year> <yearid>111</yearid> <start_year>1901</start_year> <end_year>1902</end_year> </academic_year> <academic_year> <yearid>222</yearid> <start_year>1902</start_year> <end_year>1903</end_year> </academic_year> ... </response>
Returns a particular financial aid application (each student can have one per aid year).
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_application_id | The numeric ID of the aid application. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <aid_application> <id>65</id> <student_id>1000</student_id> <aid_year_id>6</aid_year_id> <aid_year_name>2009-2010</aid_year_name> <assigned_to_id>0</assigned_to_id> <assigned_to_name></assigned_to_name> <dependency></dependency> <student_aid_class_id></student_aid_class_id> <student_aid_class_name></student_aid_class_name> <program_months>9</program_months> <enrollment>FULL_TIME</enrollment> <year_coa>555.55</year_coa> <program_coa>0.00</program_coa> <year_efc>0.00</year_efc> <program_efc>0.00</program_efc> <student_agi>0.00</student_agi> <parents_agi>0.00</parents_agi> <auto_zero_efc>0</auto_zero_efc> <fisap_total_income>0.00</fisap_total_income> <legal_residence_state></legal_residence_state> <need>0</need> <housing></housing> <status>SETUP</status> <verification>SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT</verification> <verification_status>IN_PROGRESS</verification_status> <verification_group></verification_group> <verification_exempt_reason></verification_exempt_reason> <added_by_id>1257</added_by_id> <added_at>2014-12-17 10:47:56</added_at> <last_isir_id>1234</last_isir_id> <isir_veteran/> <components> <component> <id>1727937</id> <component_id>7704</component_id> <component_name>FAFSA</component_name> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <updated_by>86965</updated_by> <updated_at>2014-12-23 11:27:13</updated_at> </component> <component> <id>1727936</id> <component_id>7697</component_id> <component_name>Essays</component_name> <status>PENDING</status> <updated_by>86965</updated_by> <updated_at>2014-12-23 11:27:49</updated_at> </component> </components> </aid_application> </response>
You must have one of these roles to call this task: Financial Aid, Student Billing, or Financial Admin.
Returns all available aid application components configured for your institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <aid_application_component> <id>7697</id> <name>Essays</name> <instructions>Write a bunch of essays about why you deserve it!</instructions> <visible_to_student>1</visible_to_student> </aid_application_component> <aid_application_component> <id>7704</id> <name>FAFSA</name> <instructions/> <visible_to_student>1</visible_to_student> </aid_application_component> <aid_application_component> <id>7691</id> <name>TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve</name> <instructions/> <visible_to_student>0</visible_to_student> </aid_application_component> </response>
You must have one of these roles to call this task: Financial Aid, Student Billing, or Financial Admin.
Returns a particular financial aid application (each student can have one per aid year).
Parameter | Description | Required |
student_id | The numeric ID of the student. | Yes |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of the aid year. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <aid_application> <id>65</id> <student_id>1000</student_id> <aid_year_id>6</aid_year_id> <aid_year_name>2009-2010</aid_year_name> <assigned_to_id>0</assigned_to_id> <assigned_to_name></assigned_to_name> <dependency></dependency> <student_aid_class_id></student_aid_class_id> <student_aid_class_name></student_aid_class_name> <program_months>9</program_months> <enrollment>FULL_TIME</enrollment> <year_coa>555.55</year_coa> <program_coa>0.00</program_coa> <year_efc>0.00</year_efc> <program_efc>0.00</program_efc> <student_agi>0.00</student_agi> <parents_agi>0.00</parents_agi> <auto_zero_efc>0</auto_zero_efc> <fisap_total_income>0.00</fisap_total_income> <legal_residence_state></legal_residence_state> <need>0</need> <housing></housing> <status>SETUP</status> <verification>SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT</verification> <verification_status>IN_PROGRESS</verification_status> <verification_group></verification_group> <verification_exempt_reason></verification_exempt_reason> <added_by_id>1257</added_by_id> <added_at>2014-12-17 10:47:56</added_at> <last_isir_id>1234</last_isir_id> <isir_veteran/> </aid_application> </response>
You must have one of these roles to call this task: Financial Aid, Student Billing, or Financial Admin.
Returns financial aid applications for a particular aid year.
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of the aid year. | Yes |
offset | The numeric value you want to offset the results by. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="356"> <aid_application> <id>65</id> <student_id>1000</student_id> <aid_year_id>6</aid_year_id> <aid_year_name>2009-2010</aid_year_name> <assigned_to_id>0</assigned_to_id> <assigned_to_name></assigned_to_name> <dependency></dependency> <student_aid_class_id></student_aid_class_id> <student_aid_class_name></student_aid_class_name> <program_months>9</program_months> <enrollment>FULL_TIME</enrollment> <year_coa>555.55</year_coa> <program_coa>0.00</program_coa> <year_efc>0.00</year_efc> <program_efc>0.00</program_efc> <student_agi>0.00</student_agi> <parents_agi>0.00</parents_agi> <auto_zero_efc>0</auto_zero_efc> <fisap_total_income>0.00</fisap_total_income> <legal_residence_state></legal_residence_state> <need>0</need> <housing></housing> <status>SETUP</status> <verification>SELECTED_BY_GOVERNMENT</verification> <verification_status>IN_PROGRESS</verification_status> <verification_group></verification_group> <verification_exempt_reason></verification_exempt_reason> <added_by_id>1257</added_by_id> <added_at>2014-12-17 10:47:56</added_at> <last_isir_id>1234</last_isir_id> <isir_veteran/> <components> <component> <id>1727937</id> <component_id>7704</component_id> <component_name>FAFSA</component_name> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <updated_by>86965</updated_by> <updated_at>2014-12-23 11:27:13</updated_at> </component> <component> <id>1727936</id> <component_id>7697</component_id> <component_name>Essays</component_name> <status>PENDING</status> <updated_by>86965</updated_by> <updated_at>2014-12-23 11:27:49</updated_at> </component> </components> </aid_application> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Student Billing, or Financial Admin role to call this task.
There is a limit of 200 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the offset parameter).
Returns all custom fields your college has defined.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <custom_field> <id>111</id> <name>Dorm Preference</name> <description>Quickly deliver enterprise-wide best practices rather than cross-media vortals. Enthusiastically predominate goal-oriented process improvements after fully tested niches. Globally fabricate ubiquitous content after synergistic web-readiness.</description> <type>STUDENT</type> <input_type>SELECT</input_type> </custom_field> <custom_field> <id>555</id> <name>Number of Previous Colleges Attended</name> <description>Collaboratively leverage other's mission-critical networks before accurate processes. Competently deliver multidisciplinary information before B2C intellectual capital. Phosfluorescently embrace sticky outsourcing without cross-unit customer service.</description> <type>ADMISSIONS</type> <input_type>INTEGER</input_type> </custom_field> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
You must have the Staff role to access "PERSON" type custom fields.
You must have the Academic Admin role to access "STUDENT" type custom fields.
You must have the Academic Admin role to access "TERM_STUDENT" type custom fields.
You must have the Admissions Admin role to access "ADMISSIONS" type custom fields.
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to access "CAMPUS_LIFE" type custom fields.
You must have the Financial Admin role to access "FINANCIAL" type custom fields.
You must have the Financial Aid role to access "FINANCIAL_AID" type custom fields.
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to access "DONATION" type custom fields.
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to access "DONOR" type custom fields.
You must have the Staff role to access "ORGANIZATION" type custom fields.
<input_type> can be:
- DATE - e.g. 2010-09-09
- DATE_TIME- e.g. 2010-09-09 19:00:45
- DECIMAL - e.g. 10.88
- CHECKBOX - Allows multiple values to be selected from a list
- FILE - a numeric file_id (e.g. 11111)
- INTEGER - e.g. 101
- RADIO - Select one from a list of a few options
- SELECT - Select one from a list of many options
- TEXT_AREA - Lots of text
- TEXT - Little bit of text
Returns all information related to donation appeals configured for your institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <appeal> <id>3009</id> <name>Email Blast #1</name> <campaign_id>53</campaign_id> <appeal_medium_id>7</appeal_medium_id> <appeal_medium_name>Email</appeal_medium_name> <made_on>Mar 1, 2018</made_on> <cost>100</cost> <status>INACTIVE</status> </appeal> <appeal> <id>3094</id> <name>Cold call push</name> <campaign_id>54</campaign_id> <appeal_medium_id>8</appeal_medium_id> <appeal_medium_name>Callcenter</appeal_medium_name> <made_on>Jan 1, 2019</made_on> <cost>600</cost> <status>ACTIVE</status> </appeal> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Returns an application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <application> <id>54321</id> <lead_id>3214</lead_id> <lead_active>1</lead_active> <lead_status>ACCEPTED</lead_status> <person_id>1234</person_id> <first_name>Carl</first_name> <first_name></preferred_name> <middle_name>Allen</middle_name> <last_name>Michaelson</last_name> <gender>MALE</gender> <email></email> <application_template_id>112</application_template_id> <application_template_name>Basic</application_template_name> <representative_id>2068</representative_id> <program_id>333</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <degree_seeking>1</degree_seeking> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <degree_abbreviation>B.A.</degree_abbreviation> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <specialization_id>5555</specialization_id> <specialization_abbreviation>ENG</specialization_abbreviation> <specialization_name>English</specialization_name> <academic_term_id>7769</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2014-2015: Fall</academic_term_name> <expected_enrollment>FULL_TIME</expected_enrollment> <full_time>1</full_time> <started_on>2014-02-07</started_on> <submitted_at></submitted_at> <decision_on></decision_on> <withdrawn_on></withdrawn_on> <submitted_type>ONLINE</submitted_type> <provisional>0</provisional> <provisional_comment></provisional_comment> <fee_status>PAID</fee_status> <fee_id>8467</fee_id> <fee_amount>25.00</fee_amount> <fee_payment>BEFORE_START</fee_payment> <sales_receipt_id>12365789</sales_receipt_id> <transaction_id>549873215</transaction_id> <applicant_activity_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</applicant_activity_at> <num_days_since_last_activity>3</num_days_since_last_activity> <staff_activity_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</staff_activity_at> <percent_completed>95</percent_completed> <status>IN_PROGRESS</status> <sections> <heading> <content>Personal Information</content> <order_id>1</order_id> </heading> <text> <content>Tell us about yourself.</content> <order_id>2</order_id> <files> <file> <file_id>9355</file_id> <name>terms.pdf</name> </file> </files> </text> <field> <id>19</id> <application_template_field_id>4</application_template_field_id> <name>Home Address</name> <description></description> <is_required>1</is_required> <data_type>ADDRESS</data_type> <data_format></data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>3</order_id> <answer> <street>123 Any St</street> <city>Anytown</city> <state>ID</state> <state_name>Idaho</state_name> <zip>12345</zip> <country_abbreviation>US</country_abbreviation> <country_name>United States of America</country_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>20</id> <application_template_field_id>5</application_template_field_id> <name>SSN</name> <description>Please enter your social security number.</description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>NUMBER</data_type> <data_format>SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>4</order_id> <answer>111-11-1111</answer> </field> <field> <id>21</id> <application_template_field_id>6</application_template_field_id> <name>Hobbies and Interests</name> <description>Choose any two of the following options.</description> <is_required>1</is_required> <data_type>MULTIPLE_ANSWER</data_type> <data_format></data_format> <max_multiple_answers>5</max_multiple_answers> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>5</order_id> <answer> <options> <option> <id>527</id> <name>Football</name> </option> <option> <id>528</id> <name>Baseball</name> </option> ... </options> </answer> </field> <field> <id>22</id> <application_template_field_id>7</application_template_field_id> <name>Race and Ethnicity</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>RACE_ETHNICITY</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>6</order_id> <answer> <hispanic_latino>0</hispanic_latino> <races> <race> <id>1</id> <name>American Indian or Alaska Native</name> </race> ... </races> </answer> </field> <field> <id>23</id> <application_template_field_id>8</application_template_field_id> <name>Education Level</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>EDUCATION_LEVEL</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>7</order_id> <answer> <education_level_id>3333</education_level_id> <education_level_name>High School Diploma</education_level_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>24</id> <application_template_field_id>9</application_template_field_id> <name>Upload your admissions essay</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>FILE</data_type> <data_format></data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>8</order_id> <answer> <file_id>456987456</file_id> <file_name>admissions_essay.pdf</file_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>25</id> <application_template_field_id>10</application_template_field_id> <name>SAT score</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>STANDARDIZED_TEST</data_type> <data_format></data_format> <status>IN_PROGRESS</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>9</order_id> <answer> <test_id>1</test_id> <test_name>SAT</test_name> <test_date>2014-01-07</test_date> <test_score>1400</test_score> <test_sections> <test_section> <id>1</id> <name>Math</name> <score>680</score> </test_section> <test_section> <id>2</id> <name>Evidence-Based Reading and Writing</name> <score>700</score> </test_section> ... </test_sections> </answer> </field> <field> <id>26</id> <application_template_field_id>11</application_template_field_id> <name>Citizenship</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>COUNTRY</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>10</order_id> <answer> <abbreviation>US</abbreviation> <name>United States of America</name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>27</id> <application_template_field_id>12</application_template_field_id> <name>State/Province</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>STATE_PROVINCE</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>11</order_id> <answer> <state>AL</state> <state_name>Alabama</state_name> <country_abbreviation>US</country_abbreviation> <country_name>United States of America</country_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>28</id> <application_template_field_id>13</application_template_field_id> <name>High School GPA</name> <description></description> <is_required>0</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format></data_format> <status>IN_PROGRESS</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>12</order_id> <answer> <option_id>8976541</option_id> <option_name>3.0 - 3.5</option_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>29</id> <application_template_field_id>14</application_template_field_id> <name>Degree</name> <description></description> <is_required>1</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>DEGREE</data_format> <status>SUBMITTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>13</order_id> <answer> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <degree_abbreviation>B.A.</degree_abbreviation> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>30</id> <application_template_field_id>15</application_template_field_id> <name>Specialization</name> <description></description> <is_required>1</is_required> <data_type>CHOICE</data_type> <data_format>SPECIALIZATION</data_format> <status>SUBMITTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>14</order_id> <answer> <specialization_id>5555</specialization_id> <specialization_abbreviation>ENG</specialization_abbreviation> <specialization_name>English</specialization_name> </answer> </field> <field> <id>31</id> <application_template_field_id>16</application_template_field_id> <name>Reference</name> <description></description> <is_required>1</is_required> <data_type>ONLINE_REFERENCE</data_type> <data_format>REFERENCE</data_format> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <submitted_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</submitted_at> <decision_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</decision_at> <order_id>15</order_id> <answer> <online_reference_status>RECEIVED</online_reference_status> <online_reference_id>549873541</online_reference_id> <online_reference_email></online_reference_email> <online_reference_message>Personal note to referrer.</online_reference_message> </answer> </field> ... </sections> <notes> <note> <id>5579</id> <content>The student is especially interested in classes from Dr. Thompson.</content> <public>0</public> <added_by>338590</added_by> <added_at>2014-01-15 14:42:25</added_at> <file_id>774481</file_id> <file_name>note.pdf</file_name> </note> </notes> </application> </response>
You must have the Admissions role or be the owner of the application to call this task.
Returns the options for an application field.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
application_field_id | The numeric ID of the application field you're interested in. | Yes |
country | US, CA | No, but if you're requesting options for a field with the data_format STATE_PROVINCE you must include this. |
degree_id | Numeric ID of a degree. | No, but if you're requesting options for a field with the data_format SPECIALIZATION you must include this. |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Only application fields with a data_type of CHOICE or MULTIPLE_ANSWER will return options.
Returns all application fields for a particular application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <field> <id>1111</id> <application_template_field_id>20</application_template_field_id> <name>Educational History</name> <description></description> <received_date>2008-04-15</received_date> <status>ACCEPTED</status> </field> <field> <id>1112</id> <application_template_field_id>21</application_template_field_id> <name>Please write us a 5-10 page essay on the topic of your choice.</name> <description></description> <received_date>2008-04-15</received_date> <status>ACCEPTED</status> </field> <field> <id>1113</id> <application_template_field_id>22</application_template_field_id> <name>Letter of Recommendation</name> <description></description> <received_date>2008-04-15</received_date> <status>ACCEPTED</status> </field> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions or Admissions Admin role to call this task.
Returns all application templates.
Parameter | Description | Required |
show_online_only | Boolean. If true only application templates that are set to show online will be returned. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>2015-2016: Spring</name>
<name>2015-2016: Winter</name>
<name>2015-2016: Fall</name>
You must have the Admissions role to call this task.
If the application template is set up with programs, academic terms, or enrollment the available options will be returned in <programs>, <academic_terms> and <enrollment_options> elements.
Returns applications based on the filter conditions.
Parameter | Description | Required |
date_field | The name of the date field you want to filter by (e.g. APPLIED, DECISION, SUBMITTED, or WITHDRAWN). | No |
start_date | The start date used to filter the "date_field" parameter. | No |
end_date | The end date used to filter the "date_field" parameter. | No |
application_template_id | The numeric ID of the application template you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. | No |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree you're interested in. | No |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization you're interested in. | No |
lead_active | Boolean. 1 or 0. | No |
offset | The numeric value you want to offset the results by. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="356"> <application> <id>54321</id> <lead_id>3214</lead_id> <lead_active>1</lead_active> <lead_status>ACCEPTED</lead_status> <person_id>1234</person_id> <first_name>Carl</first_name> <first_name></preferred_name> <middle_name>Allen</middle_name> <last_name>Michaelson</last_name> <gender>MALE</gender> <email></email> <application_template_id>112</application_template_id> <application_template_name>Basic</application_template_name> <representative_id>2068</representative_id> <program_id>333</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <degree_seeking>1</degree_seeking> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <degree_abbreviation>B.A.</degree_abbreviation> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <specialization_id>5555</specialization_id> <specialization_abbreviation>ENG</specialization_abbreviation> <specialization_name>English</specialization_name> <academic_term_id>7769</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2014-2015: Fall</academic_term_name> <expected_enrollment>FULL_TIME</expected_enrollment> <full_time>1</full_time> <started_on>2014-02-07</started_on> <submitted_at></submitted_at> <decision_on></decision_on> <withdrawn_on></withdrawn_on> <submitted_type>ONLINE</submitted_type> <provisional>0</provisional> <provisional_comment></provisional_comment> <fee_status>PAID</fee_status> <fee_id>8467</fee_id> <fee_amount>25.00</fee_amount> <fee_payment>BEFORE_START</fee_payment> <sales_receipt_id>12365789</sales_receipt_id> <transaction_id>549873215</transaction_id> <applicant_activity_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</applicant_activity_at> <num_days_since_last_activity>3</num_days_since_last_activity> <staff_activity_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</staff_activity_at> <percent_completed>95</percent_completed> <status>IN_PROGRESS</status> </application> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions role to call this task.
The "start_date" and "end_date" parameters are required when filtering by the "date_field" parameter.
There is a limit of 200 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the offset parameter).
Returns assignment comments for a particular assignment and person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
assignment_id | Numeric ID of the assignment. | Yes |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <comment> <id>39174392</id> <comment></comment> <file_id>63372577</file_id> <file_name>final_draft_v2.pages</file_name> <internal>0</internal> <added_at>2020-04-02 15:56:29</added_at> <added_by_id>168742</added_by_id> <added_by_name>Simon Student</added_by_name> </comment> <comment> <id>39174399</id> <comment>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</comment> <file_id></file_id> <file_name></file_name> <internal>1</internal> <added_at>2020-04-02 13:30:03</added_at> <added_by_id>17628</added_by_id> <added_by_name>Robert McProfessor</added_by_name> </comment> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Returns all the roles in Populi (Student, Staff, Admissions, etc).
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Academic Admin</name>
Useful if you'd like to give someone a role but need to know its numeric role_id.
Returns all financial aid COA categories.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <coa_category> <id>18794687</id> <name>Books and Supplies</name> <type>BOOKS_AND_SUPPLIES</type> </coa_category> <coa_category> <id>15975463</id> <name>Tuition</name> <type>TUITION</type> </coa_category> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns all information related to donation campaigns configured for your institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <campaign> <id>2277</id> <name>Annual Giving</name> <goal></goal> <deadline>0</deadline> <status>ACTIVE</status> </campaign> <campaign> <id>2289</id> <name>Homecoming Weekend Events</name> <goal>150000</goal> <deadline>Oct 30, 2020 12:00am</deadline> <status>INACTIVE</status> </campaign> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Returns campus life rooms.
Parameter | Description | Required |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <room> <room_plan_id>52</room_plan_id> <room_plan_name>Dorm</room_plan_name> <building_id>26</building_id> <building_name>Complex A</building_name> <room_id>256</room_id> <room_name>Room 204</room_name> <capacity_used>2</capacity_used> <capacity>2</capacity> <available>0</available> <occupant> <person_id>21435</person_id> <person_name>Ben Smith</person_name> </occupant> <occupant> <person_id>54987</person_id> <person_name>Robert Jones</person_name> </occupant> </room> <room> <room_plan_id>52</room_plan_id> <room_plan_name>Dorm</room_plan_name> <building_id>87468</building_id> <building_name>Complex E</building_name> <room_id>54687</room_id> <room_name>Room 134</room_name> <capacity_used>1</capacity_used> <capacity>2</capacity> <available>1</available> <occupant> <person_id>9216473</person_id> <person_name>Sally Smith</person_name> </occupant> </room> ... </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, or Student Billing.
Returns all campuses.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <campus> <id>146873</id> <name>Main Campus</name> <status>ACTIVE</status> <city>Moscow</city> <state>AZ</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>US</country> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </campus> ... </response>
The current user must have the Academic Admin, Registrar, or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns a catalog course and all of its equivalencies, prerequisites, corequisites, etc.
Parameter | Description | Required |
catalog_course_id | The numeric ID of the catalog course you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>11111</id> <name>Advanced Writing: The Novel</name> <abbrv>ENG400</abbrv> <description>You'd want to take ENG400 because...</description> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>0.00</hours> <status>ACTIVE</status> <department_id>1</department_id> <department_name>Humanities</department_name> <programs> <program> <id>2222</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program> <program> <id>3333</id> <name>Registered Nursing</name> </program> ... </programs> <course_equivalencies> <course_equivalency> <catalog_course_id>159878</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>LIT400</abbreviation> <name>Senior Literature</name> <course_equivalency> ... </course_equivalencies> <course_prerequisites> <course_prerequisite> <catalog_course_id>179423</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG300</abbreviation> <name>Intermediate Writing</name> <may_be_taken_concurrently>0</may_be_taken_concurrently> <minimum_course_grade_points>3.00</minimum_course_grade_points> </course_prerequisite> ... </course_prerequisites> <course_group_prerequisites> <course_group_prerequisite> <course_group_id>187480</course_group_id> <name>English</name> <courses_required>English</courses_required> <may_be_taken_concurrently>1</may_be_taken_concurrently> <minimum_course_grade_points>3.00</minimum_course_grade_points> </course_group_prerequisite> ... </course_group_prerequisites> <program_prerequisites> <program_prerequisite> <program_id>2222</program_id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program_prerequisite> ... </program_prerequisites> <degree_prerequisites> <degree_prerequisite> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <abbreviation>B.A.</abbreviation> <name>Bachelor of Arts</name> <program_id>333</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> </degree_prerequisite> ... </degree_prerequisites> <specialization_prerequisites> <specialization_prerequisite> <specialization_id>5555</specialization_id> <abbreviation>ENG</abbreviation> <name>English</name> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <degree_abbreviation>B.A.</degree_abbreviation> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <program_id>333</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> </specialization_prerequisite> ... </specialization_prerequisites> <unit_prerequisite>90.00</unit_prerequisite> <other_prerequisite>Other requirements include...</other_prerequisite> <corequisites> <corequisite> <catalog_course_id>1597456</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG401</abbreviation> <name>Advanced Writing: Composition</name> </corequisite> ... </corequisites> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or the Registrar role to call this task.
Returns all available communication plans.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <communication_plan> <id>13</id> <name>Leads Communication Plan</name> <added_by>3093</added_by> <added_at>2017-02-08 22:09:27</added_at> </communication_plan> ... </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns a list of countries and their respective abbreviations.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <countries> <country> <abbreviation>US</abbreviation> <name>United States of America</name> </country> <country> <abbreviation>CA</abbreviation> <name>Canada</name> </country> ... </countries> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns courses from your catalog (only active courses are returned by default).
Parameter | Description | Required |
include_retired | If set to 1, retired courses will be returned as well. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <course> <courseid>11111</courseid> <name>Advanced Writing: The Novel</name> <abbrv>ENG400</abbrv> <description>You'd want to take ENG400 because...</description> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>0.00</hours> <status>ACTIVE</status> <department_id>1</department_id> <department_name>Humanities</department_name> <programs> <program> <id>2222</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program> <program> <id>3333</id> <name>Registered Nursing</name> </program> ... </programs> </course> <course> <courseid>22222</courseid> <name>Calculus I</name> <abbrv>MAT201</abbrv> <description>You'd want to take Calculus because...</description> <credits>0.00</credits> <hours>20.00</hours> <status>ACTIVE</status> <department_id>2</department_id> <department_name>Sciences</department_name> <programs> <program> <id>2222</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program> <program> <id>3333</id> <name>Registered Nursing</name> </program> ... </programs> </course> ... </response>
Useful for automatically syncing your course catalog to your website.
Returns information about a course group.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_group_id | The numeric ID of the course group you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_year_id | The numeric ID of the academic year you're interested in. Defaults to the current academic year ID. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <catalog_courses> <catalog_course> <id>98434</id> <abbreviation>ENG101</abbreviation> <name>English 101</name> <credits>2.00</credits> <hours>3.00</hours> <department_id>2986</department_id> <department_name>English</department_name> </catalog_course> <catalog_course> <id>98435</id> <abbreviation>ENG102</abbreviation> <name>English 102</name> <credits>2.00</credits> <hours>3.00</hours> <department_id>2986</department_id> <department_name>English</department_name> </catalog_course> ... </catalog_courses> <degrees_requiring_course_group> <degree> <id>1</id> <abbreviation>A.A.</abbreviation> <name>Bachelor of Arts</name> </degree> <degree> <id>2</id> <abbreviation>A.A.</abbreviation> <name>Associate of Arts</name> </degree> ... </degrees_requiring_course_group> <specializations_requiring_course_group> <specialization> <id>513</id> <abbreviation>ENG</abbreviation> <name>English</name> </specialization> <specialization> <id>436</id> <abbreviation>MUS</abbreviation> <name>Music</name> </specialization> ... </specializations_requiring_course_group> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin, Registrar, or Academic Auditor role to call this task.
Returns a list of course groups.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <course_groups> <course_group> <id>1</id> <abbreviation>CORE</abbreviation> <name>Core Curriculum</name> </course_group> <course_group> <id>2</id> <abbreviation>ENG</abbreviation> <name>English</name> </course_group> ... </course_groups> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin, Registrar, or Academic Auditor role to call this task.
A course instance is created each time a course from the catalog is offered in a particular term. If the same catalog course is offered multiple times in the same term, each instance will have a unique section number.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <instanceid>44444</instanceid> <name>Calculus I</name> <abbrv>MAT201</abbrv> <section>3</section> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <affects_earned_credits>1</affects_earned_credits> <delivery_method_id>777</delivery_method_id> <delivery_method_name>On Campus</delivery_method_name> <description>Calculus I is the stepping stone into the world of higher mathematics...</description> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <finalized>0</finalized> <termid>777</termid> <term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</term_name> <allow_auditor_assignments>0</allow_auditor_assignments> <allow_auditor_attendance>0</allow_auditor_attendance> <start_date>2004-10-18</start_date> <end_date>2004-12-18</end_date> <open_to_students_date>2004-10-18</open_to_students_date> <closed_to_students_date>2004-12-18</closed_to_students_date> <max_enrolled>25</max_enrolled> <max_auditors>5</max_auditors> <synced>0</synced> <published>1</published> <campus_id>146873</campus_id> <campus_name>Main Campus</campus_name> <schedule> <meeting_time> <start_time>8:00am</start_time> <end_time>9:00am</end_time> <room>Room TBA</room> <building></building> <weekdays> <day>MO</day> <day>TU</day> <day>WE</day> <day>TH</day> <day>FR</day> </weekdays> </meeting_time> ... </schedule> <faculty> <person> <primary>1</primary> <personid>1001</personid> <first>Robert</first> <last>McProfessor</last> <preferred>Bob</preferred> <displayname>Bob McProfessor</displayname> <is_teaching_assistant>0</is_teaching_assistant> </person> <person> <primary>0</primary> <personid>554</personid> <first>Jimmy</first> <last>McTeachingAssistant</last> <preferred></preferred> <displayname>Jimmy McTeachingAssistant</displayname> <is_teaching_assistant>1</is_teaching_assistant> </person> ... </faculty> <supplies> <supply> <id>227835</id> <name>Computer with Internet Access</name> <required>1</required> </supply> ... </supplies> <books> <book> <id>227835</id> <title>The Old Man and The Sea</title> <required>1</required> <isbn>0684801221</isbn> <ean>9780684801223</ean> <publisher>Scribner</publisher> <publish_date>1995-05-05</publish_date> <edition></edition> <binding>Paperback</binding> <description>The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power, it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman, down on his luck, and his supreme ordeal -- a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Here Hemingway recasts, in strikingly contemporary style, the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat, of personal triumph won from loss. Written in 1952, this hugely successful novella confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a large part in his winning the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.</description> <amazon_url></amazon_url> <image_url_large></image_url_large> <image_height_large>500</image_height_large> <image_width_large>328</image_width_large> <image_url_medium></image_url_medium> <image_height_medium>160<image_height_medium> <image_width_medium>105</image_width_medium> <image_url_small></image_url_small> <image_height_small>75</image_height_small> <image_width_small>49</image_width_small> <authors> <author> <id>325</id> <name>Ernest Hemingway</name> </author> ... </authors> </book> ... </books> </response>
To get more detail about a course instance see: getCourseInstanceStudents, getCourseInstanceAssignmentGroups, getCourseInstanceFiles, getCourseInstanceLessons, and getCourseInstanceMeetings
<max_enrolled> & <max_auditors> can return an empty string meaning "Unlimited" (as opposed to an integer value which would mean there is a limit).
Assignment groups are worth a fixed percentage of the course (e.g. Quizzes are worth 10% of each student's final grade), and you can then add as many assignments within the Quizzes group as you like, or even add new assignments to the group part-way through the term, and be guaranteed that the value of all those assignments together will still equal 10% of the course.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <assignment_group> <groupid>7777</groupid> <name>Quizzes</name> <weight_percent>10</weight_percent> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <drop_lowest>0</drop_lowest> </assignment_group> <assignment_group> <groupid>4444</groupid> <name>Tests</name> <weight_percent>60</weight_percent> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <drop_lowest>0</drop_lowest> </assignment_group> <assignment_group> <groupid>3333</groupid> <name>Participation</name> <weight_percent>30</weight_percent> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <drop_lowest>0</drop_lowest> </assignment_group> <assignment_group> <groupid>0</groupid> <name>Other</name> <weight_percent>0</weight_percent> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <drop_lowest>0</drop_lowest> </assignment_group> </response>
Even if no assignment groups are set up, a default assignment group of "Other" with a <groupid> of 0 will always be returned (and worth 100% of the course).
Returns information about each assignment in a course - including which Assignment Group it belongs to.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <assignment> <assignmentid>111</assignmentid> <name>Quiz #1</name> <points>10</points> <type>TEST</type> <percent_of_course>5.00000000</percent_of_course> <groupid>7777</groupid> <group_name>Quizzes</group_name> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <description></description> <discussion_id></discussion_id> <visible_to_students_before_due>1</visible_to_students_before_due> <time_due>2017-07-22T00:00:00-07:00</time_due> <start_window>2017-07-19T00:00:00-07:00</start_window> <end_window>2017-07-21T00:00:00-07:00</end_window> <time_limit>60</time_limit> <retake_policy>KEEP_HIGHEST</retake_policy> <retakes>1</retakes> <proctored>EMAIL_OR_SMS</proctored> <test_submit_feedback>FEEDBACK</test_submit_feedback> <test_end_feedback>ANSWERS</test_end_feedback> <course_end_feedback>ANSWERS</course_end_feedback> <student_info> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first_name>James</first_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <submitted_assignment_data>1</submitted_assignment_data> <grade>95</grade> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <grade_added_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_added_at> <grade_added_by_id>468721</grade_added_by_id> <grade_updated_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_updated_at> <grade_updated_by_id>468721</grade_updated_by_id> </student_info> ... </assignment> <assignment> <assignmentid>222</assignmentid> <name>Peer Review</name> <points>10</points> <type>PEER_REVIEW_FILE_UPLOAD</type> <percent_of_course>5.00000000</percent_of_course> <groupid>7777</groupid> <group_name>Quizzes</group_name> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <description></description> <discussion_id></discussion_id> <visible_to_students_before_due>1</visible_to_students_before_due> <time_due>2017-07-20T00:00:00-07:00</time_due> <start_window>2017-07-19T00:00:00-07:00</start_window> <end_window>2017-07-21T00:00:00-07:00</end_window> <peer_grade>1</peer_grade> <grade_submissions>100</grade_submissions> <grade_reviews>100</grade_reviews> <anonymous_reviews>0</anonymous_reviews> <review_visibility>NEVER</review_visibility> <allow_review_comments>allow_review_comments</allow_review_comments> <reviews_due_time>2017-07-20T00:00:00-07:00</reviews_due_time> <reviews_closed_time>2017-07-20T00:00:00-07:00</reviews_closed_time> <student_info> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first_name>James</first_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <submitted_assignment_data>1</submitted_assignment_data> <grade>95</grade> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <grade_added_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_added_at> <grade_added_by_id>468721</grade_added_by_id> <grade_updated_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_updated_at> <grade_updated_by_id>468721</grade_updated_by_id> </student_info> ... </assignment> <assignment> <assignmentid>21498</assignmentid> <name>Big Bad Exam</name> <points>100</points> <type>GRADE_ONLY</type> <percent_of_course>90.00000000</percent_of_course> <groupid>0</groupid> <group_name>Other</group_name> <extra_credit>0</extra_credit> <description></description> <discussion_id></discussion_id> <visible_to_students_before_due>1</visible_to_students_before_due> <time_due>2017-07-20T00:00:00-07:00</time_due> <start_window>2017-07-19T00:00:00-07:00</start_window> <end_window>2017-07-21T00:00:00-07:00</end_window> <student_info> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first_name>James</first_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <submitted_assignment_data>0</submitted_assignment_data> <grade_added_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_added_at> <grade_added_by_id>468721</grade_added_by_id> <grade_updated_at>2017-07-22T13:35:49</grade_updated_at> <grade_updated_by_id>468721</grade_updated_by_id> </student_info> ... </assignment> </response>
Every assignment is attached to an Assignment Group - even if it's only the default "Other" group (which has a groupid of 0).
The "student_info" data will only be returned if you have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or you are a course Faculty member.
Returns the files attached to a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
See downloadFile.
Returns the lessons attached to a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Lesson #1</name>
<available_at>2010-09-30 00:00:00</available_at>
<name>Lesson #2</name>
<available_at>2010-10-07 00:00:00</available_at>
Gets attendance for a course instance meeting.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instanceID | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
meetingID | The numeric ID of the meeting. | Yes |
return_students_with_no_attendance_taken | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<note>15 minutes after cutoff time</note>
Returns the meetings attached to a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instanceID | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <meeting> <meetingid>667</meetingid> <roomid>15687</roomid> <room_name>School Building: 101</room_name> <start>2016-03-21T08:00:00-07:00</start> <end>2016-03-21T09:00:00-07:00</end> <counts_toward_attendance_hours>0</counts_toward_attendance_hours> <counts_toward_clinical_hours>0</counts_toward_clinical_hours> </meeting> <meeting> <meetingid>668</meetingid> <roomid>0</roomid> <room_name>TBA</room_name> <start>2016-04-23T08:00:00-07:00</start> <end>2016-04-23T09:00:00-07:00</end> <counts_toward_attendance_hours>0</counts_toward_attendance_hours> <counts_toward_clinical_hours>0</counts_toward_clinical_hours> </meeting> <meeting> <roomid>0</roomid> <room_name>TBA</room_name> <start>2016-05-23T08:00:00-07:00</start> <end>2016-05-23T09:00:00-07:00</end> <counts_toward_attendance_hours>0</counts_toward_attendance_hours> <counts_toward_clinical_hours>0</counts_toward_clinical_hours> </meeting> </response>
If meetingid is 0 then no attendance has been taken for that meeting time.
Returns a single student from a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>15987654</id> <status>ENROLLED</status> <first>Christopher</first> <last>Anderson</last> <preferred/> <start_date>2010-05-05</start_date> <grade>92</grade> <letter_grade>A-</letter_grade> <attendance>94</attendance> </response>
Possible values for the status element are: ENROLLED, AUDITOR, WITHDRAWN, or INCOMPLETE. Note that there are some additional elements returned if the student is ENROLLED: grade, letter_grade, and attendance (both grade and attendance are percentages: so 97 mean 97%).
The <start_date> element represents the day the student started his or her current status... so if Jerry enrolled in the course on April 1 but then switched to auditing on May 16, his <status> would be AUDITOR and his <start_date> would be May 16.
Gets attendance for all course instance meetings for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instanceID | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose attendance you wish to look up. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <attendee> <meetingid>42696</meetingid> <start>2017-08-02 08:00:00</start> <end>2017-08-02 10:00:00</end> <summary>BIO-101</summary> <status>PRESENT</status> <note></note> </attendee> <attendee> <meetingid>42699</meetingid> <start>2017-08-06 08:00:00</start> <end>2017-08-06 10:00:00</end> <summary>BIO-101</summary> <status>EXCUSED</status> <note>Doctor's note</note> </attendee> </response>
You must have edit access to the specified course instance to call this task.
Returns all students enrolled, auditing, incomoplete, or withdrawn in a course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <courseinstance_student> <id>15987654</id> <status>ENROLLED</status> <personid>4004</personid> <first>Christopher</first> <last>Anderson</last> <preferred/> <start_date>2010-05-05</start_date> <grade>92</grade> <letter_grade>A-</letter_grade> <attendance>94</attendance> </courseinstance_student> <courseinstance_student> <id>15987824</id> <status>AUDITOR</status> <personid>8000</personid> <first>George</first> <last>Washington</last> <preferred>Jerry</preferred> <start_date>2010-05-16</start_date> </courseinstance_student> ... </response>
Possible values for the status element are: ENROLLED, AUDITOR, WITHDRAWN, or INCOMPLETE. Note that there are some additional elements returned if the student is ENROLLED: grade, letter_grade, and attendance (both grade and attendance are percentages: so 97 mean 97%).
The <start_date> element represents the day the student started his or her current status... so if Jerry enrolled in the course on April 1 but then switched to auditing on May 16, his <status> would be AUDITOR and his <start_date> would be May 16.
Returns links attached to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <links> <link> <id>1<id> <name>Library of Congress<name> <url><url> </link> ... </links> </response>
Returns syllabus data attached to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
catalog_course_id | This is used for cross-listed courses. The default is the primary catalog course ID. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <syllabus> <id>15798435</id> <file_id>5798465</file_id> <content/> <is_draft/> </syllabus> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
See the downloadFile or getFileDownloadURL API tasks to download the syllabus file.
Returns the current academic term.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <termid>1111</termid> <name>Fall</name> <fullname>2010-2011: Fall</fullname> <start_date>2010-08-15</start_date> <end_date>2010-12-18</end_date> <type>STANDARD_TERM</type> <yearid>222</yearid> <start_year>2010</start_year> <end_year>2011</end_year> <nonstandard>0</nonstandard> </response>
Returns the current academic year.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <academic_year> <yearid>5498735</yearid> <start_year>2019</start_year> <end_year>2020</end_year> </academic_year> </response>
Returns available options for RADIO, CHECKBOX, and SELECT input type custom fields.
Parameter | Description | Required |
custom_field_id | The numeric ID of the custom field you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Hadley Hall</name>
<name>Williams Dorm</name>
<name>McIntyre Commons</name>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
The <index> of an option is not a unique ID - two different custom fields might each have an option with an index of 4.
Returns custom fields attached to a particular person or organization.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | No (but either person_id, organization_id, donation_id, or donor_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization you're interested in. | No (but either person_id, organization_id, donation_id, or donor_id must be set) |
donation_id | The numeric ID of the donation you're interested in. | No (but either person_id, organization_id, donation_id, or donor_id must be set) |
donor_id | The numeric ID of the donation you're interested in. | No (but either person_id, organization_id, donation_id, or donor_id must be set) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <custom_field> <id>3333333</id> <name>Dorm Preference</name> <type>PERSON</type> <input_type>SELECT</input_type> <value>Robinson Hall</value> <option_index>2</option_index> </custom_field> <custom_field> <id>22222</id> <name>Joe Brown Scholarship Application Essay</name> <type>ADMISSIONS</type> <input_type>TEXT_AREA</input_type> <value>Interactively deliver superior intellectual capital...</value> </custom_field> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
You must have the Staff role to access a person's "PERSON" type custom data.
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to access a person's "STUDENT" type custom data.
You must have the Academic Admin role, Registrar role, Academic Auditor role, or be an advisor of the person to access their "TERM_STUDENT" type custom data.
You must have the Admissions Admin role, Admissions role, Academic Admin role, or Registrar role to access a person's "ADMISSIONS" type custom data.
You must have the Campus Life role, Academic Admin role, Registrar role, or Financial Admin role to access a person's "CAMPUS_LIFE" type custom data.
You must have the Financial Admin role, Student Billing role, or Financial Aid role to access a person's "FINANCIAL" or "FINANCIAL_AID" type custom data.
You must have the Staff role to access an organization's "ORGANIZATION" type custom data.
For more information about <input_type> see getAllCustomFields
For RADIO, CHECKBOX, and SELECT input types, notice that a numeric <option_index> is returned in addition to the <value> (this corresponds to the <index> returned by getCustomFieldOptions).
Produces and returns a data slicer report in CSV or XLS format.
Parameter | Description | Required |
report_id | The numeric ID of the data slicer report. | Yes |
export_format | The file format of the report to be produced, either XLS or CSV. | Yes |
You must have the Academic Admin, Academic Auditor, or Registrar role to call this task.
A successful invocation of this task will produce a CSV or XLS file download, not an XML response.
Complex reports may take an extended period of time to produce and download. Reports which take over 60 seconds to produce will be cancelled and an error will be returned. Frequent calls to getDataSlicerReport in quick succession may result in your API access being suspended for a period of time due to heavy usage.
Returns a list of data slicer reports available for use.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="4"> <report> <id>9214</id> <name>Degrees</name> <added_by>39280</added_by> <added_by_name>Jacob Anderson</added_by_name> <added_at>2009-11-17 15:37:00</added_at> </report> ... </response>
You must have the Academic Admin, Academic Auditor, or Registrar role to call this task.
The "id" of a data slicer report may be used to download it via the API using the getDataSlicerReport task.
Returns the degree audit for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_year_id | The numeric ID of the academic year you're interested in. | Yes |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization you're interested in. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <degree> <all_requirements_completed>1</all_requirements_completed> <cumulative_gpa_required>3.00</cumulative_gpa_required> <cumulative_gpa>3.40</cumulative_gpa> <cumulative_gpa_requirement_completed>1</cumulative_gpa_requirement_completed> <overall_gpa_required>3.00</overall_gpa_required> <overall_gpa>3.40</overall_gpa> <overall_gpa_requirement_completed>1</overall_gpa_requirement_completed> <cumulative_units_required>120.00</cumulative_units_required> <cumulative_units>120.00</cumulative_units> <cumulative_units_requirement_completed>1</cumulative_units_requirement_completed> <resident_units_required>120.00</resident_units_required> <resident_units>120.00</resident_units> <resident_units_requirement_completed>1</resident_units_requirement_completed> <cumulative_clinical_hours_required>0.00</cumulative_clinical_hours_required> <cumulative_clinical_hours>0.00</cumulative_clinical_hours> <cumulative_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </cumulative_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> <resident_clinical_hours_required>0.00</resident_clinical_hours_required> <resident_clinical_hours>0.00</resident_clinical_hours> <resident_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </resident_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> <cumulative_attendance_hours_required>0.00</cumulative_attendance_hours_required> <cumulative_attendance_hours>0.00</cumulative_attendance_hours> <cumulative_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </cumulative_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> <resident_attendance_hours_required>0.00</resident_attendance_hours_required> <resident_attendance_hours>0.00</resident_attendance_hours> <resident_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </resident_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> <in_progress_units>0.00</in_progress_units> <in_progress_clinical_hours>0.00</in_progress_clinical_hours> <in_progress_attendance_hours>0.00</in_progress_attendance_hours> <course_groups> <course_group> <id>846</id> <name>English</name> <all_requirements_completed>1</all_requirements_completed> <requirement_type>UNITS</requirement_type> <requirement_value>12.00</requirement_value> <earned_requirements>12.00</earned_requirements> <transferred_requirements>0.00</transferred_requirements> <general_requirements_completed>1</general_requirements_completed> <required_gpa>3.00</required_gpa> <gpa>3.40</gpa> <gpa_requirements_completed>1</gpa_requirements_completed> <waived_requirements>0.00</waived_requirements> <exceptions_applied>0</exceptions_applied> <completed_courses> <completed_course> <catalog_course_id>98434</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG101</abbreviation> <name>English 101</name> <grade>A</grade> <status>2 credits completed</status> <course_offering_id>4681354</course_offering_id> <transfer_credit_id></transfer_credit_id> <fulfilled_by_abbreviation></fulfilled_by_abbreviation> <fulfilled_by_name></fulfilled_by_name> </completed_course> ... </completed_courses> <incomplete_courses> <incomplete_course> <catalog_course_id>98435</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG102</abbreviation> <name>English 102</name> </incomplete_course> ... </incomplete_courses> </course_group> ... </course_groups> </degree> <specialization> <all_requirements_completed>1</all_requirements_completed> <cumulative_gpa_required>3.00</cumulative_gpa_required> <cumulative_gpa>3.40</cumulative_gpa> <cumulative_gpa_requirement_completed>1</cumulative_gpa_requirement_completed> <overall_gpa_required>3.00</overall_gpa_required> <overall_gpa>3.40</overall_gpa> <overall_gpa_requirement_completed>1</overall_gpa_requirement_completed> <cumulative_units_required>120.00</cumulative_units_required> <cumulative_units>120.00</cumulative_units> <cumulative_units_requirement_completed>1</cumulative_units_requirement_completed> <resident_units_required>120.00</resident_units_required> <resident_units>120.00</resident_units> <resident_units_requirement_completed>1</resident_units_requirement_completed> <cumulative_clinical_hours_required>0.00</cumulative_clinical_hours_required> <cumulative_clinical_hours>0.00</cumulative_clinical_hours> <cumulative_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </cumulative_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> <resident_clinical_hours_required>0.00</resident_clinical_hours_required> <resident_clinical_hours>0.00</resident_clinical_hours> <resident_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </resident_clinical_hours_requirement_completed> <cumulative_attendance_hours_required>0.00</cumulative_attendance_hours_required> <cumulative_attendance_hours>0.00</cumulative_attendance_hours> <cumulative_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </cumulative_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> <resident_attendance_hours_required>0.00</resident_attendance_hours_required> <resident_attendance_hours>0.00</resident_attendance_hours> <resident_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> 1 </resident_attendance_hours_requirement_completed> <in_progress_units>0.00</in_progress_units> <in_progress_clinical_hours>0.00</in_progress_clinical_hours> <in_progress_attendance_hours>0.00</in_progress_attendance_hours> <course_groups> <course_group> <id>846</id> <name>English</name> <all_requirements_completed>1</all_requirements_completed> <requirement_type>UNITS</requirement_type> <requirement_value>12.00</requirement_value> <earned_requirements>12.00</earned_requirements> <transferred_requirements>0.00</transferred_requirements> <all_requirements_completed>1</all_requirements_completed> <required_gpa>3.00</required_gpa> <gpa>3.40</gpa> <gpa_requirements_completed>1</gpa_requirements_completed> <waived_requirements>0.00</waived_requirements> <exceptions_applied>0</exceptions_applied> <completed_courses> <completed_course> <catalog_course_id>98434</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG101</abbreviation> <name>English 101</name> <grade>A</grade> <status>2 credits completed</status> <course_offering_id>4681354</course_offering_id> <transfer_credit_id></transfer_credit_id> <fulfilled_by_abbreviation></fulfilled_by_abbreviation> <fulfilled_by_name></fulfilled_by_name> </completed_course> ... </completed_courses> <incomplete_courses> <incomplete_course> <catalog_course_id>98435</catalog_course_id> <abbreviation>ENG102</abbreviation> <name>English 102</name> </incomplete_course> ... </incomplete_courses> </course_group> ... </course_groups> </specialization> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns information about each degree configured at the school.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <degree> <id>5322</id> <name>A.A. in Music</name> <abbrv>UG</abbrv> <program_id>27</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <department_id>12</department_id> <department_name>Music</department_name> <status>ACTIVE</status> <graduate>0</graduate> <length>2</length> <length_unit>YEARS</length_unit> <specializations></specializations> </degree> <degree> <id>9223</id> <name>B.A. in History</name> <abbrv>G.</abbrv> <program_id>27</program_id> <program_name>Graduate</program_name> <department_id>45</department_id> <department_name>Humanities</department_name> <status>RETIRED</status> <graduate>1</graduate> <length>4</length> <length_unit>YEARS</length_unit> <specializations> <specialization> <id>15</id> <type>CONCENTRATION</type> <name>American History</name> <description>1900-2000</description> <abbrv>AH</abbrv> <status>ACTIVE</status> <cip_code>10.0398</cip_code> </specialization> </specializations> </degree> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Academic Auditor, Admissions, or Admissions Admin.
Returns information about a specific donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
donation_id | The numeric ID of the donation | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <donation> <id>412773</id> <amount>500.00</amount> <posted_date>Sep 25, 2019</posted_date> <number>377</number> <transaction_id>3755223</transaction_id> <payment_method>CHECK</payment_method> <payment_reference>Check number 4455</payment_reference> <is_online_donation>0</is_online_donation> <is_recurring_donation>0</is_recurring_donation> <donor_id>64012</donor_id> <donor_person_id>1374012</donor_person_id> <donor_organization_id></donor_organization_id> <first_name>Dotty</first_name> <last_name>Anderson</last_name> <org_name></org_name> <donor_comment></donor_comment> <staff_comment></staff_comment> <gift_in_kind_description></gift_in_kind_description> <acknowledged_at></acknowledged_at> <acknowledged_by></acknowledged_by> <currency>USD</currency> <exchange_rate></exchange_rate> <home_currency_amount>500.00</home_currency_amount> <donate_page_id></donate_page_id> <campaign_id>22</campaign_id> <appeal_id></appeal_id> <donation_funds> <donation_fund> <fund_id>1345</fund_id> <amount>400.00</amount> <home_currency_amount>400.00</home_currency_amount> </donation_fund> <donation_fund> <fund_id>1233</fund_id> <amount>100.00</amount> <home_currency_amount>100.00</home_currency_amount> </donation_fund> </donation_funds> <donation_soft_credits> <soft_credit> <donor_id>203394</donor_id> <added_at>Nov 4, 2019 10:32pm</added_at> <added_by>1257112</added_by> </donation_soft_credit> <soft_credit> <donor_id>69903</donor_id> <added_at>Nov 4, 2019 10:32pm</added_at> <added_by>1257112</added_by> </donation_soft_credit> </donation_soft_credits> </donation> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Returns the most recent donations, 100 per page.
Parameter | Description | Required |
page | We limit the number of results returned, so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <donations> <donation> <id>412773</id> <amount>500.00</amount> <posted_date>Sep 25, 2019</posted_date> <number>377</number> <transaction_id>3755223</transaction_id> <payment_method>CHECK</payment_method> <payment_reference>Check number 4455</payment_reference> <is_online_donation>0</is_online_donation> <is_recurring_donation>0</is_recurring_donation> <donor_id>64012</donor_id> <donor_person_id>1374012</donor_person_id> <donor_organization_id></donor_organization_id> <first_name>Dotty</first_name> <last_name>Anderson</last_name> <org_name></org_name> <donor_comment></donor_comment> <staff_comment></staff_comment> <gift_in_kind_description></gift_in_kind_description> <acknowledged_at></acknowledged_at> <acknowledged_by></acknowledged_by> <currency>USD</currency> <exchange_rate></exchange_rate> <home_currency_amount>500.00</home_currency_amount> <donate_page_id></donate_page_id> <campaign_id>22</campaign_id> <appeal_id></appeal_id> <donation_funds> <donation_fund> <fund_id>1345</fund_id> <amount>400.00</amount> <home_currency_amount>400.00</home_currency_amount> </donation_fund> <donation_fund> <fund_id>1233</fund_id> <amount>100.00</amount> <home_currency_amount>100.00</home_currency_amount> </donation_fund> </donation_funds> <donation_soft_credits> <soft_credit> <donor_id>203394</donor_id> <added_at>Nov 4, 2019 10:32pm</added_at> <added_by>1257112</added_by> </donation_soft_credit> <soft_credit> <donor_id>69903</donor_id> <added_at>Nov 4, 2019 10:32pm</added_at> <added_by>1257112</added_by> </donation_soft_credit> </donation_soft_credits> </donation> </donations> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Returns information about a donor, including a history of their donations.
Parameter | Description | Required |
donor_id | The numeric ID of the donor. | No |
person_id | Numeric ID of a person who is a donor. | No |
organization_id | Numeric ID of an organization that is a donor. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <donor> <id>52283</id> <display_name>William Swanson</display_name> <model_type>PERSON</model_type> <model_id>520522</model_id> <assigned_to_id></assigned_to_id> <status>ACTIVE</status> <added_at>Mar 14, 2018 8:48pm</added_at> <added_by>1257</added_by> <donations></donations> </donor> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
This task can look up a donor by donor_id, person_id, or organization_id. One of these parameters is required.
See documentation on the getDonation task to see an example of the donation format.
Returns all education levels (e.g. High School Diploma, Some College, etc).
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Less Than 9th Grade</name>
<name>9th Grade to 12th Grade</name>
<name>High School Diploma</name>
You must have the Academics Admin, Registrar, Admissions Admin, or Admissions role to call this task.
Useful for looking up numeric IDs for passing into setLeadInfo, addStudentProgram, etc.
Returns ledger transactions for a particular account.
Parameter | Description | Required |
account_id | The numeric ID of the account. | Yes |
start_date | The start date of the posted date filter (e.g. 2010-01-15). | Yes |
end_date | The end date of the posted date filter (e.g. 2012-12-30). | Yes |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="2528"> <ledger_entry> <transaction_id>184381</transaction_id> <posted_date>2012-04-26</posted_date> <account_id>107</account_id> <debit>200.00</debit> <credit>0.00</credit> <actor_id>135497</actor_id> <actor_type>PERSON</actor_type> <actor_name>Bob, Joe</actor_name> </ledger_entry> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Admin role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns data for a particular event.
Parameter | Description | Required |
eventID | The numeric ID of the event you're interested in. | Yes |
recurrence | If you want a particular occurrence of a reoccurring event. By default the first occurrence will be returned. Example: 2017-01-26. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <event> <eventid>1111</eventid> <ownertype>PERSON</ownertype> <ownerid>1234</ownerid> <calname>My Calendar</calname> <summary>Lunch</summary> <description></description> <allday>0</allday> <start>2017-01-26T13:00:00-06:00</start> <end>2017-01-26T14:00:00-06:00</end> </event> </response>
Optional attendees, location, and resources data can be returned if present.
Returns calendar events.
Parameter | Description | Required |
startDate | Format like MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to the current date. | No |
endDate | Format like MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to 1 month in the future. | No |
calendars | An array of specific calendars to return events from. Defaults to returning events from the current user's calendars. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <event> <eventid>1111</eventid> <ownertype>PERSON</ownertype> <ownerid>1234</ownerid> <calname>My Calendar</calname> <summary>Lunch</summary> <description></description> <allday>0</allday> <recurrence>2017-01-26</recurrence> <color> <red>79</red> <green>140</green> <blue>255</blue> </color> <start>2017-01-26T13:00:00-06:00</start> <end>2017-01-26T14:00:00-06:00</end> </event> <event> <eventid>2222</eventid> <ownertype>INSTANCE</ownertype> <ownerid>5678</ownerid> <calname>ENG101: English 101</calname> <summary>Lecture</summary> <description></description> <allday>0</allday> <recurrence>2017-01-26</recurrence> <color> <red>107</red> <green>134</green> <blue>35</blue> </color> <start>2017-01-26T15:00:00-06:00</start> <end>2017-01-26T16:00:00-06:00</end> </event> ... </response>
The "calendars" optional parameter requires multiple parameters with brackets denoting the parts of the array. Here is an example:
calendars[0][ownertype] = PERSON
calendars[0][ownerid] = 1234
calendars[1][ownertype] = INSTANCE
calendars[1][ownerid] = 5678
calendars[0][ownertype] = PERSON, calendars[0][ownerid] = 1234 referes to a particular person and their ID
calendars[1][ownertype] = INSTANCE, calendars[1][ownerid] = 5678 referes to a particular course instance and it's ID
Possible 'ownertype' values include: 'PERSON', 'INSTANCE' (a course instance), 'ORG', 'ROOM', 'RESOURCE', 'CAMPUS', 'LIBRARY', 'LIBRARY_HOURS'
The "recurrence" attribute will only be present in the response if it's a recurring event
The "color" attribute is the particular calendar's color. So all of it's events and it's label will be presented in that color for distinguishing purposes
Returns all exit reasons.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <exit_reason> <id>1130</id> <name>Graduated</name> <report_as_id/> <report_as_name/> </exit_reason> <exit_reason> <id>1149</id> <name>Failure To Enroll</name> <report_as_id>1144</report_as_id> <report_as_name>Other</report_as_name> </exit_reason> <exit_reason> <id>1137</id> <name>Withdrawn</name> <report_as_id/> <report_as_name/> </exit_reason> <exit_reason> <id>1144</id> <name>Other</name> <report_as_id/> <report_as_name/> </exit_reason> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns all information related to fees configured for the institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <fee> <id>1093</id> <name>Full Time Tuition</name> <type>FLAT</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <description>Tuition for Full Time Students</description> <amount>2000.00</amount> <max_amount>3000.00</max_amount> <report_on_1098t>1</report_on_1098t> <report_on_t2202>0</report_on_t2202> <refundable>1</refundable> <condition>OR</condition> <finaid_applies>1</finaid_applies> <fee_class>TUITION</fee_class> <campus_life>0</campus_life> <account_name>Tuition</account_name> <account_number>X1</account_number> <account_type>INCOME</account_type> </fee> <fee> <id>1094</id> <name>Lab Fee</name> <type>FLAT</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <description>Science lab fee</description> <amount>50.00</amount> <max_amount>50.00</max_amount> <report_on_1098t>0</report_on_1098t> <report_on_t2202>0</report_on_t2202> <refundable>0</refundable> <condition>AND</condition> <finaid_applies>0</finaid_applies> <fee_class>FEE</fee_class> <campus_life>0</campus_life> <account_name>Special Fees</account_name> <account_number>X22</account_number> <account_type>INCOME</account_type> </fee> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin, Student Billing, or Financial Aid role to call this task.
Returns a URL that can be used to download a file (valid for 10 minutes).
Parameter | Description | Required |
file_id | The numeric ID of the file you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For security reasons, this link will only work for 10 minutes - if you need to get the actual contents of the file, see downloadFile.
Returns all available financial aid award types (both active and retired)
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <award_type> <id>1</id> <name>Pell Grant</name> <abbrv>PELL</abbrv> <type>GRANT</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <source>FEDERAL</source> <need_based>1</need_based> <report_on_1098t>1</report_on_1098t> <count_against_need>1</count_against_need> <only_allow_whole_dollar_amounts>0</only_allow_whole_dollar_amounts> <liability_account> <id>147</id> <name>Pell Grant</name> <number>PELL</number> </liability_account> </award_type> <award_type> <id>2</id> <name>Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant</name> <abbrv>FSEOG</abbrv> <type>GRANT</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <source>FEDERAL</source> <need_based>1</need_based> <report_on_1098t>1</report_on_1098t> <count_against_need>1</count_against_need> <only_allow_whole_dollar_amounts>0</only_allow_whole_dollar_amounts> <liability_account> <id>195</id> <name>Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant</name> <number>FSEOG</number> </liability_account> </award_type> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all aid awards for a particular aid year (see getFinancialAidYears).
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of an aid year. | Yes |
award_type_id | The numeric ID of an award type (see getFinancialAidAwardTypes). | No |
person_id | The numeric ID of a student. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <award> <id>357</id> <student> <id>3093</id> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <first_name>James</first_name> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> </student> <award_type> <id>1</id> <name>Pell Grant</name> <abbreviation>PELL</abbreviation> <type>GRANT</type> <source>FEDERAL</source> </award_type> <status>ACCEPTED</status> <scheduled_amount>0.00</scheduled_amount> <disbursed_amount>0.00</disbursed_amount> <net_amount>1000.00</net_amount> <amount>1000.00</amount> </award> <award> <id>359</id> <student>< id>3093</id> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <first_name>James</first_name> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> </student> <award_type> <id>2</id> <name>Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant</name> <abbreviation>FSEOG</abbreviation> <type>GRANT</type> <source>FEDERAL</source> </award_type> <status>SETUP</status> <scheduled_amount>0.00</scheduled_amount> <disbursed_amount>0.00</disbursed_amount> <net_amount>1000.00</net_amount> <amount>1000.00</amount> </award> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns information about a specific disbursement.
Parameter | Description | Required |
disbursement_id | The numeric ID of an disbursement | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <disbursement> <id>70</id> <award_id>357</award_id> <type>DISBURSEMENT</type> <amount>1000.00</amount> <scheduled_date>2009-05-26</scheduled_date> <status_date>2009-05-26</status_date> <posted_date/> <status>POSTED</status> <aid_application_id/> <aid_application_status/> <student> <id>111</id> <last_name>Smith</last_name> <first_name>Laura</first_name> <preferred_name/> <student_id>1998000006</student_id> </student> <award_type> <id>999</id> <name>Student Achievement Scholarship</name> <abbreviation>SASS</abbreviation> </award_type> <academic_term> <id>1111</id> <name>Fall 2010-2011</name> </academic_term> </disbursement> </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all disbursements (whether original, to source, or to student) for a particular aid year (see getFinancialAidYears).
Parameter | Description | Required |
aid_year_id | The numeric ID of an aid year | Yes |
award_type_id | The numeric ID of an award type (see getFinancialAidAwardTypes). | No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of an academic term. | No |
person_id | The numeric ID of a student. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <disbursement> <id>70</id> <award_id>357</award_id> <type>DISBURSEMENT</type> <amount>1000.00</amount> <scheduled_date>2009-05-26</scheduled_date> <status_date>2009-05-26</status_date> <posted_date/> <status>POSTED</status> <aid_application_id/> <aid_application_status/> <student> <id>111</id> <last_name>Smith</last_name> <first_name>Laura</first_name> <preferred_name/> <student_id>1998000006</student_id> </student> <award_type> <id>999</id> <name>Student Achievement Scholarship</name> <abbreviation>SASS</abbreviation> </award_type> <academic_term> <id>1111</id> <name>Fall 2010-2011</name> </academic_term> </disbursement> <disbursement> <id>471</id> <award_id>359</award_id> <type>DISBURSEMENT</type> <amount>1000.00</amount> <scheduled_date>2011-04-14</scheduled_date> <status_date>2011-04-14</status_date> <posted_date/> <status>SCHEDULED</status> <aid_application_id>20000</aid_application_id> <aid_application_status>COMPLETED</aid_application_status> <student> <id>99999</id> <last_name>O'Sentz</last_name> <first_name>Adam</first_name> <preferred_name/> <student_id>2007000060</student_id> </student> <award_type> <id>14</id> <name>Advanced Math Loan</name> <abbreviation>AABL</abbreviation> </award_type> <academic_term> <id>4444</id> <name>Spring 2010-2011</name> </academic_term> </disbursement> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all financial aid years - note that these are different than calendar years, and each award must be attached to a financial aid year.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <aid_year> <id>12</id> <name>2018-2019</name> <start_date>2018-07-01</start_date> <end_date>2019-06-30</end_date> </aid_year> <aid_year> <id>11</id> <name>2017-2018</name> <start_date>2017-07-01</start_date> <end_date>2018-06-30</end_date> </aid_year> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Aid, Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all information related to donation funds configured for your institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <fund> <id>518</id> <name>General</name> <show_online>1</show_online> <is_taxable>0</is_taxable> <income_account_id>880</income_account_id> <income_account_name>General Giving</income_account_name> </fund> <fund> <id>319</id> <name>Music Scholarships</name> <show_online>0</show_online> <is_taxable>1</is_taxable> <income_account_id>709</income_account_id> <income_account_name>Scholarship Foundation</income_account_name> </fund> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Returns the grade report for a particular student and term.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | Yes |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. Default to all programs (program_id 0). | No |
include_locked_grades | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
This task will return raw binary data rather than XML. The Content-Type HTTP header will indicate MIME type, and the Content-Disposition header will contain the file name.
Returns all admissions inquiries matching the specified criteria.
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_date | The start date after which inquiries were received. | No |
end_date | The end date before which inquiries were received. | No |
status | The current status of the inquiries (e.g. WAITING_ON_US, WAITING_ON_THEM, CLOSED). | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the academic program associated with the inquiries. | No |
representative_id | The numeric ID of the representative associated with the inquiries. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="73"> <inquiry> <id>13</id> <person_id>9216473</person_id> <lead_id>46</lead_id> <first_name`>Sally</first_name`> <middle_name>T</middle_name> <last_name>Smith</last_name> <email></email> <phone>(123) 123-1234</phone> <address_id>40798</address_id> <subject>I am interested in your school.</subject> <content>I am interested in your school. Can you give me a call?</content> <program_id>26</program_id> <degree_id></degree_id> <specialization_id></specialization_id> <academic_term_id>190</academic_term_id> <representative_id>2921</representative_id> <auto_assigned_to></auto_assigned_to> <status>WAITING_ON_US</status> <lead_source_id>5</lead_source_id> <localization_id></localization_id> <added_on>Sep 25, 2014</added_on> <added_by>12574</added_by> <added_at>Sep 29, 2014 4:19pm</added_at> <deleted_by></deleted_by> <deleted_at></deleted_at> </inquiry> ... </response>
You must have one of these roles to call this task: Admissions, Admissions Admin.
Returns a particular admissions inquiry.
Parameter | Description | Required |
inquiry_id | The numeric ID of the inquiry. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <inquiry> <id>13</id> <person_id>9216473</person_id> <lead_id>46</lead_id> <first_name`>Sally</first_name`> <middle_name>T</middle_name> <last_name>Smith</last_name> <email></email> <phone>(123) 123-1234</phone> <address_id>40798</address_id> <subject>I am interested in your school.</subject> <content>I am interested in your school. Can you give me a call?</content> <program_id>26</program_id> <degree_id></degree_id> <specialization_id></specialization_id> <academic_term_id>190</academic_term_id> <representative_id>2921</representative_id> <auto_assigned_to></auto_assigned_to> <status>WAITING_ON_US</status> <lead_source_id>5</lead_source_id> <localization_id></localization_id> <added_on>Sep 25, 2014</added_on> <added_by>12574</added_by> <added_at>Sep 29, 2014 4:19pm</added_at> <deleted_by></deleted_by> <deleted_at></deleted_at> </inquiry> </response>
You must have one of these roles to call this task: Admissions, Admissions Admin.
Returns all basic and associated information about an invoice. This could includes charges, payments, credits, financial aid payments, deadlines, credited invoices, and credit refunds.
Parameter | Description | Required |
invoice_id | The numeric ID of the invoice you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <invoice> <id>895008</id> <type>INVOICE</type> <status>UNPAID</status> <invoice_number>643</invoice_number> <description>CS532-2</description> <person_id></person_id> <firstname>Grant</firstname> <lastname>Smith</lastname> <preferred_name></preferred_name> <middlename>Charles</middlename> <amount>9174.00</amount> <due_date>2016-08-01</due_date> <term_id>77</term_id> <term_name>Winter Term 2015-2016</term_name> <student_id>2000030001</student_id> <transaction_id>14253</transaction_id> <transaction_number>1165</transaction_number> <posted_date>2016-02-04</posted_date> <added_by>29212</added_by> <added_time>2016-02-04 11:43:18</added_time> <transaction_status>POSTED</transaction_status> <payment_plan_id>20</payment_plan_id> <payment_plan_applied_at>2016-07-02 15:31:26</payment_plan_applied_at> <payment_plan_name>Monthly Type 2</payment_plan_name> <total_fin_aid_charges>9174.00</total_fin_aid_charges> <total_non_fin_aid_charges>0</total_non_fin_aid_charges> <amount_paid>1397.78</amount_paid> <aid_paid>100.00</aid_paid> <amount_credited>222.00</amount_credited> <balance>7554.22</balance> <aid_expected>200.00</aid_expected> <charges> <charge> <item_type>TUITION</item_type> <invoice_item_id>28856</invoice_item_id> <description>CS532-2</description> <amount>8000.00</amount> <item_name>Undergrad 0.00-8.00</item_name> <finaid_applies>1</finaid_applies> </charge> <charge> <item_type>FEE</item_type> <invoice_item_id>60095</invoice_item_id> <description></description> <amount>1174.00</amount> <item_name>Lab Fee</item_name> <finaid_applies>1</finaid_applies> </charge> </charges> <payments> <payment> <payment_id>495</payment_id> <transaction_id>1399</transaction_id> <transaction_number>1059</transaction_number> <owner_type>PERSON</owner_type> <owner_id>13</owner_id> <payment_number>154345</payment_number> <amount>100.00</amount> <applied_by>1257</applied_by> <posted_date>2016-02-02</posted_date> <payment_type>CUSTOMER_PAYMENT</payment_type> <applied_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</applied_by_name> <applied_time>2016-02-12 15:28:03</applied_time> <is_finaid>0</is_finaid> <is_online>0</is_online> </payment> </payments> <credits> <credit> <invoice_id>1504</invoice_id> <invoice_number>145463</invoice_number> <amount>222.00</amount> <posted_date>2016-08-24</posted_date> <applied_by>1257</applied_by> <applied_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</applied_by_name> <applied_time>2016-08-24 14:33:52</applied_time> </credit> </credits> <expected_awards> <deadlines> <expected_award> <invoice_scheduled_award_id>104</invoice_scheduled_award_id> <pending_award_id>618</pending_award_id> <added_by>1257</added_by> <added_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</added_by_name> <added_time>2015-09-22 12:24:24</added_time> <amount>200.00</amount> <aid_name>Pell Grant</aid_name> <term_name>Summer Term 2011-2012</term_name> <added_at>2015-09-22 19:24:24</added_at> <aid_abbrv>PELL</aid_abbrv> </expected_award> </expected_awards> </deadlines> <deadline> <deadline_id>646</deadline_id> <due_date>2016-08-01</due_date> <amount>500.00</amount> <max_balance>0.00</max_balance> <due_to_date>500.00</due_to_date> <prior_payments_credits>10.25</prior_payments_credits> <paid_to_date>178.00</paid_to_date> <still_due>0</still_due> <status>LATE</status> <late_fee_added>2016-09-02</late_fee_added> </deadline> </invoice> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns invoices and associated information. This could includes charges, payments, credits, financial aid payments, deadlines, credited invoices, and credit refunds.
Parameter | Description | Required |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | No (but either academic_term_id, student_id, or status must be set) |
student_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | No (but either academic_term_id, student_id, or status must be set) |
type | ALL (default), INVOICE, or CREDIT. | No |
status | ALL (default), UNPAID, PAID, or UNCOLLECTIBLE. | No (but either academic_term_id, student_id, or status must be set) |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <invoices> <invoice> <id>895008</id> <type>INVOICE</type> <status>UNPAID</status> <invoice_number>643</invoice_number> <description>CS532-2</description> <person_id></person_id> <firstname>Grant</firstname> <lastname>Smith</lastname> <preferred_name></preferred_name> <middlename>Charles</middlename> <amount>9174.00</amount> <due_date>2016-08-01</due_date> <term_id>77</term_id> <term_name>Winter Term 2015-2016</term_name> <student_id>2000030001</student_id> <transaction_id>14253</transaction_id> <transaction_number>1165</transaction_number> <posted_date>2016-02-04</posted_date> <added_by>29212</added_by> <added_time>2016-02-04 11:43:18</added_time> <transaction_status>POSTED</transaction_status> <payment_plan_id>20</payment_plan_id> <payment_plan_applied_at>2016-07-02 15:31:26</payment_plan_applied_at> <payment_plan_name>Monthly Type 2</payment_plan_name> <total_fin_aid_charges>9174.00</total_fin_aid_charges> <total_non_fin_aid_charges>0</total_non_fin_aid_charges> <amount_paid>1397.78</amount_paid> <aid_paid>100.00</aid_paid> <amount_credited>222.00</amount_credited> <balance>7554.22</balance> <aid_expected>200.00</aid_expected> <charges> <charge> <item_type>TUITION</item_type> <invoice_item_id>28856</invoice_item_id> <description>CS532-2</description> <amount>8000.00</amount> <item_name>Undergrad 0.00-8.00</item_name> <finaid_applies>1</finaid_applies> </charge> <charge> <item_type>FEE</item_type> <invoice_item_id>60095</invoice_item_id> <description></description> <amount>1174.00</amount> <item_name>Lab Fee</item_name> <finaid_applies>1</finaid_applies> </charge> </charges> <payments> <payment> <payment_id>495</payment_id> <transaction_id>1399</transaction_id> <transaction_number>1059</transaction_number> <owner_type>PERSON</owner_type> <owner_id>13</owner_id> <payment_number>154345</payment_number> <amount>100.00</amount> <applied_by>1257</applied_by> <posted_date>2016-02-02</posted_date> <payment_type>CUSTOMER_PAYMENT</payment_type> <applied_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</applied_by_name> <applied_time>2016-02-12 15:28:03</applied_time> <is_finaid>0</is_finaid> <is_online>0</is_online> </payment> </payments> <credits> <credit> <invoice_id>1504</invoice_id> <invoice_number>145463</invoice_number> <amount>222.00</amount> <posted_date>2016-08-24</posted_date> <applied_by>1257</applied_by> <applied_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</applied_by_name> <applied_time>2016-08-24 14:33:52</applied_time> </credit> </credits> <expected_awards> <deadlines> <expected_award> <invoice_scheduled_award_id>104</invoice_scheduled_award_id> <pending_award_id>618</pending_award_id> <added_by>1257</added_by> <added_by_name>Mountain, Jonathan</added_by_name> <added_time>2015-09-22 12:24:24</added_time> <amount>200.00</amount> <aid_name>Pell Grant</aid_name> <term_name>Summer Term 2011-2012</term_name> <added_at>2015-09-22 19:24:24</added_at> <aid_abbrv>PELL</aid_abbrv> </expected_award> </expected_awards> </deadlines> <deadline> <deadline_id>646</deadline_id> <due_date>2016-08-01</due_date> <amount>500.00</amount> <due_to_date>500.00</due_to_date> <prior_payments_credits>10.25</prior_payments_credits> <still_due>0</still_due> <status>LATE</status> <late_fee_added>2016-09-02</late_fee_added> </deadline> </invoice> ... </invoices> </response>
You can pass in 0 for the academic_term_id to get invoices that are not attached to an academic term.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all the lead sources you've set up in the Admissions settings.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lead_source> <id>1111</id> <name>Advertisement</name> <type></type> </lead_source> <lead_source> <id>2222</id> <name>Admissions Poster at Conference</name> <type>Advertisement</type> <parent_id>1111</parent_id> </lead_source> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions role to call this task.
Useful for looking up numeric IDs for passing into setLeadInfo.
Returns all admissions leads matching the specified criteria.
Parameter | Description | Required |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program associated with the leads. | No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term associated with the leads. | No |
representative_id | The numeric ID of the representative associated with the leads. | No |
lead_source_id | The numeric ID of the lead source associated with the leads. | No |
added_on_start_date | YYYY-MM-DD format. | No |
added_on_end_date | YYYY-MM-DD format. | No |
active | Boolean. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="12356"> <lead> <id>1</id> <person_id>3093</person_id> <first_name>James</first_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <active>1</active> <inactive_on/> <most_recent>1</most_recent> <added_on>2016-07-27</added_on> <representative_id>2</representative_id> <representative_first_name>George</representative_first_name> <representative_preferred_name></representative_preferred_name> <representative_middle_name></representative_middle_name> <representative_last_name>Washington</representative_last_name> <status>ENROLLED</status> <program_id>1</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <degree_id>1</degree_id> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <specialization_id>1</specialization_id> <specialization_name>Psychology</specialization_name> <academic_term_id>1</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2016-2017: Fall</academic_term_name> <source_id>1</source_id> <source_name>Advertisement (Billboard)</source_name> <source_comment>The billboard paid off</source_comment> <education_level_id>4</education_level_id> <education_level_name>Some College</education_level_name> <declined_reason_id>1</declined_reason_id> <declined_reason_name>Program/Curriculum</declined_reason_name> <declined_reason_comment></declined_reason_comment> <high_school_grad_date>2012-05-01</high_school_grad_date> <inquiries> <inquiry> <id>1</id> </inquiry> ... </inquiries> <applications> <application> <id>1</id> </application> ... </applications> </lead> ... </response>
There is a limit of 200 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Registrar, or Academic Admin role to call this task.
Returns all ledger accounts.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <ledger_account> <id>107</id> <name>Tuition</name> <account_number>5180</account_number> <description>Aliquam et nisl vel ligula consectetuer suscipit...</description> <account_type>INCOME</account_type> </ledger_account> ... </response>
You must have the Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns all information related to meal plans configured for the institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <meal_plan> <id>9</id> <name>Standard</name> <amount>1444.00</amount> <status>ACTIVE</status> <account_name>Board</account_name> <account_number>5183</account_number> </meal_plan> <meal_plan> <id>3</id> <name>Deluxe</name> <amount>3100.00</amount> <status>ACTIVE</status> <account_name>Board</account_name> <account_number>5183</account_number> </meal_plan> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns most recent completed backup.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>11111</id> <requested_at>2022-03-23 20:51:52</requested_at> <requested_by>56898976</requested_by> <requested_by_name>William Smith</requested_by_name> </response>
See downloadBackup to download the backup after it's completed.
You must be an Account Administrator to call this task.
Returns all courses taken or taught for the current user for a particular term (or all terms currently in progress).
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. To call this task for anyone other than yourself, you must have the Registrar or Academic Admin role. If not set, uses the person_id of the currently logged-in user. | No |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. If not specified, all terms currently in progress will be checked. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Intro to Classical & Modern Geometry</name>
<name>Calculus discussion group</name>
The <enrollment_status> element is only returned if the course is being taken by the user as a student - possible values are ENROLLED, AUDITOR, WITHDRAWN, or INCOMPLETE.
Two additional elemments (<grade> and <letter_grade>) are returned within each <my_course> element if all the following conditions are met:
- <role>=STUDENT
- <enrollment_status>=ENROLLED
- the student has been assigned at least one grade in the course
- the student is allowed to see his or her progress (the setting on the course instance must allow this, and there must be no locks applied on the student's profile)
Returns the Populi news feed, ordered most recent to least recent (with pinned articles at the top).
Parameter | Description | Required |
offset | The numeric value you want to offset the results by. | No |
limit | The maximum number of matches you'd like returned - defaults to 200, maximum is 200. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="356"> <article> <article_id>56</article_id> <title>Snow Day!</title> <content>< ![CDATA[<p>HTML content (with <tags> and embedded media and stuff) goes here.</p>]]> </content> <pinned></pinned> <pinned_until>2011-04-30</pinned_until> <added_at>2011-04-29 14:44:31</added_at> <added_by>2920</added_by> <added_by_name>Bob McStaff</added_by_name> <updated_at></updated_at> <updated_by></updated_by> <updated_by_name></updated_by_name> <roles> <role> <id>5</id> <name>Student</name> </role> <role> <id>3</id> <name>Faculty</name> </role> </roles> </article> ... </response>
The content element contains HTML, with embedded media links resolved absolutely (so no additional parsing should be necessary).
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the offset parameter).
Returns a list of occupations and their respective SOC codes.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <occupation> <id>52</id> <name>Accountants and Auditors</name> <soc_code>13-2011</soc_code> </occupation> <occupation> <id>260</id> <name>Actors</name> <soc_code>27-2011</soc_code> </occupation> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Gets a special url for students to pay online. This link is good for 30 days.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <online_payment_url></online_payment_url> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns basic profile data about an organization: name, type, tags, and contact information (address, phone, email).
Parameter | Description | Required |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <response> <id>3744</id> <name>IPA Scholastic Organization</name> <type_id>25</type_id> <type_name>Not for profit</type_name> <address> <type>OTHER</type> <addressid>40829</addressid> <street>Flare St.</street> <city>Chicago</city> <state>IL</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>USA</country> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </address> <phone> <phoneid>28716</phoneid> <type>WORK</type> <number>(123) 123-1239</number> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </phone> <phone> <phoneid>28682</phoneid> <type>OTHER</type> <number>(555) 123-1235</number> <is_primary>0</is_primary> </phone> <email> <emailid>16175</emailid> <type>OTHER</type> <address></address> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </email> <tag> <id>259</id> <name>Special Donor</name> <system>0</system> </tag> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns organization types.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <type> <id>13</id> <name>Business</name> </type> <type> <id>1</id> <name>Church</name> </type> <type> <id>7</id> <name>College</name> </type> <type> <id>31</id> <name>Government</name> </type> <type> <id>19</id> <name>High School</name> </type> <type> <id>25</id> <name>Not for profit</name> </type> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns all organizations.
Parameter | Description | Required |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="2356"> <organization> <id>3744</id> <name>IPA Scholastic Organization</name> <type_id>25</type_id> <type_name>Not for profit</type_name> <address> <type>OTHER</type> <addressid>40829</addressid> <street>Flare St.</street> <city>Chicago</city> <state>IL</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>USA</country> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </address> </organization> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns all basic and associated information about a payment. This could include credit card information, electronic check information, invoice payments, and payment refunds.
Parameter | Description | Required |
payment_id | The numeric ID of the payment you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>768054</id> <number>13687</number> <transaction_id>9874568</transaction_id> <transaction_number>15876</transaction_number> <posted_date>2019-02-04</posted_date> <primary_actor_type>PERSON</primary_actor_type> <primary_actorid>21435</primary_actorid> <primary_actor_name>Ben Smith</primary_actor_name> <owner_type>PERSON</owner_type> <owner_id>21435</owner_id> <owner_name>Ben Smith</owner_name> <counts_as_aid_payment>0</counts_as_aid_payment> <academic_term_id>9345</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2018-2019: Fall</academic_term_name> <source_type>CASH</source_type> <is_recurring_payment>0</is_recurring_payment> <check_number></check_number> <reference_number></reference_number> <amount>200.00</amount> <amount_available>50.00</amount_available> <total_amount_applied_to_invoices>200.00</total_amount_applied_to_invoices> <added_time>2019-02-04 12:30:15</added_time> <receipt_number>3e879g87954</receipt_number> <receipt_url></receipt_url> <applied_to_invoices> <invoice> <id>8438750</id> <number>gt154984</number> <amount_applied>100.00</amount_applied> </invoice> ... </applied_to_invoices> <refunds> <refund> <id>768055</id> <number>13688</number> <amount_refunded>50.00</amount_refunded> </refund> ... </refunds> </response> NOTE: the following segment may be returned in the <response> if the <source_type> = CREDIT/DEBIT (we do not store full credit card numbers) <credit_card> <name_on_card>Ben Smith</name_on_card> <card_number_last_digits>1234</card_number_last_digits> <expiration_month>1</expiration_month> <expiration_year>2010</expiration_year> <authorization_transaction_number>11111111111</authorization_transaction_number> <capture_transaction_number>11111111111</capture_transaction_number> <approval_code>58795F</approval_code> <convenience_fee_amount>5.50</convenience_fee_amount> <total_amount_charged>205.50</total_amount_charged> <payment_gateway_processing_fee>0.00</payment_gateway_processing_fee> </credit_card> NOTE: the following segment may be returned in the <response> if the <source_type> = ACH (we do not store full bank account numbers) <electronic_check> <settlement_status>SETTLED</name_on_card> <bank_name>Chase</bank_name> <expiration_month>1</expiration_month> <name_on_bank_account>Ben Smith</name_on_bank_account> <bank_account_last_four>1234</bank_account_last_four> <payment_gateway_transaction_id>11111111111</payment_gateway_transaction_id> <payment_gateway_processing_fee>0.00</payment_gateway_processing_fee> </electronic_check>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all financial payment plans.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <payment_plan> <id>4</id> <name>Undergraduate Plan</name> <fee_id>64</fee_id> <amount>100.00</amount> <amount_type>FLAT</amount_type> <late_fee>5.00</late_fee> <late_fee_type>PERCENT</late_fee_type> <min_invoice_amount>1000.00</min_invoice_amount> <exclude_scheduled_aid>0</exclude_scheduled_aid> <schedule_type>DAYS_FROM_INVOICE</schedule_type> <account_id>107</account_id> <account_number>5180</account_number> <account_name>Tuition</account_name> <break_out_by_charge_type>0</break_out_by_charge_type> <balance_month>0</balance_month> <balance_day>0</balance_day> <balance_num_days>90</balance_num_days> </payment_plan> ... </response>
You must have the Student Billing, Financial Admin, or Financial Aid role to call this task.
Returns all financial pending charges.
Parameter | Description | Required |
term_id | Possible values: ALL (default), 0 (None), or any numeric term_id. | No |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | No |
campus_id | Possible values: ALL (default), 0 (None), or any numeric campus_id. | No |
type | Possible values: ALL (default), TUITION, FEE, ROOM_PLAN, MEAL_PLAN, or BOOKSTORE. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="215"> <pending_charge> <id>9344</id> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <middle_name/> <preferred_name/> <term_id>204</term_id> <term_name>Spring 2010-2011</term_name> <charge_id>158</charge_id> <type>TUITION</type> <charge>Undergraduate Tuition 12.00-24.00 credits</charge> <description>Aliquam et nisl vel ligula consectetuer suscipit...</description> <amount>10000.00</amount> </pending_charge> ... </response>
You must have the Student Billing, Financial Admin, or Financial Aid role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns basic profile data about a person: name, age, gender, tags, and contact information (address, phone, email).
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | No |
student_id | The student ID of the person. | No |
return_image_data | Boolean. Returning binary image data will result in slower response times. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix>III</suffix> <former_name/> <is_private>0</is_private> <timezone>America/New_York</timezone> <timezone_name>(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)</timezone_name> <localization_id>1</localization_id> <localization_name>English</localization_name> <image>_BASE_64_ENCODED_BINARY_IMAGE_DATA_RETURNED_HERE_</image> <address> <type>HOME</type> <addressid>1111</addressid> <street>P.O. Box 1994</street> <city>Moscow</city> <state>AR</state> <zip>88887</zip> <primary>1</primary> </address> <address> <type>WORK</type> <addressid>22222</addressid> <street>1000 1st Av</street> <city>Moscow</city> <state></state> <zip>123456</zip> <country>RU</country> <is_primary>0</is_primary> <is_public>1</is_public> </address> <phone> <phoneid>44444</phoneid> <type>MOBILE</type> <number>111-222-3333</number> <is_primary>1</is_primary> <is_public>1</is_public> </phone> <phone> <phoneid>55555</phoneid> <type>HOME</type> <number>222-222-2222</number> <is_primary>0</is_primary> <is_public>1</is_public> </phone> <email> <emailid>55556</emailid> <type>WORK</type> <address></address> <is_primary>1</is_primary> <is_public>0</is_public> <no_mailings>0</no_mailings> </email> <email> <emailid>7777</emailid> <type>HOME</type> <address></address> <is_primary>0</is_primary> <is_public>1</is_public> <no_mailings>0</no_mailings> </email> <status>ACTIVE</status> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1990-01-01</birth_date> <citizenship>US</citizenship> <citizenships> <citizenship> <id>1341</id> <abbr>US</abbr> </citizenship> <citizenship> <id>219</id> <abbr>CA</abbr> </citizenship> </citizenships> <resident_alien>0</resident_alien> <home_city>Moscow</home_city> <home_state>ID</home_state> <home_country>US</home_country> <license_plate>Z 29765</license_plate> <is_active_user>1</is_active_user> <username>jamesm17</username> <races> <race> <id>7</id> <name>Asian</name> </race> </races> <hispanic_latino>No</hispanic_latino> <tags> <tag> <id>1</id> <name>Alumni</name> <system>1</system> </tag> <tag> <id>2</id> <name>Local Student</name> <system>0</system> </tag> ... </tags> </response>
Either person_id or student_id is required.
If the person has a profile picture, the <image> element will contain base64 encoded binary data. The <image> element won't be returned unless the person has a profile picture set.
Returns all applications for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <application> <id>54321</id> <lead_id>3214</lead_id> <lead_active>1</lead_active> <lead_status>ACCEPTED</lead_status> <person_id>1234</person_id> <first_name>Carl</first_name> <first_name></preferred_name> <middle_name>Allen</middle_name> <last_name>Michaelson</last_name> <gender>MALE</gender> <email></email> <application_template_id>112</application_template_id> <application_template_name>Basic</application_template_name> <representative_id>2068</representative_id> <program_id>333</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <degree_seeking>1</degree_seeking> <degree_id>444</degree_id> <degree_abbreviation>B.A.</degree_abbreviation> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <specialization_id>5555</specialization_id> <specialization_abbreviation>ENG</specialization_abbreviation> <specialization_name>English</specialization_name> <academic_term_id>7769</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2014-2015: Fall</academic_term_name> <expected_enrollment>FULL_TIME</expected_enrollment> <full_time>1</full_time> <started_on>2014-02-07</started_on> <submitted_at></submitted_at> <decision_on></decision_on> <withdrawn_on></withdrawn_on> <submitted_type>ONLINE</submitted_type> <provisional>0</provisional> <provisional_comment></provisional_comment> <fee_status>PAID</fee_status> <fee_id>8467</fee_id> <fee_amount>25.00</fee_amount> <fee_payment>BEFORE_START</fee_payment> <sales_receipt_id>12365789</sales_receipt_id> <transaction_id>549873215</transaction_id> <applicant_activity_at>2014-02-10 15:46:35</applicant_activity_at> <num_days_since_last_activity>3</num_days_since_last_activity> <staff_activity_at>2014-02-10 16:10:45</staff_activity_at> <percent_completed>95</percent_completed> <status>IN_PROGRESS</status> </application> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions role to call this task.
Returns all active communication plans attached to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <communication_plan_instance> <id>98</id> <communication_plan_id>13</communication_plan_id> <communication_plan_name>Leads Communication Plan</communication_plan_name> <sender_id>3093</sender_id> <added_by>3093</added_by> <added_at>2017-02-09 23:45:27</added_at> </communication_plan_instance> ... </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
The <sender_id> element dictates who the email/letter will be sent from or who a to-do is assigned by.
Returns all leads attached to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <leads> <lead> <id>1</id> <first_name>James</first_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> <active>1</active> <inactive_on/> <most_recent>1</most_recent> <added_on>2016-07-27</added_on> <representative_id>2</representative_id> <representative_first_name>George</representative_first_name> <representative_preferred_name></representative_preferred_name> <representative_middle_name></representative_middle_name> <representative_last_name>Washington</representative_last_name> <status>ENROLLED</status> <program_id>1</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <degree_id>1</degree_id> <degree_name>Bachelor of Arts</degree_name> <specialization_id>1</specialization_id> <specialization_name>Psychology</specialization_name> <academic_term_id>1</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2016-2017: Fall</academic_term_name> <source_id>1</source_id> <source_name>Advertisement (Billboard)</source_name> <source_comment>The billboard paid off</source_comment> <education_level_id>4</education_level_id> <education_level_name>Some College</education_level_name> <declined_reason_id>1</declined_reason_id> <declined_reason_name>Program/Curriculum</declined_reason_name> <declined_reason_comment></declined_reason_comment> <high_school_grad_date>2012-05-01</high_school_grad_date> <inquiries> <inquiry> <id>1</id> </inquiry> ... </inquiries> <applications> <application> <id>1</id> </application> ... </applications> </lead> ... </leads> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Registrar, or Academic Admin role to call this task.
Returns locks for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lock_type> <id>13875</id> <name>Courses</name> <lock> <id>165220</id> <reason>Unpaid bookstore fees</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has unpaid bookstore fees</internal_note> </lock> <lock> <id>1652431</id> <reason>Unpaid balance</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has an unpaid balance</internal_note> </lock> ... </lock_type> <lock_type> <id>13876</id> <name>Financial</name> <lock> <id>165257</id> <reason>Unpaid balance</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has an unpaid balance</internal_note> </lock> ... </lock_type> <lock_type> <id>13877</id> <name>Grades/Transcript</name> <lock> <id>165284</id> <reason>Unpaid balance</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has an unpaid balance</internal_note> </lock> ... </lock_type> <lock_type> <id>13878</id> <name>Registration</name> <lock> <id>165288</id> <reason>Unpaid balance</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has an unpaid balance</internal_note> </lock> <lock> <id>165291</id> <reason>Graduated</reason> <internal_note>Robert Jones has graduated</internal_note> </lock> ... </lock_type> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns organization records associated with a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <person_organization> <id>123456</id> <organization_id>5498765</organization_id> <organization_name>MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology</organization_name> <type>EDUCATION</type> <title>Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science</title> <start_date>2020-09-01</start_date> <end_date>2024-04-28</end_date> <is_primary>0</is_primary> <is_private>0</is_private> <occupation_id/> <occupation_name/> <full_time/> <hours_worked/> <salary/> <show_on_transcript>1</show_on_transcript> </person_organization> <person_organization> <id>123457</id> <organization_id>1164987</organization_id> <organization_name>Microsoft</organization_name> <type>EMPLOYMENT</type> <title>Web Developer</title> <start_date>2024-05-01</start_date> <end_date/> <is_primary>1</is_primary> <is_private>0</is_private> <occupation_id>66</occupation_id> <occupation_name>Computer Programmers</occupation_name> <full_time>1</full_time> <hours_worked/> <salary>100000</salary> <show_on_transcript/> </person_organization> <person_organization> <id>123458</id> <organization_id>68795432</organization_id> <organization_name>CARE</organization_name> <type>MEMBER</type> <title>Emergency Response Organizer</title> <start_date>2024-07-05</start_date> <end_date/> <is_primary>0</is_primary> <is_private>0</is_private> <occupation_id/> <occupation_name/> <full_time/> <hours_worked/> <salary/> <show_on_transcript/> </person_organization> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns relationships for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <person> <id>54987</id> <name>Robert Jones</name> <generic_relationship_name>Sibling</generic_relationship_name> <gender_relationship_name>Brother</gender_relationship_name> </person> <person> <id>9216473</id> <name>Sally Smith</name> <generic_relationship_name>Spouse</generic_relationship_name> <gender_relationship_name>Wife</gender_relationship_name> </person> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Gets the social insurance number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN/SIN access permissions to call this task.
Gets the social security number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN access permissions to call this task.
Called before you add a new person into Populi, this task returns similar people already in the system. You can then present the results to the user of your application and confirm they're not about to add a duplicate person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
first_name | e.g. Bob | Yes |
last_name | e.g. McProspect | Yes |
gender | MALE or FEMALE | No |
birth_date | e.g. 1979-10-02 | No |
email_address | e.g. | No |
phone_number | e.g. 777-888-9999 | No |
loose_name_match | Boolean. If true, first_name and last_name will be ignored in favor of matching on other properties (e.g. email_address) | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<street>P.O. Box 1994</street>
<street>15555 Napa Valley Rd</street>
<city>Napa Valley</city>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
You should always call this task before calling addPerson, and present the results to your end user to make sure they're not adding duplicate people.
Pass as much information as you can to this task - this will help us find better matches.
Returns all information related to built-in and custom Open Office ODT print layout templates.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <print_layout> <id>1598</id> <name>Custom Transcript V.2</name> <type>TRANSCRIPT</type> <added_at>2018-01-22 19:20:24</added_at> </print_layout> <print_layout> <id>DS1</id> <name>Annual Donation Summary - Basic</name> <type>DONATION_SUMMARY</type> <added_at>2017-05-10 13:22:14</added_at> </print_layout> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns information about each program configured at the school.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <program> <id>26</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> <units>CREDITS</units> <graduate_level>0</graduate_level> <status>ACTIVE</status> <default>1</default> </program> <program> <id>27</id> <name>Graduate</name> <units>CREDITS</units> <graduate_level>1</graduate_level> <status>ACTIVE</status> <default>0</default> </program> <program> <id>40</id> <name>Hourly Program</name> <units>HOURS</units> <graduate_level>0</graduate_level> <status>RETIRED</status> <default>0</default> </program> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Academic Auditor, Admissions, Admissions Admin.
Returns a list of provinces and their respective abbreviations.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <provinces> <province> <abbreviation>AB</abbreviation> <name>Alberta</name> </province> <province> <abbreviation>BC</abbreviation> <name>British Columbia</name> </province> ... </provinces> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns a list of race ids and their respective names.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <races> <race> <id>1</id> <name>American Indian or Alaska Native</name> </race> <race> <id>2</id> <name>Asian</name> </race> ... </races> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns all basic and associated information about a refund. This could include reduced payments and reduced credits.
Parameter | Description | Required |
refund_id | The numeric ID of the refund you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>768055</id> <number>13688</number> <transaction_id>9874567</transaction_id> <transaction_number>15877</transaction_number> <posted_date>2019-02-04</posted_date> <primary_actor_type>PERSON</primary_actor_type> <primary_actorid>21435</primary_actorid> <primary_actor_name>Ben Smith</primary_actor_name> <owner_type>PERSON</owner_type> <owner_id>21435</owner_id> <owner_name>Ben Smith</owner_name> <academic_term_id>9345</academic_term_id> <academic_term_name>2018-2019: Fall</academic_term_name> <source_type>CASH</source_type> <check_number></check_number> <reference_number></reference_number> <amount>100.00</amount> <amount_available>0.00</amount_available> <added_time>2019-02-04 12:35:15</added_time> <receipt_number>3e879g87955</receipt_number> <receipt_url></receipt_url> <reduced_payments> <reduced_payment> <id>768054</id> <number>13687</number> <amount_reduced>50.00</amount_reduced> </reduced_payment> ... </reduced_payments> <reduced_credits> <reduced_credit> <id>879654</id> <number>15498</number> <amount_reduced>50.00</amount_reduced> </reduced_credit> ... </reduced_credits> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all available relationship types, both custom and built-in.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <relationship_type> <id>5</id> <name>Child</name> <male_name>Son</male_name> <female_name>Daughter</female_name> <opposite_type_id>4</opposite_type_id> <built_in>1</built_in> </relationship_type> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns members of a particular role.
Parameter | Description | Required |
roleID | The numeric ID of the role. | No (but either roleID or roleName must be set) |
roleName | Name of the role. | No (but either roleID or roleName must be set) |
status | Possible values: ACTIVE (default), INACTIVE, and ALL. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="10549"> <person> <personID>3093</personID> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <inactive>0</inactive> <username>jamesm17</username> </person> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns all active roles for a particular person (or the current users if no person_id is specified).
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose roles you wish to retrieve. If not specified, the roles for the logged-in user will be returned. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To get a list of all possible roles (not just those attached to this person), see getAvailableRoles
Returns all information related to room plans configured for the institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <room_plan> <id>58</id> <name>Apartment</name> <amount>3000.00</amount> <status>ACTIVE</status> <account_name>Room</account_name> <account_number>5182</account_number> </room_plan> <room_plan> <id>39</id> <name>Dorm</name> <amount>1400.00</amount> <status>DELETED</status> <account_name>Room</account_name> <account_number>5182</account_number> </room_plan> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns all standardized tests.
Example Response
<response> <standardized_test> <id>2</id> <name>ACT</name> <section> <id>3</id> <name>Arts</name> </section> <section> <id>5</id> <name>Math</name> </section> ... </standardized_test> <standardized_test> <id>3</id> <name>GED</name> <section> <id>10</id> <name>Lit & Arts</name> </section> <section> <id>11</id> <name>Math</name> </section> ... </standardized_test> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns a list of states and their respective abbreviations.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <states> <state> <abbreviation>AL</abbreviation> <name>Alabama</name> </state> <state> <abbreviation>AK</abbreviation> <name>Alaska</name> </state> ... </states> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns assignment submissions for a particular assignment and person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
assignment_id | The numeric ID of the assignment. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <essays> <essay> <submission_id>1515</submission_id> <content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam urna lorem, tristique ut malesuada nec, posuere ut lectus.</content> <added_by_id>168742</added_by_id> <added_by_name>Simon Student</added_by_name> <added_time>2013-08-01 14:11:25</added_time> </essay> ... </essays> <files> <file> <submission_id>1520</submission_id> <file_id>18624</file_id> <name>Final Draft</name> <content_type>application/octet-stream</content_type> <added_by_id>168742</added_by_id> <added_by_name>Simon Student</added_by_name> <added_time>2013-08-02 14:11:25</added_time> </file> ... </files> <comments> <comment> <submission_id>1525</submission_id> <content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam urna lorem, tristique ut malesuada nec, posuere ut lectus.</content> <added_by_id>17628</added_by_id> <added_by_name>Robert McProfessor</added_by_name> <added_time>2013-08-02 16:15:56</added_time> </comment> ... </comments> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Returns all non-zero balances.
Parameter | Description | Required |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="231"> <student_balance> <id>111222</id> <balance>6086.62</balance> <first_name>Bob</first_name> <last_name>McStudent</last_name> <preferred_name/> </student_balance> <student_balance> <id>44444</id> <balance>5568.00</balance> <first_name>Fredrick</first_name> <last_name>Studentski</last_name> <preferred_name>Freddy</preferred_name> </student_balance> ... </response>
Student balances are not the same as "Pay Now" amounts, but rather the total amount of money the student owes. So Joe Student could owe the school $10,000 but due to payment plans and expected financial aid only have a "Pay Now" amount of $4,000. In this case, getStudentBalances would return his total balance - $10,000.
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns a student's default tuition schedules.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <tuition_schedules> <tuition_schedule> <id>2</id> <name>Graduate</name> </tuition_schedule> ... </tuition_schedules> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns student discipline information for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <discipline> <id>654987123</id> <action>Academic Warning</action> <start_date>Oct 21, 2017</start_date> <end_date>Dec 31, 2017</end_date> <program_id></program_id> <program_name></program_name> <show_on_transcript>1</show_on_transcript> <generate_tag>1</generate_tag> <comment></comment> <added_at>Oct 21, 2017 5:11pm</added_at> <added_by>56898976</added_by> <added_by_name>William Smith</added_by_name> <updated_at>Oct 23, 2017 2:47pm</updated_at> <updated_by>56898976</updated_by> <updated_by_name>William Smith</updated_by_name> <files> <file> <id>5463876513</id> <name>Academic Warning Letter.pdf</name> <type>application/pdf</type> <size>83591</size> <added_at>Oct 21, 2017 5:11pm</added_at> <added_by>56898976</added_by> <added_by_name>William Smith</added_by_name> </file> </files> ... </discipline> <discipline> <id>754987165</id> <action>Academic Suspension</action> <start_date>Jan 1, 2018</start_date> <end_date></end_date> <program_id>2165489</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <show_on_transcript>1</show_on_transcript> <generate_tag>1</generate_tag> <comment></comment> <added_at>Jan 1, 2018 12:32pm</added_at> <added_by>56898976</added_by> <added_by_name>William Smith</added_by_name> <updated_at>Jan 2, 2018 10:15am</updated_at> <updated_by>56898976</updated_by> <updated_by_name>William Smith</updated_by_name> <files> <file> <id>6549873215</id> <name>Academic Suspension Letter.pdf</name> <type>application/pdf</type> <size>92136</size> <added_at>Jan 1, 2018 12:32pm</added_at> <added_by>56898976</added_by> <added_by_name>William Smith</added_by_name> </file> </files> ... </discipline> ... </response>
The current user must have the Discipline role, the Registrar role, the Academic Admin role, the Academic Auditor role, or be the Advisor of this student to call this task.
File data will only be returned if the current user has the Discipline or Academic Admin role.
Files size is in bytes.
See the downloadFile or getFileDownloadURL API tasks to download the files.
Returns enrollments for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <enrollment> <id>21642973</id> <person_id>1520</person_id> <academic_term_id>777</academic_term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <enrollment_program_id>1597743</enrollment_program_id> <program_id>26</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <program_units>CREDITS</program_units> <status>ENROLLED</status> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>0</finalized> <person_first_name>Linda</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Sanchez</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <academic_term_start_date>2010-01-15</academic_term_start_date> <academic_term_end_date>2010-05-20</academic_term_end_date> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <numeric_grade>95.00</numeric_grade> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <course_campus_id>146873</course_campus_id> <course_campus_name>Main Campus</course_campus_name> <course_has_been_retaken>0</course_has_been_retaken> </enrollment> <enrollment> <id>21643681</id> <person_id>1520</person_id> <academic_term_id>777</academic_term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <enrollment_program_id>1597643</enrollment_program_id> <program_id>26</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <program_units>CREDITS</program_units> <status>ENROLLED</status> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>1</finalized> <person_first_name>Leo</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Aleman</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <academic_term_start_date>2010-01-15</academic_term_start_date> <academic_term_end_date>2010-05-20</academic_term_end_date> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <numeric_grade>0.00</numeric_grade> <letter_grade>F</letter_grade> <course_campus_id>146873</course_campus_id> <course_campus_name>Main Campus</course_campus_name> <course_has_been_retaken>0</course_has_been_retaken> </enrollment> ... </response>
You must have the Academic Admin, Registrar, or Academic Auditor role to call this task.
Returns student information for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. To call this task for anyone other than yourself, you must have the Registrar role, Academic Admin role, or be an advisor of the person. If not set, uses the person_id of the currently logged-in user. | No |
return_image_data | Boolean. Returning binary image data will result in slower response times. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix>III</suffix> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1990-01-01</birth_date> <primary_email></primary_email> <status>ACTIVE</status> <is_active_user>1</is_active_user> <username>jamesm17</username> <image>_BASE_64_ENCODED_BINARY_IMAGE_DATA_RETURNED_HERE_</image> <entrance_term_id>1</entrance_term_id> <entrance_term_name>Fall 1994-1995</entrance_term_name> <exit_date/> <exit_reason/> <leave_of_absence>1</leave_of_absence> <leave_of_absence_start_date>2019-01-07</leave_of_absence_start_date> <leave_of_absence_anticipated_return_date>2019-07-06</leave_of_absence_anticipated_return_date> <advisors> <advisor> <person_id>1654987</person_id> <first>Chris</first> <last>Jones</last> </advisor> <advisor> <person_id>14684357</person_id> <first>Joe</first> <last>Bob</last> </advisor> ... </advisors> <campuses> <campus> <campus_id>146873</campus_id> <name>Main Campus</name> <status>ACTIVE</status> <city>Moscow</city> <state>AZ</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>US</country> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </campus> ... </campuses> </response>
If the person has a profile picture, the <image> element will contain base64 encoded binary data. The <image> element won't be returned unless the person has a profile picture set.
An optional <advisors> element is returned for active students.
An optional <campuses> element is returned if the current user has the Staff role or the Academic Auditor role and your school has at least one campus set up.
<leave_of_absence_start_date> & <leave_of_absence_anticipated_return_date> will only be returned if the <leave_of_absence> value is "1".
Returns a student's meal plan information.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <meal_plan_id>9</meal_plan_id> <meal_plan_name>Standard</meal_plan_name> <amount>3000.00</amount> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, Student Billing, or Financial Aid.
Returns the programs, degrees, and specializations for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <programs> <program> <id>145987</id> <program_id>26</program_id> <name>Undergraduate</name> <started_on>2000-02-07</started_on> <exit_date></exit_date> <exit_reason></exit_reason> <entrance_term_id>123456</entrance_term_id> <entrance_term_name>2000-2001: Fall</entrance_term_name> <previous_education_level_id>3</previous_education_level_id> <previous_education_level_name>High School Diploma</previous_education_level_name> <is_transfer_student>1</is_transfer_student> <degrees> <degree> <degree_id>1</degree_id> <degree_student_id>10228</degree_student_id> <abbrv>B.A.</abbrv> <name>Bachelor of Arts</name> <status>ACTIVE</status> <active_date>2000-02-07</active_date> <inactive_date></inactive_date> <graduation_date></graduation_date> <graduate_degree>0</graduate_degree> <catalog_year_id>48</catalog_year_id> <catalog_start_year>2000</catalog_start_year> <catalog_end_year>2001</catalog_end_year> <anticipated_completion_date>2004-02-07</anticipated_completion_date> <specializations> <specialization> <specialization_id>513</specialization_id> <name>English</name> <type>MAJOR</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <granted_date></granted_date> </specialization> ... </specializations> </degree> ... </degrees> </program> ... </programs> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns a student's room plan information.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <room_plan_id>52</room_plan_id> <room_plan_name>Dorm</room_plan_name> <building_id>26</building_id> <building_name>Complex A</building_name> <room_id>256</room_id> <room_name>Room 204</room_name> <capacity_used>1</capacity_used> <capacity>2</capacity> <amount>4000.00</amount> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, Student Billing, or Financial Aid.
Returns a student's standardized test records.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <student_standardized_test> <id>1568764</id> <standardized_test_id>1</standardized_test_id> <standardized_test_name>SAT</standardized_test_name> <score>1510</score> <primary>1</primary> <taken_date>2019-03-01</taken_date> <received_date>2019-04-28</received_date> <student_standardized_test_section> <id>14569874</id> <standardized_test_section_id>1</standardized_test_section_id> <standardized_test_section_name>Math</standardized_test_section_name> <score>780</score> </student_standardized_test_section> <student_standardized_test_section> <id>15987654</id> <standardized_test_section_id>2</standardized_test_section_id> <standardized_test_section_name>Evidence-Based Reading and Writing</standardized_test_section_name> <score>730</score> </student_standardized_test_section> ... </student_standardized_test> ... </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns a student's term tuition schedules.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <tuition_schedules> <tuition_schedule> <id>2</id> <name>Graduate</name> <bracket_id>105</bracket_id> <bracket_name>1.00-10.00 credits</bracket_name> </tuition_schedule> ... </tuition_schedules> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns people tagged with a particular tag.
Parameter | Description | Required |
tagID | The numeric ID of the tag. | No (but either tagID or tagName must be set) |
tagName | The name of the tag. | No (but either tagID or tagName must be set) |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="2438"> <person> <person_id>3093</person_id> <first_name>James</first_name> <last_name>McMcintosh</last_name> </person> <person> <person_id>54987</person_id> <first_name>Robert</first_name> <last_name>Jones</last_name> </person> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns a list of available tags.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <tags> <tag> <id>1</id> <name>Alumni</name> <system>1</system> </tag> <tag> <id>2</id> <name>Local Student</name> <system>0</system> </tag> ... </tags> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns the students billing information for a particular academic term.
Parameter | Description | Required |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <people> <person> <person_id>2222</person_id> <tuition_schedules> <tuition_schedule> <tuition_schedule_id>2</tuition_schedule_id> <tuition_schedule_name>Graduate</tuition_schedule_name> <tuition_schedule_bracket_id>105</tuition_schedule_bracket_id> <tuition_schedule_bracket_name>1.00-10.00 credits</tuition_schedule_bracket_name> </tuition_schedule> ... </tuition_schedules> <refund_policy_id>1</refund_policy_id> <refund_policy_name>Graduate</refund_policy_name> <meal_plan_id>9</meal_plan_id> <meal_plan_name>Standard</meal_plan_name> <room_plan_id>58</room_plan_id> <room_plan_name>Apartment</room_plan_name> </person> ... </people> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Returns course instances for a given term.
Parameter | Description | Required |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | Yes |
finalized | Boolean. All course instances are returned by default. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <course_instance> <instanceid>11111</instanceid> <courseid>123</courseid> <name>History of Philosophy and Biblical Wisdom</name> <abbrv>CUL301</abbrv> <section>1</section> <primary_faculty_id>4444</primary_faculty_id> <primary_faculty_name>Jose Faculty</primary_faculty_name> <description>This course teaches students about the many...</description> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <department_id>1</department_id> <department_name>Humanities</department_name> <credits>2.00</credits> <hours>0.00</hours> <affects_earned_credits>1</affects_earned_credits> <delivery_method_id>777</delivery_method_id> <delivery_method_name>On Campus</delivery_method_name> <campus_id>444</campus_id> <campus_name>Portland</campus_name> <start_date>2004-10-18</start_date> <end_date>2004-12-18</end_date> <open_to_students_date>2004-10-18</open_to_students_date> <closed_to_students_date>2004-12-18</closed_to_students_date> <max_enrolled>30</max_enrolled> <max_auditors></max_auditors> <synced>0</synced> <published>1</published> <finalized>0</finalized> <programs> <program> <id>2222</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program> <program> <id>3333</id> <name>Registered Nursing</name> </program> ... </programs> </course_instance> <course_instance> <instanceid>22222</instanceid> <courseid>444</courseid> <name>Calculus I</name> <abbrv>MAT201</abbrv> <section>3</section> <primary_faculty_id>888</primary_faculty_id> <primary_faculty_name>Sarah McFacuty</primary_faculty_name> <description>This course teaches students about...</description> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <department_id>2</department_id> <department_name>Sciences</department_name> <credits>0.00</credits> <hours>10.00</hours> <affects_earned_credits>1</affects_earned_credits> <delivery_method_id>5555</delivery_method_id> <delivery_method_name>Online</delivery_method_name> <campus_id>7777</campus_id> <campus_name>Main</campus_name> <start_date>2004-10-18</start_date> <end_date>2004-12-18</end_date> <open_to_students_date>2004-10-18</open_to_students_date> <closed_to_students_date>2004-12-18</closed_to_students_date> <max_enrolled>45</max_enrolled> <max_auditors>0</max_auditors> <published>1</published> <programs> <program> <id>2222</id> <name>Undergraduate</name> </program> <program> <id>3333</id> <name>Registered Nursing</name> </program> ... </programs> </course_instance> ... </response>
See getAcademicTerms if you'd like to get a list of all term_ids.
<max_enrolled> & <max_auditors> can return an empty string meaning "Unlimited" (as opposed to an integer value which would mean there is a limit).
Returns enrollments for a particular term.
Parameter | Description | Required |
term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term. | Yes |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <enrollment> <id>21642973</id> <person_id>1520</person_id> <academic_term_id>777</academic_term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <enrollment_program_id>1597743</enrollment_program_id> <program_id>26</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <program_units>CREDITS</program_units> <status>ENROLLED</status> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>0</finalized> <person_first_name>Linda</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Sanchez</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <academic_term_start_date>2010-01-15</academic_term_start_date> <academic_term_end_date>2010-05-20</academic_term_end_date> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <numeric_grade>95.00</numeric_grade> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <course_campus_id>146873</course_campus_id> <course_campus_name>Main Campus</course_campus_name> <course_has_been_retaken>0</course_has_been_retaken> </enrollment> <enrollment> <id>21643681</id> <person_id>1625</person_id> <academic_term_id>777</academic_term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <enrollment_program_id>1597643</enrollment_program_id> <program_id>26</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <program_units>CREDITS</program_units> <status>ENROLLED</status> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>1</finalized> <person_first_name>Leo</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Aleman</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <academic_term_start_date>2010-01-15</academic_term_start_date> <academic_term_end_date>2010-05-20</academic_term_end_date> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> <numeric_grade>0.00</numeric_grade> <letter_grade>F</letter_grade> <course_campus_id>146873</course_campus_id> <course_campus_name>Main Campus</course_campus_name> <course_has_been_retaken>0</course_has_been_retaken> </enrollment> ... </response>
You must have the Academic Admin, Registrar, or Academic Auditor role to call this task.
Returns term students.
Parameter | Description | Required |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. Defaults to the current academic term_id. | No |
program_id | Possible values: ALL (default), NONE, or any numeric program_id. | No |
campus_id | Possible values: ALL (default), 0 (None), or any numeric campus_id. | No |
return_image_data | Boolean. Returning binary image data will result in slower response times. Defaults to false. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="265"> <student> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <username>jamesm17</username> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix>III</suffix> <former_name>III</former_name> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1990-01-01</birth_date> <image>_BASE_64_ENCODED_BINARY_IMAGE_DATA_RETURNED_HERE_</image> <program_id>26</program_id> <program_name>Undergraduate</program_name> <standing>Senior</standing> <degree>B.A.</degree> <specialization>PHIL</specialization> <full_time>1</full_time> <units_attempted>12.00</units_attempted> <units_granted>12.00</units_granted> <term_gpa>3.85</term_gpa> <cum_units_granted>100.00</cum_units_granted> <cum_gpa>3.55</cum_gpa> <cum_gpa_including_transfer>3.55</cum_gpa_including_transfer> </student> <student> <person_id>3093</person_id> <student_id>2010000043</student_id> <first>James</first> <last>McMcintosh</last> <middle_name>Rodrick</middle_name> <preferred_name>Jimmy</preferred_name> <username></username> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix>III</suffix> <former_name>III</former_name> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1990-01-01</birth_date> <image>_BASE_64_ENCODED_BINARY_IMAGE_DATA_RETURNED_HERE_</image> <program_id>27</program_id> <program_name>Graduate</program_name> <standing>Masters</standing> <degree>M.A.</degree> <specialization>ALAS</specialization> <full_time>0</full_time> <units_attempted>6.00</units_attempted> <units_granted>6.00</units_granted> <term_gpa>3.25</term_gpa> <cum_units_granted>12.00</cum_units_granted> <cum_gpa>3.45</cum_gpa> <cum_gpa_including_transfer>3.45</cum_gpa_including_transfer> </student> ... </response>
You must have the Registrar or Academic Admin role to call this task.
If the person has a profile picture, the <image> element will contain base64 encoded binary data. The <image> element won't be returned unless the person has a profile picture set.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns todos for the current user.
Parameter | Description | Required |
completed | Possible values: NO (default), YES, or BOTH. Whether you'd like to see completed todos, uncompleted todos, or all todos. | No |
page | If you're using a limit, which page of results would you like? So 2 for the second page, etc. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response num_results="356">
<added_time>2009-06-25 17:57:21</added_time>
<content>Talk to Billy about his lack of academic progress</content>
<assigned_to_name>Robert McStaff</assigned_to_name>
<assigned_by_name>Reginald McPresident</assigned_by_name>
<attached_to_name>Billy Student</attached_to_name>
<added_time>2010-01-02 17:57:21</added_time>
<content>Remember the milk on the way home...</content>
<assigned_to_name>Robert McStaff</assigned_to_name>
<assigned_by_name>Robert McStaff</assigned_by_name>
All times are returned in your school's local timezone.
Right now <attached_to_type> will always be PERSON - in future, you may be able to attach todos to organizations, etc.
There is a limit of 200 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns all financial transactions within a specified date range and the associated ledger entries.
Parameter | Description | Required |
date_field | POSTED (default) or ADDED. | No |
start_date | The start date used to filter the "date_field" parameter (e.g. 2021-01-01). Defaults to 30 days ago. | No |
end_date | The end date used to filter the "date_field" parameter (e.g. 2021-03-31). Defaults to the current date. | No |
primary_actor_id | The numeric ID of the primary actor you're interested in. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="231"> <transaction> <id>6914</id> <status>POSTED</status> <type>SALES_INVOICE</type> <payment_type>OTHER</payment_type> <transaction_number>257623</transaction_number> <primary_actor_type>PERSON</primary_actor_type> <primary_actorid>21435</primary_actorid> <student_id>SMITH_4488</student_id> <primary_actor>Smith, Ben</primary_actor> <amount>25.00</amount> <posted_date>2016-02-10</posted_date> <invoiceid></invoiceid> <invoice_number></invoice_number> <paymentid></paymentid> <reference_number></reference_number> <payment_number></payment_number> <payment_source_type></payment_source_type> <donation_id></donation_id> <donation_number></donation_number> <added_by>12570</added_by> <added_by_name>Frank Lenville</added_by_name> <added_time>2016-02-10 16:09:41</added_time> <voided_by></voided_by> <voided_by_name></voided_by_name> <voided_time></voided_time> <ledger_entries> <ledger_entry> <account_name>Accounts receivable</account_name> <account_number>1110</account_number> <account_type>ASSET</account_type> <debit>25.00</debit> <credit>0.00</credit> <actorid>2435</actorid> <actor_type>PERSON</actor_type> <actor_name>Smith, Ben</actor_name> </ledger_entry> <ledger_entry> <account_name>Fees</account_name> <account_number>5181</account_number> <account_type>INCOME</account_type> <debit>0.00</debit> <credit>25.00</credit> <actorid>2435</actorid> <actor_type>PERSON</actor_type> <actor_name>Smith, Ben</actor_name> </ledger_entry> </ledger_entries> </transaction> ... </response>
Depending on the transaction type (invoice, payment, aid payment, credit, donation, etc.) different additional field values will be present in the results. Each transaction will include at least two ledger entries - one debit and one credit along with account details.
You must have the Financial Admin role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Returns the transcript for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
Boolean. If set to true, pdf content will be returned instead of xml. Defaults to false. | No | |
layout_id | The numeric ID of the custom transcript layout you want to use. If not specified, the built-in default layout will be used. | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the student's program you wish to export a transcript for. When using a custom layout, this parameter is required. | No |
official | (Requires the "pdf" parameter to be set to true) Boolean. If set to true, the official transcript pdf content will be returned. Defaults to false. | No |
recipient | (Requires the "pdf" parameter to be set to true) String. The recipient who will be receiving this transcript. | No |
include_course_descriptions | (Requires the "pdf" parameter to be set to true) Boolean. If set to true, course descriptions will be returned in the pdf content. Note: course descriptions will always be returned in the xml. The parameter has no effect on custom layouts. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <student> <first_name>Joe</first_name> <last_name>Bob</last_name> <middle_name></middle_name> <preferred_name></preferred_name> <birth_date>Jan. 5 1985</birth_date> <student_id>85494038</student_id> <enrolled_date></enrolled_date> <address> <street>P.O. Box 1994</street> <city>Moscow</city> <state>AR</state> <zip>88887</zip> </address> </student> <honors> <honor> <honor_id>19748</honor_id> <name>Cum Laude</name> </honor> ... </honors> <programs> <program> <honors> <honor> <honor_id>19748</honor_id> <name>Cum Laude</name> </honor> ... </honors> <degrees> <degree> <degree_id>1</degree_id> <degree_student_id>10228</degree_student_id> <abbrv>B.A.</abbrv> <name>Bachelor of Arts</name> <status>ACTIVE</status> <active_date>2000-02-07</active_date> <inactive_date></inactive_date> <graduation_date></graduation_date> <graduate_degree>0</graduate_degree> <catalog_year_id>48</catalog_year_id> <catalog_start_year>2010</catalog_start_year> <catalog_end_year>2011</catalog_end_year> <honors> <honor> <honor_id>19748</honor_id> <name>Cum Laude</name> </honor> ... </honors> <clinical_hour_course_groups> <clinical_hour_course_group> <course_group_id>846</course_group_id> <name>English</name> <clinical_hours>0</clinical_hours> <required_clinical_hours>10.00</required_clinical_hours> </clinical_hour_course_group> ... </clinical_hour_course_groups> <attendance_hour_course_groups> <attendance_hour_course_group> <course_group_id>846</course_group_id> <name>English</name> <attendance_hours>0</attendance_hours> <required_attendance_hours>10.00</required_attendance_hours> </attendance_hour_course_group> ... </attendance_hour_course_groups> <specializations> <specialization> <specialization_id>513</specialization_id> <name>English</name> <type>MAJOR</type> <status>ACTIVE</status> <granted_date></granted_date> <clinical_hour_course_groups> <clinical_hour_course_group> <course_group_id>846</course_group_id> <name>English</name> <clinical_hours>0</clinical_hours> <required_clinical_hours>10.00</required_clinical_hours> </clinical_hour_course_group> ... </clinical_hour_course_groups> <attendance_hour_course_groups> <attendance_hour_course_group> <course_group_id>846</course_group_id> <name>English</name> <attendance_hours>0</attendance_hours> <required_attendance_hours>10.00</required_attendance_hours> </attendance_hour_course_group> ... </attendance_hour_course_groups> </specialization> ... </specializations> </degree> ... </degrees> <transfer_credits> <institution> <courses> <course> <abbrv>ENG101</abbrv> <name>English 101</name> <attempted_units>3.00</attempted_units> <earned_units>3.00</earned_units> <earned_standing_units>3.00</earned_standing_units> <quality_points>4.00</quality_points> <grade_abbrv>A</grade_abbrv> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <attendance_hours>20.50</attendance_hours> <clinical_hours>18.25</clinical_hours> </course> ... </courses> <totals> <gpa>4.00</gpa> <quality_points>48.00</quality_points> <gpa_units>12.00</gpa_units> <attempted_units>12.00</attempted_units> <earned_units>12.00</earned_units> <earned_standing_units>12.00</earned_standing_units> <attendance_hours>42.50</attendance_hours> <clinical_hours>30.25</clinical_hours> </totals> </institution> ... </transfer_credits> <term_courses> <term> <term_id>1354</term_id> <name>Spring Term 2012-2013</name> <start_date>2013-01-15</start_date> <end_date>2013-04-15</end_date> <standing_id>1426</standing_id> <standing_name>Freshmen</standing_name> <honors> <honor> <honor_id>19748</honor_id> <name>Cum Laude</name> </honor> ... </honors> <discipline> <name>Academic Suspension</name> ... </discipline> <courses> <course> <instance_id>84632</instance_id> <course_id>98435</course_id> <abbrv>ENG102</abbrv> <name>English 102</name> <start_date>2013-01-15</start_date> <end_date>2013-04-15</end_date> <attempted_units>3.00</attempted_units> <earned_units>3.00</earned_units> <attempted_contra-units>3.00</attempted_contra-units> <earned_contra-units>3.00</earned_contra-units> <earned_standing_units>3.00</earned_standing_units> <status>ENROLLED</status> <grade_abbrv>A</grade_abbrv> <letter_grade>A</letter_grade> <numeric_grade>100.00</numeric_grade> <quality_points>12.00</quality_points> <gpa_units>3.00</gpa_units> <course_evaluation_grades_locked>0</course_evaluation_grades_locked> <teacher_person_id>468721</teacher_person_id> <teacher_first_name>Bob</teacher_first_name> <teacher_last_name>Teacher</teacher_last_name> <teacher_preferred_name></teacher_preferred_name> <teacher_display_name>Dr. Bob Teather</teacher_display_name> <attempted_attendance_hours>20.50</attempted_attendance_hours> <earned_attendance_hours>20.50</earned_attendance_hours> <attempted_clinical_hours>18.25</attempted_clinical_hours> <earned_clinical_hours>18.25</earned_clinical_hours> </course> ... </courses> <totals> <gpa>4.00</gpa> <gpa_including_transfer>4.00</gpa_including_transfer> <quality_points>48.00</quality_points> <gpa_units>12.00</gpa_units> <attempted_units>12.00</attempted_units> <attempted_contra-units>12.00</attempted_contra-units> <earned_units>12.00</earned_units> <earned_contra-units>12.00</earned_contra-units> <earned_standing_units>12.00</earned_standing_units> <cumulative_gpa>4.00</cumulative_gpa> <cumulative_gpa_including_transfer>4.00</cumulative_gpa_including_transfer> <cum_quality_points>48.00</cum_quality_points> <cum_gpa_units>48.00</cum_gpa_units> <cum_attempted_units>12.00</cum_attempted_units> <cum_attempted_contra-units>12.00</cum_attempted_contra-units> <cum_earned_units>12.00</cum_earned_units> <cum_earned_contra-units>12.00</cum_earned_contra-units> <attempted_attendance_hours>20.50</attempted_attendance_hours> <earned_attendance_hours>20.50</earned_attendance_hours> <cum_attempted_attendance_hours>55.50</cum_attempted_attendance_hours> <cum_earned_attendance_hours>55.50</cum_earned_attendance_hours> <attempted_clinical_hours>18.25</attempted_clinical_hours> <earned_clinical_hours>18.25</earned_clinical_hours> <cum_attempted_clinical_hours>53.25</cum_attempted_clinical_hours> <cum_earned_clinical_hours>53.25</cum_earned_clinical_hours> </totals> </term> </term_courses> <totals> <attempted_units>24.00</attempted_units> <attempted_contra-units>24.00</attempted_contra-units> <earned_units>24.00</earned_units> <earned_contra-units>24.00</earned_contra-units> <earned_standing_units>24.00</earned_standing_units> <transfer_attempted_units>12.00</transfer_attempted_units> <transfer_attempted_contra-units>12.00</transfer_attempted_contra-units> <transfer_earned_units>12.00</transfer_earned_units> <transfer_earned_contra-units>12.00</transfer_earned_contra-units> <transfer_earned_standing_units>12.00</transfer_earned_standing_units> <cumulative_gpa>4.00</cumulative_gpa> <quality_points>192.00</quality_points> <gpa_units>48.00</gpa_units> <transfer_gpa>4.00</transfer_gpa> <transfer_quality_points>16.00</transfer_quality_points> <transfer_gpa_units>12.00</transfer_gpa_units> <attempted_attendance_hours>90.75</attempted_attendance_hours> <earned_attendance_hours>90.75</earned_attendance_hours> <transfer_attendance_hours>38.00</transfer_attendance_hours> <attempted_clinical_hours>95.00</attempted_clinical_hours> <earned_clinical_hours>95.00</earned_clinical_hours> <transfer_clinical_hours>28.20</transfer_clinical_hours> </totals> </program> ... </programs> <course_descriptions> <course_description> <instance_id>84632</instance_id> <name>English 102</name> <description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</description> </course_description> ... </course_descriptions> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
If pdf = true, this will return raw binary data rather than XML. The Content-Type HTTP header will indicate MIME type, and the Content-Disposition header will contain the file name.
If pdf = true, then this is a heavy API task. Multiple simultaneous calls to this task are not permitted and will fail with a rate limit error.
"Contra-units" - If your program uses credits the contra-units would be hours, and vice versa.
Returns transfer credit program grade options.
Parameter | Description | Required |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <grade_scale> <option> <value>100</value> <label>A+</label> </option> <option> <value>96</value> <label>A</label> </option> <option> <value>92</value> <label>A-</label> </option> ... <grade_scale> <pass_fail_grade_scale> <option> <value>100</value> <label>P</label> </option> ... <option> <value>0</value> <label>F</label> </option> <pass_fail_grade_scale> <other> <option> <value>W</value> <label>Withdrawn</label> </option> <option> <value>I</value> <label>Incomplete</label> </option> <other> </response>
You must have the Admissions Admin, Admissions, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Returns all information related to tuition schedules and brackets configured for the institution.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <tuition_schedule> <id>107</id> <name>Auditor</name> <detail>1.00-12.00 credits: $350.00, 0.00 per unit</detail> <tuition_schedule_brackets> <tuition_schedule_bracket> <id>22</id> <units>CREDITS</units> <min_units>1.00</min_units> <max_units>12.00</max_units> <flat_amount>350.00</flat_amount> <per_unit_amount>0.00</per_unit_amount> <per_unit_threshold>0.00</per_unit_threshold> <in_use>2</in_use> <account_id>107</account_id> <account_name>Tuition</account_name> <account_number>5180</account_number> </tuition_schedule_bracket> </tuition_schedule_brackets> </tuition_schedule> <tuition_schedule> <id>2</id> <name>Graduate</name> <detail>1.00-10.00 credits: $0.00, 300.00 per unit<br/> 11.00-15.00 credits: $3500.00, 0.00 per unit</detail> <tuition_schedule_brackets> <tuition_schedule_bracket> <id>105</id> <units>CREDITS</units> <min_units>1.00</min_units> <max_units>10.00</max_units> <flat_amount>0.00</flat_amount> <per_unit_amount>300.00</per_unit_amount> <per_unit_threshold>0.00</per_unit_threshold> <in_use>1</in_use> <account_id>107</account_id> <account_name>Tuition</account_name> <account_number>5180</account_number> </tuition_schedule_bracket> <tuition_schedule_bracket> <id>16</id> <units>CREDITS</units> <min_units>11.00</min_units> <max_units>15.00</max_units> <flat_amount>3500.00</flat_amount> <per_unit_amount>0.00</per_unit_amount> <per_unit_threshold>0.00</per_unit_threshold> <in_use>0</in_use> <account_id>107</account_id> <account_name>Tuition</account_name> <account_number>5180</account_number> </tuition_schedule_bracket> </tuition_schedule_brackets> </tuition_schedule> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Student Billing role to call this task.
Returns updated enrollment for a particular time.
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_date | Format should be a date like "2010-11-06". | Yes |
offset | The numeric value you want to offset the results by. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="12356"> <enrollment> <id>21642973</id> <person_id>1520</person_id> <term_id>777</term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <status>ENROLLED</status> <status_date>2011-02-18</status_date> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>0</finalized> <person_first_name>Linda</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Sanchez</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> </enrollment> <enrollment> <id>21643681</id> <person_id>1625</person_id> <term_id>777</term_id> <instance_id>44444</instance_id> <catalog_course_id>14678</catalog_course_id> <status>ENROLLED</status> <status_date>2010-11-22</status_date> <credits>3.00</credits> <hours>9.00</hours> <finalized>1</finalized> <person_first_name>Leo</person_first_name> <person_last_name>Aleman</person_last_name> <person_middle_name>D</person_middle_name> <person_preferred_name></person_preferred_name> <academic_term_name>Spring Term 2009-2010</academic_term_name> <course_abbrv>MAT201</course_abbrv> <course_name>Calculus I</course_name> <section>3</section> <pass_fail>0</pass_fail> </enrollment> ... </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the offset parameter).
Returns all people who have had information changed since start_time. This is useful if you want to sync Populi users to a directory service, etc.
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_time | Return all people with updated info since this second. Format should be a local timestamp like "2010-11-06 13:27:10". | Yes |
offset | The numeric value you want to offset the results by. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="356"> <person> <id>4444444</id> <first_name>Doug</first_name> <last_name>McFaculty</last_name> <preferred_name/> <middle_name/> <prefix>Mr.</prefix> <suffix/> <former_name/> <maiden_name/> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1979-10-02</birth_date> <primary_email></primary_email> <status>ACTIVE</status> <is_active_user>1</is_active_user> <user_name>dougf</user_name> <updated_at>2011-05-09 13:42:00</updated_at> </person> <person> <id>88888</id> <first_name>James</first_name> <last_name>McProspect</last_name> <preferred_name>Jim</preferred_name> <middle_name/> <prefix/> <suffix>III</suffix> <former_name/> <maiden_name/> <gender>MALE</gender> <birth_date>1988-06-04</birth_date> <primary_email></primary_email> <status>ACTIVE</status> <is_active_user>0</is_active_user> <user_name/> <updated_at>2011-04-09 13:42:00</updated_at> </person> ... </response>
People count as updated if their roles, tags, profile data, password, or contact information change. People added/deleted since start_time will also be returned.
The idea here is to make it possible to periodically run a script which pulls changes out of Populi since the last time it ran and pushes them to another system (e.g. Open Directory or Active Directory). If you want to sync contact info, check out getPerson to pull more detailed information.
There is a limit of 200 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the offset parameter).
You must have the Staff role or the Academic Auditor role to call this task.
Returns all users.
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <person> <person_id>40913</person_id> <first>Frank</first> <last>Klemgaard</last> <username>frankk</username> <blocked>0</blocked> </person> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role or the Academic Auditor role to call this task.
Returns all voided financial transactions within a specified time period and the associated ledger entries.
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_time | The start time used to filter the voided transactions (e.g. 2021-01-01 14:00:00). Defaults to 30 days ago. | No |
end_time | The end time used to filter the voided transactions (e.g. 2021-03-31 14:00:00). Defaults to the current time. | No |
primary_actor_id | The numeric ID of the primary actor you're interested in. | No |
page | We limit the number of results returned (see comments), so which "page" would you like (e.g. page=1, page=2, page=3). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response num_results="231"> <transaction> <id>6915</id> <status>VOID</status> <type>SALES_INVOICE</type> <payment_type>ON_ACCOUNT</payment_type> <transaction_number>257624</transaction_number> <primary_actor_type>PERSON</primary_actor_type> <primary_actorid>21435</primary_actorid> <student_id>SMITH_4488</student_id> <primary_actor>Smith, Ben</primary_actor> <amount>25.00</amount> <posted_date>2016-02-10</posted_date> <invoiceid>1534</invoiceid> <invoice_number>1179</invoice_number> <paymentid></paymentid> <reference_number></reference_number> <payment_number></payment_number> <payment_source_type></payment_source_type> <donation_id></donation_id> <donation_number></donation_number> <added_by>12570</added_by> <added_by_name>Frank Lenville</added_by_name> <added_time>2016-02-10 16:09:41</added_time> <voided_by>12570</voided_by> <voided_by_name>Frank Lenville</voided_by_name> <voided_time>2016-02-10 16:12:41</voided_time> <ledger_entries> <ledger_entry> <account_name>Accounts receivable</account_name> <account_number>1110</account_number> <account_type>ASSET</account_type> <debit>25.00</debit> <credit>0.00</credit> <actorid>2435</actorid> <actor_type>PERSON</actor_type> <actor_name>Smith, Ben</actor_name> </ledger_entry> <ledger_entry> <account_name>Fees</account_name> <account_number>5181</account_number> <account_type>INCOME</account_type> <debit>0.00</debit> <credit>25.00</credit> <actorid>2435</actorid> <actor_type>PERSON</actor_type> <actor_name>Smith, Ben</actor_name> </ledger_entry> </ledger_entries> </transaction> </response>
Depending on the transaction type (invoice, payment, aid payment, credit, donation, etc.) different additional field values will be present in the results. Each transaction will include at least two ledger entries - one debit and one credit along with account details.
You must have the Financial Admin role to call this task.
There is a limit of 1000 results in the response.
The "num_results" attribute (in the <response> element) indicates the total number of possible results (regardless of the limit or the page parameter).
Creates an invoice based from pending charges associate with a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The academic term ID that the pending charges are attached to. This is optional because some pending charges may not be attached to an academic term. | No |
due_date | The date that the invoice is due. Defaults to your specified due date setting (if set), otherwise the defaults to the academic term start date (if an academic_term_id is passed in and the academic term's start date is in the future), otherwise the default is 30 days in the future. | No |
posted_date | The transaction's posted date. Defaults to the current date. | No |
fee_id | The numeric ID of a particular fee you're interested in. | No |
pending_charge_ids | An array of pending charge IDs that you're interested in. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <invoice_id>2222</invoice_id> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Links an application to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | Numeric ID of the application. | Yes |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Links a donation to a person or organization as that donation's donor or soft credit.
Parameter | Description | Required |
donation_id | The numeric ID of the donation | Yes |
link_type | DONOR or SOFT_CREDIT | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you wish to link to this donation | No |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization you wish to link to this donation | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
Either person_id or organization_id is required. A donation can only be linked to a single donor, but can have multiple soft credits. To change the donor of a donation that is already linked, first use the unlinkDonation task.
Links an inquiry to a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
inquiry_id | Numeric ID of the inquiry. | Yes |
person_id | Numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Posts an existing scheduled disbursement.
Parameter | Description | Required |
disbursement_id | The numeric ID of a disbursement with a status of SCHEDULED (but not SETUP, POSTED, DELETED or VOID) | Yes |
posted_date | Format should be a date like "2010-11-06". Defaults to the current date. | No |
notify_student | Boolean. Send a notification email to the student's primary email address. Defaults to true. | No |
transaction_description | A description to include on the associated financial transaction that will be created. Defaults to blank. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Financial Aid role to call this task.
Removes an advisor from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
advisor_person_id | The numeric person ID of the advisor you're interested in. | Yes |
student_person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Removes a default tuition schedule from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Removes a role from a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
role_id | The numeric ID of the role you want to remove. | Yes |
exit_date | Used then removing the Student role. Used when inactivating any active programs/degrees. Defaults to the current date. | No |
exit_reason_id | Used then removing the Student role. Used when inactivating any active programs/degrees. Defaults to 0 (Unknown). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
When the Student role is removed the student will be withdrawn from all non-finalized courses and any active programs/degrees will be inactivated.
The current user must have the Staff role and permission to remove the role (this varies by role... so Academic Admins can remove the Registrar role, Admissions Admins can remove the Admission role, etc).
See getAvailableRoles to look up all possible roles and their numeric IDs.
Removes a tag from a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose tag should be removed. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
organization_id | The numeric ID of the organization whose tag should be removed. | No (but either person_id or organization_id must be set) |
tag_id | The numeric ID of the tag. | No (but either tag_id or tag must be set) |
tag | The actual tag you want to be removed (e.g. "Do not call", or "Good reference"). | No (but either tag_id or tag must be set) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
The tag_id or tag that you pass in must exist in Populi or a BAD_PARAMETER error will be thrown. However, this task will return SUCCESS even if the particular person doesn't have the particular tag - Populi will do nothing in that case.
System tags cannot be removed by anyone other than Populi... so certain tags like "Expelled" are off-limits. To remove these tags, you'll need to take some action in Populi - the correct system tags will be removed as a byproduct of that action.
Removes a term tuition schedule from a student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Removes the user account from a person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose user account will be removed. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
Users with the Academic Admin role can remove any user account.
Users with the Staff role can remove any user account except for users with the Academic Admin role.
The user status of current Account Admins and Billing Contacts can't be edited.
You cannot remove your user account.
Requests a backup of your Populi data, delivered as a ZIP file in CSV format. You can be notified by email when it's ready for download, or have an HTTP request made to another web application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
on_complete_email | Where to send the "Backup Ready for Download" email. | No |
on_complete_url | If set, when the backup is ready for download we'll make an HTTP request to this URL, including the backup_id as a POST variable. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The <id> returned is the ID of the backup request (the same ID that will be passed to on_complete_url).
See downloadBackup to download the backup after it's completed.
You must be an Account Administrator to call this task.
Resubscribes a particular email address to emails.
Parameter | Description | Required |
email_address | The email address you want to resubscribe to emails. (e.g. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
Looks up organizations by name & location.
Parameter | Description | Required |
search_term | e.g. "College of Nursing" or "Chicago, IL". | Yes |
limit | The maximum number of matches you'd like returned - defaults to 10, maximum is 50. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <organization> <id>3744</id> <name>IPA Scholastic Organization</name> <type_id>25</type_id> <type_name>Not for profit</type_name> <address> <type>OTHER</type> <addressid>40829</addressid> <street>Flare St.</street> <city>Chicago</city> <state>IL</state> <zip>12345</zip> <country>USA</country> <is_primary>1</is_primary> </address> </organization> ... </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Use getOrganization to look up more detailed information about one of your search results.
Looks up people by name, email, phone number, etc.
Parameter | Description | Required |
search_term | e.g. "Joe McStudent" or "208-111-2222" or "" | Yes |
limit | The maximum number of matches you'd like returned - defaults to 10, maximum is 50. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Metaphone matching is used to try to correct misspellings... so you can accidentally search for "Mervin Smith" and hopefully get Marvin Smith returned.
Use getPerson to look up more detailed information about one of your search results.
Sets a value for a particular application field.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
application_field_id | The numeric ID of the application field you're interested in. | Yes |
value (this would be an array for MULTIPLE_ANSWER) | The value for this field. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
reference_email | The email address that should receive an online reference invitation. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
reference_message | A personal message to the recipient of the online reference invitation. | No |
street | The street portion of an address. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
city | The city portion of an address. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
state | A state or province abbreviation. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
zip | The zip/postal code portion of an address. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
country | A country abbreviation. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
hispanic_latino | Boolean. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
race_ids | An array of race IDs. | No |
date_taken | The date a standardized test was taken. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
total_score | The total score for a standardized test. | No (but depends on the field - see comments) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Admissions role or be the owner of the application to call this task.
The value must be a valid option for the field or a BAD_PARAMETER error will be returned.
Most fields require value (this would be an array for MULTIPLE_ANSWER) except those listed below:
ONLINE_REFERENCE fields require reference_email - reference_message is optional.
STATE_PROVINCE fields require country and state.
RACE_ETHNICITY fields require hispanic_latino.
ADDRESS fields require street, city, state, zip and country.
STANDARDIZED_TEST fields require date_taken and total_score.
Sets a custom field value for a particular person, organization, or donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
custom_field_id | The numeric ID of the custom field you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | No |
owner_id | The numeric ID of object you're interested in, if they are not a person. | No |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | No (but must be set for TERM_STUDENT type fields) |
value (this would be an array for CHECKBOXes) | The value for this field. | No (but either value or option_index must be set - see comments) |
option_index (this would be an array for CHECKBOXes) | For RADIOs and SELECTs, you can pass in the index of the selected option. | No (but either value or option_index must be set - see comments) |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
When setting a custom field on a Donation or Organization, use the owner_id parameter. Otherwise use person_id.
For fields RADIOs and SELECTs, you can pass in either the selected option value itself (e.g. "McNeil Dorm"), or the index of that option (e.g. 7). Either way, it must be a valid option for that custom field or a BAD_PARAMETER error will be returned.
For CHECKBOXes, you can pass in a values array.
For FILE input type fields, pass in a numeric file_id.
Sets information about an admissions lead.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose lead information you'd like to change. | Yes |
admissions_officer_id | The numeric person ID of the main admissions officer responsible for this lead (he or she should have the Admissions role). | No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program the lead is interested in. | No |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree the lead is interested in. | No |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization the lead is interested in. | No |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term the school hopes the lead will attend. | No |
source_id | The numeric ID of the source this lead to which this lead should be attributed. | No |
source_comment | A short comment describing this lead's source (i.e. "Where did this lead come from?"). | No |
ed_level_id | The numeric education level ID associated with this lead (e.g. High School, Some College, etc). | No |
declined_reason_id | The numeric declined reason ID associated with this lead (e.g. Distance/Location, Financial, etc). | No |
declined_reason_comment | A short comment describing this lead's declined reason. | No |
high_school_grad_date | The date this lead graduated from High School (e.g. 2010-06-15) | No |
active | Boolean. 1 or 0. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Pass in only the fields you want to change - the ones you don't pass in will be left alone with their current value intact.
This task can be called on any person.
You must have the Admissions role to call this task.
See getAcademicTerms, getLeadSources, getEducationLevels to look up the various numeric IDs you can pass into this function.
Sets the birth date for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
birth_date | e.g. 1979-10-02 | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the citizenship for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
citizenship[] | The citizenship country abbreviation(s) for the person. | Yes |
resident_alien | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
See the getCountries task for a list of valid country abbreviations.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the gender for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
gender | MALE, FEMALE, or UNKNOWN | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the hometown for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
city | The hometown city for the person. | No |
state | The hometown state abbreviation for the person. | No |
country | The hometown country abbreviation for the person. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The "state" parameter can also take a province.
See the getStates task for a list of valid state abbreviations.
See the getProvinces task for a list of valid province abbreviations.
See the getCountries task for a list of valid country abbreviations.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the name a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
prefix | No | |
first_name | No | |
preferred_name | No | |
middle_name | No | |
last_name | No | |
suffix | No | |
former_name | No | |
maiden_name | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You do not have to pass in all the individual name pieces. For example, if you only want to update the person's preferred name and middle name then simply pass in preferred_name and middle_name.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the race/ethnicity for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
hispanic_or_latino | Boolean. Defaults to false. | Yes |
race_ids | An array of race IDs. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
See the getRaces task for a list of valid race IDs.
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Sets the social insurance number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
sin | The social insurance number for the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN/SIN editing permissions to call this task.
Sets the social security number for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
ssn | The social security number for the person. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have SSN editing permissions to call this task.
Sets an assignment grade for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
assignment_id | The numeric ID of the assignment you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
grade | The assignment grade for the student. | Yes |
recalculate_final_grade | Boolean. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Sets the entrance term for a particular student.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | Yes |
student_program_id | The numeric ID of the student's program you're interested in. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
If `student_program_id` is not passed in we will set the entrance term on all of the student's active programs.
For `student_program_id` see the `id` element in the getStudentPrograms API task.
Sets the final grade for a particular student in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person you're interested in. | Yes |
grade | The final grade for the student. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course Faculty member to call this task.
Sets a student's ID
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose student ID you'd like to change. | Yes |
student_id | The new student ID | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role or the Registrar role to call this task.
Sets a student's meal plan information.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
meal_plan_id | The numeric ID of the meal plan you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, or Student Billing.
Sets a student's room plan information.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
room_plan_id | The numeric ID of the room plan you're interested in. | Yes |
room_id | The numeric ID of the room you're interested in. | No |
capacity_used | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have one of the following roles to call this task: Academic Admin, Registrar, Campus Life, Financial Admin, or Student Billing.
Sets a student's standardized test section score.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
student_standardized_test_id | The numeric ID of the student's standardized test record. | Yes |
standardized_test_section_id | The numeric ID of the standardized test section. | Yes |
score | The test section score. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Marks a todo completed or not completed.
Parameter | Description | Required |
todo_id | The numeric ID of the todo you're interested in. | Yes |
completed | Possible values: 1 (default) or 0. Whether the todo should be marked completed. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This function can only be used on todos assigned to the currently logged-in user.
Submits an application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Admissions role or be the owner of the application to call this task.
Used to unblock a particular user account.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person whose user account will be unblocked. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
Users with the Academic Admin role can unblock anyone.
Users with the Staff role can unblock anyone except for users with the Academic Admin role.
Unlinks a person from an application.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | Numeric ID of the application. | Yes |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Removes the donor link or soft credits from a donation.
Parameter | Description | Required |
donation_id | The numeric ID of the donation | Yes |
link_type | DONOR or SOFT_CREDIT | Yes |
soft_credit_donor_id | Numeric donor ID of the soft credit you wish to remove from this donation | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Financial Admin or Donations role to call this task.
When unlinking a donor, no additional parameters are requilred. When unlinking a soft credit, the soft_credit_donor_id must also be supplied. This will be the soft credit's donor_id, NOT the associated person_id or organization_id.
Unsubscribes a particular email address from emails.
Parameter | Description | Required |
email_address | The email address you want to unsubscribe from emails. (e.g. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
The current user must have the Staff role to call this task.
Updates an address.
Parameter | Description | Required |
addressid | The numeric ID of the address. | Yes |
street | e.g. 777 Magnolia Ln | No |
city | e.g. Moscow | No |
state | e.g. ID | No |
postal | e.g. 83843 | No |
country | e.g. US, CA, etc. | No |
type | Person addresses: HOME, WORK, BILLING, SCHOOL, SHIPPING, OTHER Organization addresses: MAIN, BILLING, SHIPPING, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the address as primary or not primary. | No |
old | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the address as old or not old. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the address as public or not public. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be updating an address on his/her own profile.
Updates an application field's status.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
application_field_id | The numeric ID of the application field you're interested in. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions or Admissions Admin role to call this task.
The application must be linked to a person before the field status can be updated.
Updates an application's status.
Parameter | Description | Required |
application_id | The numeric ID of the application you're interested in. | Yes |
fee_status | UNPAID, PAID, or WAIVED. | No |
provisional | Boolean. Only applies when the status=ACCEPTED. Defaults to false. | No |
provisional_comment | Only applies when the status=ACCEPTED. | No |
provisional_comment | Only applies when the provisional=1 and status=ACCEPTED. | No |
add_student_role | Boolean. Only applies when the status=ACCEPTED. Defaults to true. | No |
import_course_of_study | Boolean. Only applies when the applicant has the student role and status=ACCEPTED. Defaults to true. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions or Admissions Admin role to call this task.
The application must be linked to a person before the status can set to any of the following: PENDING_DECISION, ACCEPTED, DECLINED, WITHDRAWN, DEFERRED, or WAITLISTED.
Updates an assignment in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
assignment_id | The numeric ID of the assignment you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the assignment. | No |
discussion_id | Only used when the assignment type is DISCUSSION. The numeric ID of the discussion you want to use (the default is 0 which means a new discussion will be created). | No |
description | A description of the assignment. | No |
catalog_course_ids | Only used if the course is cross-listed. This would be an array of catalog course IDs that the assignment applies to. If you leave this parameter out of the request the assignment will apply to all cross-listed courses. | No |
points | The number of points that the assignment is worth. | No |
extra_credit | Boolean. | No |
group_id | The assignment group ID this assignment belongs to (group_id 0 is the built-in "Other" group). | No |
published | Boolean. | No |
time_due | When the assignment is due (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
visible_to_students_before_due | When the passed in type is TEST this sets whether or not the test is visible before it's available. | No |
availability | FROM, AFTER, BEFORE, or ALWAYS. If the value is FROM and both start_window and end_window are empty then the test will not be available. | No |
start_window | When the test availability starts (e.g. 2017-06-01 00:00:00 - must be in the course instance's timezone). Only used when the availability parameter is FROM or AFTER. | No |
end_window | When the test availability ends (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). Only used when the availability parameter is FROM or BEFORE. | No |
The following parameters are only used when the assignment type is TEST: | ||
time_limit | The time limit in minutes (time_limit 0 means "No time limit"). | No |
retake_policy | NO_RETAKES (no retakes), KEEP_HIGHEST (keep highest score), KEEP_LAST (keep most recent score), AVERAGE (average all scores). | No |
retakes | The number of retakes allowed (only used when the retake_policy is not NO_RETAKES). | No |
proctored | NOT_PROCTORED (the default), EMAIL_OR_SMS, or SMS. | No |
test_submit_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback - the default), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers). | No |
test_end_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers - the default). | No |
course_end_feedback | SCORE (score when available), FEEDBACK (score and response feedback), ANSWERS (score, response feedback, and correct answers - the default). | No |
The following parameters are only used when the assignment type is PEER_REVIEW_FILE_UPLOAD or PEER_REVIEW_ESSAY: | ||
peer_grade | Boolean. | No |
grade_submission_points | The number of points that submissions are worth. | No |
grade_review_points | The number of points that reviews are worth. | No |
anonymous_reviews | Boolean. | No |
review_visibility | NEVER (not visible to other students), AFTER_REVIEW (visible to other students after their review), ALWAYS (visible to other students). | No |
allow_review_comments | Boolean. Only used when review_visibility is not NEVER. | No |
reviews_time_due | When reviews are due (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
reviews_closed_date_time | When reviews are closed (e.g. 2017-06-30 23:59:59 - must be in the course instance's timezone). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Only assignments with the GRADE_ONLY type may be switched to the DISCUSSION type.
Updates an assignment group in a particular course instance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instance_id | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
group_id | The numeric ID of the assignment group you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the assignment group. | No |
weight | The assignment group's weight percent (the default is 0). | No |
extra_credit | Boolean. | No |
drop_lowest | The number of lowest-graded assignments to drop from this group for each student (the default is 0). | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task.
Updates a link attached to a particular course offering.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
link_id | The numeric ID of the link you're interested in. | Yes |
name | The name of the link. | No |
url | The URL for the link. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin role, the Registrar role, or be a course teacher to call this task (and the course must not be finalized).
Updates an email address.
Parameter | Description | Required |
emailid | The numeric ID of the email address. | Yes |
email_address | e.g. | No |
type | Person email addresses: HOME, WORK, SCHOOL, OTHER Organization email addresses: WORK, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the email address as primary or not primary. | No |
old | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the email address as old or not old. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the email address as public or not public. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be updating an email address on his/her own profile.
Updates an admissions inquiry record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
inquiry_id | The numeric ID of the inquiry. | Yes |
representative_id | The numeric person ID of the representative. | No |
lead_source_id | The numeric ID of the lead source. You can pass in 0 to remove the source data from the inquiry record. |
No |
program_id | The numeric ID of the program the person is interested in. You can pass in 0 to remove the program data from the inquiry record. |
No |
degree_id | The numeric ID of the degree the person is interested in. You can pass in 0 to remove the degree data from the inquiry record. |
No |
specialization_id | The numeric ID of the specialization the person is interested in. You can pass in 0 to remove the specialization data from the inquiry record. |
No |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term the person is interested in attending. You can pass in 0 to remove the academic term data from the inquiry record. |
No |
added_on | The date the inquiry was made in the format '2016-10-27' | No |
phone | The person's phone number. | No |
The person's email address. | No | |
street | The person's street address. | No |
city | The person's city. | No |
state | The person's state or province abbreviation. | No |
postal | The person's postal code. | No |
country | The person's country abbreviation. | No |
status | CLOSED is the only supported status at this time. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
, lead_source_id
, and added_on
are the only attributes that can be updated if the inquiry record has been linked to a person record in Populi.
You must have the Admissions or Admissions Admin role to call this task.
Updates a person's license plate.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
license_plate | The person's license plate. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role to call updateLicensePlate.
Updates a person organization record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
id | The numeric ID of the person_organization record. See getPersonOrganization. | Yes |
title | The person's title at the organization. | No |
start_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2020-09-05". | No |
end_date | Format should be a date. e.g. "2024-05-07". | No |
is_primary | Boolean. | No |
is_private | Boolean. Defaults to the "Make relationships between people and organizations private by default" security setting. | No |
occupation_id | The numeric ID of the occupation. See getOccupations. Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
full_time | Boolean. Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
weekly_hours | Only used when full_time = 0 and type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
salary | Only used when type = EMPLOYMENT. | No |
can_show_on_transcript | Boolean. Defaults to true. Only used when type = EDUCATION. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Private person organization records are only visible to Faculty/Staff/Advisors.
Updates a phone number.
Parameter | Description | Required |
phoneid | The numeric ID of the phone number. | Yes |
phone_number | e.g. 1-800-888-8888 | No |
type | Person phone numbers: HOME, WORK, MOBILE, SCHOOL, FAX, OTHER Organization phone numbers: WORK, FAX, OTHER |
No |
primary | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the phone number as primary or not primary. | No |
old | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the phone number as old or not old. | No |
public | Boolean. Use if you want to mark the phone number as public or not public. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The current user must have the Staff role or else be updating a phone number on his/her own profile.
Update a student's attendance.
Parameter | Description | Required |
instanceID | The numeric ID of the course instance you're interested in. | Yes |
meetingID | The numeric ID of the meeting. | Yes |
personID | The numeric ID of the person whose attendance will be updated. | Yes |
note | The text content of the note. | No |
keep_best_status | Boolean. Defaults to false. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>UPDATED</result> </response>
The keep_best_status
parameter prevents a user from accidentally "downgrading" a student's attendance status. For example, a student arrives for class on-time and the faculty marks him Present. Fifteen minutes into class, the student realizes he hasn't checked in using the attendance beacon and then does so—inadvertently marking himself as Tardy.
If the best status has been kept for a given student, you will see <result>SKIPPED</result>
returned for that student.
Updates a student's course enrollment record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
course_offering_id | The numeric ID of the course offering you're interested in. | Yes |
person_id | The numeric ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
status_date | What date the student's course enrollment status was updated. Defaults to the current date when the status changes. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Academic Admin or Registrar role to call this task.
Updates a student's standardized test record.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
student_standardized_test_id | The numeric ID of the student's standardized test record. | Yes |
taken_date | The date the test was taken. | No |
received_date | The date the test was received. | No |
score | The test score. | No |
primary | Boolean. | No |
Example Response
<response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Admissions, Admissions Admin, Academic Admin, or Registrar role to call this task.
Updates a student's term tuition schedule bracket.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric person ID of the student you're interested in. | Yes |
academic_term_id | The numeric ID of the academic term you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule you're interested in. | Yes |
tuition_schedule_bracket_id | The numeric ID of the tuition schedule bracket you're interested in, or "AUTOMATIC". | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>SUCCESS</result> </response>
You must have the Student Billing or Financial Admin role to call this task.
Uploads a file to an assignment for the current user.
Parameter | Description | Required |
assignment_id | The numeric ID of the assignment. | Yes |
file | File uploaded the via the HTTP POST method. | Yes |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <id>98745687</id> </response>
Returns the file ID on success.
Uploads a file for a particular person.
Parameter | Description | Required |
person_id | The numeric ID of the person. | Yes |
file | File uploaded the via the HTTP POST method. | Yes |
custom_field_id | If passed in, the file will be uploaded to the given custom info field. | No |
term_id | The numeric ID of the term you're interested in. | No (but must be set for TERM_STUDENT custom fields) |
role_ids | An array of role IDs - the file will be visible to people with these role IDs. | No |
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <result>12345678</result> </response>
You must have the Staff role to call this task.
Returns the file_id on success.
The role_ids parameter will not be used for custom info fields.
If no role_ids are passed in we will default to the user's "Default activity feed visibility" setting.
If you pass in custom_field_id you will not need to call setCustomField, we will set the field for you.