
March 10, 2010 Release Notes


The big news with this release? The Populi Bookstore. Now you can run your college Bookstore with Populi. Featuring a Point of Sale Terminal, inventory management and reporting, and, of course, an online shopping cart, Populi Bookstore is accessible to all of your users as well as any visitors to your website.

Credit Card Processing

More big news, actually: Now you can accept credit card payments directly through Populi. Students (or parents) can pay their invoices online, and you can accept credit cards as payment in your Bookstore! To make use of these features, you'll need a merchant account through Chase Paymentech OR an payment gateway account, which can connect your existing merchant account with Populi.

Payment Plan Enhancements

Payment Plans now figure in pending and disbursed financial aid in their calculations.

Online Learning Gets a Facelift

Numerous interface and aesthetic enhancements to online testing make test-taking easier on students and test-grading easier on your faculty.

Minor Improvements, Patches, and Bugs We've Squashed

Added P/F (pass/fail) option to transfer credit grades

Fixed an issue with cloning courses that had apostrophes in the assignment names/descriptions

Added the ability to manually set the catalog year for a degree (rather than just sticking with the entrance term)

Also, improved and fixed up a few things with how the Degree Audit requirements were using the catalog year

Course schedule exports now include instructor names

A bunch of little things that Internet Explorer kept breaking

Fixed up a minor visibility issue with files for courses that students weren't taking

Updated the date inputs for custom info fields

Fixed some autocomplete issues in Email Compose window

Fixed an issue with printed statements showing received payments as "0"

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