Features and improvements
You can now apply a communication plan from a tag page (i.e. the "Parent of Freshman" tag, etc.).
Added Student ID to the export options on the Applications Table.
Updated the IPEDS 12-month enrollment report to include non degree-seeking students.
Added standardized test scores to the list of changelogged items for students.
Some new API stuff:
- Grade info and due dates now available via getCourseInstanceAssignments
- New: getUpdatedEnrollment
Incomplete students weren't included when you "emailed this section"; they now are.
Fixed some image-loading problems in Library Search.
Also fixed some checkout problems in Library; basically, checkout wasn't properly counting resources.
Man, bad week for Library: adding resources via ISBN caused a whitescreen. Maybe it's a good week for Library, because this is now fixed, too.
Scratched the word "UNPAID" from unpaid invoices. An accountant pointed out how useless and unusual that word is for an invoice.