
January 20 to January 24, 2014

Features and improvements

Updated the application designer so you can now insert new fields wherever you like.

You can now set your application fee to be required before the Lead starts the application or before they submit it.

Populi can now function as a Service Provider in your SAML setup and authenticate against your ActiveDirectory or LDAP store.

Added more information fields to the available options when exporting the Application > Fields report.


Fixed a bug that duplicated an assignment when you added it to a Lesson.

Addressed numerous ISIRS issues related in part to the new stuff from the DoE for the 2014-2015 year, including an issue that blanked out ISIRS from previous years.

Fixed a problem that kept certain people from disabling the application fee.

We were displaying the month of May as an abbreviation. As in, "May. 15, 2014". May is back to not being an abbreviation.

Fixed a bug where the Dashboard tally of pending application questions was calculated off the total number of in-progress questions, not those "waiting on us".

Fixed some display and filter issues with applications:

  • If you updated a field's answer, it would not update
  • Fixed the field filter on Admissions staff application view
  • Truncated text sections on Admissions staff application view
  • Added an input for Lead Source in Admissions > Leads > Add Lead

Application fee payment notifications weren't being sent. They now are.

Fixed some issues with importing fields from applications onto profiles, including Gender, Race/Ethnicity, multiple-answer custom fields, and Citizenship.

Fixed a problem where you couldn't remove the Lock Grades date from course evaluations.

Made it impossible to delete contact orgs that are connected to accepted transfer credits.

Fixed some rounding errors with loan origination fee calculations.

Added pictures as an option to the Term > Courses > export Rosters function.




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