Features and improvements
Changes to Student Information (Profile > Student > Student Info) are now recorded in the changelog.
Upgraded the back-end of Academics so that Retakes can supercede Withdraw-Fail. If you'd like to enable this for your Populi instance, please write to Populi Support.
You can now send a read-only link for an application to a third party.
And finally: enough upgrades and back-end enhancements to e-checks that we're ready to announce... You can use Populi to accept e-checks for online payments! If you'd like to learn more, please contact Populi Support.
Fixed some issues that caused the Admissions tab to load sooooo slooooowwwww...
Fixed a bug with tuition schedule fee rules that sometimes caused TS-related fees to trigger in the wrong academic term.
Addressed some back-end issues in Library that prevented, for example, librarians from checking how many times a patron had renewed a book. Also patched up some Z39.50 issues.
We weren't importing certain ISIR fields. But a customer let us know and we import them now. Thanks, customer!