Features & Improvements
You can now print an Enrollment Verification Letter on the Profile > Student tab. Just click the gear where you'd find the export transcript, etc. actions, and you'll see the new option there.
Populi now exports custom layout documents as PDFs. For example, your custom transcript can now be exported as a PDF—you still have the option to export it as .ODT as well.
In Donations, you can now specify whether a donation is fully or partially tax-deductible.
There are also new donation receipts tailored for our Canadian customers.
The new Retake Threshold in Academics > Settings lets you specify that course grades higher than a certain grade cannot be retaken.
The ISIR now includes high school diploma information.
Found a number of niggling little problems with Donations that are now fixed:
Donations XLS export spat out donation #'s over 999 as a single digit
Amounts over $1,000 were getting truncated in export: $10,000 was exporting as $10.00, for example
Export XLS was only exporting the current page if filter returned more than 200 results
An edge case could cause the wrong address to export from the Donations report for our Canadian customers
Fixed a bug that prevented course tabs from refreshing the page's content.
Fixed a bug that prevented faculty-added discussions from being cloned.
Further tweaked how we handle FN grades in light of some edge-case issues.
Fixed a problem with SMS verification codes—and we now use SMS to send those codes, rather than email-to-SMS (as we formerly did).