Features & Improvements
We rewrote how credit card processing works. The new features include Stripe integration, more payment gateway management options for Financial Admin users, and credit card convenience fees. Read about it on the Populi Blog.
You can now enable recurring payments for both tuition & fees and donations!
Connected to those improvements, you can now select to pay your Populi invoice by credit card—you can even set up monthly auto-billing.
We added a new "Exact" checkbox to Library search to let you specify when you want search to return only Exact matches (the EXACT: search operator, which we released three years ago, still works, too!).
Staff users can now set a person's profile to Private on the Profile > Info tab. When set to Private, only Staff and the student's current Faculty or Advisors can view any information on the profile; all others will see a message stating that the information on the profile is private.
Changes to transfer credits are now logged.
Added some new API calls that let you update gradebook, and include middle & preferred names, SSN, citizenship, and race to the addPerson calls,
Oh, and another one that lets you update the catalog year for use in addStudentDegree.
Added Leave of Absence (LOA) data to the Student Clearinghouse report, an LOA start date to the Data Slicer, and a Leave of Absence system tag.
Updated Organization search so that the results include the city and state (to help you differentiate orgs with like names— First Baptist Church, for example).
Added countries and race/ethnicity data to customer data backups.
Upgraded the Export XLS functions in Donations to include the Export Helper.
Added an award letter template that shows Cost of Attendance minus Total Awards.
Added the payment reference number to donation receipts and summaries.
A few changes to some auto-calculations for financial aid:
- We now auto-calculate origination fees for you.
- We auto-calculate the net award amount for you based on said origination fees.
- We now calculate origination fees based on the earliest disbursement date, rather than aid year.
Fixed a bug with the two-decimals precision level with how gradebook translates points to percentages and back again.
Fixed a sorting bug in the Leads table.
Fixed a bug that affected the loading of a saved filter in the Scheduled Communications report.
Fixed a bug that duplicated assignment events on course calendars.
Fixed a bug that affected adding charges in bulk via the Data Slicer if the amount was in the thousands.
Fixed a bug that clipped the zeroes out of the barcodes in the Browse Resources export.
Killed a tripwire that affected some users who were trying to change an application status to Accepted.