Features & Improvements
You can now add a redirect URL to your Inquiry and Application forms. When someone submits the Inquiry form or completes an Application, the redirect will take them to the web page of your choosing—whether it's a custom Thank you! page or a URL that helps you track conversions.
Improved recurring payment management: now you can edit any recurring payment's details and schedule, as well as view a history of payments made in that series.
Added custom tags and fields to the new reporting filter.
Added a setting to make the max upload size to the Files section be set to "0 MB" for students.
You can now require more than one course from a course group for a prerequisite.
Added an option to the Leads and Applications reports: bulk print letters/envelopes.
Added a note to the credit card convenience fee setting admonishing you to check with applicable local laws before setting up such a fee. Because, you know, you really should!
We now order tests by time taken, and not alphabetically (which we were doing before for some reason).
Fixed a rounding error that could cause a payment on the ledger to show differently than what was recorded.
Fixed a pagination problem with courses on tuition schedules.