
July 20 to August 7, 2015

Features & Improvements

We upgraded the Advising features in Populi. Read about them on the Populi Blog.

You can now set your courses to allow Faculty to give assignment grades and take attendance for Auditors.

We added the ability to set up holidays/school closures to Academic Years. For example, you can set up "Fall Break", and Populi will automatically block out course meeting times, library due dates, etc. for those dates.

Added the ability to delete individual recipients in the email compose window.

Added a checkbox to the roster's Import Students dialog that lets you bypass prerequisites when enrolling students.

Added a new "campus" transcript variable.

You can now get Quality Points in the Data Slicer.


Fixed up some unclear selections on donate pages.

Improved the display of credit card convenience fees on the payment page, and also changed how they're factored into a student's financial history.

Fixed an error that insisted that resource copies needed a valid location when no such problem actually existed.

Aid application questions were redirecting you to the student's bulletin board for some reason. We sent in a ninja to silently assassinate the reason.

Fixed up the Hispanic = Yes selector on the race/ethnicity application field.

Fixed an issue with Payment Plans that put payment due dates way out of order.

Using the link option in the email WYSIWYG editor was truncating the link. No longer.

Broke up the ABHE report into sections for graduate, undergraduate, and combined.

Country fields on the application were not accepting valid entries.

Fixed a bug that hid private profiles from authorized users in Search.

Fixed a white-screen error on the Financial Aid > Awards report.

Fixed a bug that let students charge less than the minimum credit card charge amount.

Grade Reports can now handle four-line addresses.

Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong race data on the IPEDS report.

Fixed a white screen bug in bookstore that happened when you'd try to add a deleted item to your shopping cart.

Found a bug in transfer courses that wouldn't let you edit a course and go from applying it to a course group to applying it to a course.

FIxed a bug that interfered with your ability to link an application field to an existing field.

Addressed an issue with Library links falling out of order all the time.

Library fines under $1 weren't showing up in patron searches.

Added some checks to make sure we apply the most lenient loan policy when different policies might apply (for example, a faculty/student checks out a book for which two separate policies exist).

Fixed up some document encoding errors that broke a lot of PDFs.

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