Features & Improvements
New user and help drop-downs! Here's a blog post about it.
Not really a bugfix, but we did push a tidbit of code that lets you submit Gradebook entries by tapping the Go button in iOS Safari.
Were you to apply a payment to invoices (from the unapplied payments/credits panel), nothing would happen. We changed it so that something would happen. What's more, the something that now happens is what you want it to be: the payment is applied to the invoice(s).
Occasionally, a course could show up in both a real department and the Other department when adding a course. Nipped that one in the bud.
Fixified a problem that would let you have a look at an in-progress online reference.
Sometimes you'd want to delete a contact org but couldn't. That was because some kind of non-approved transfer credit was attached to it—but we wouldn't tell you that. But now, should you wish to delete a contact org but can't, we point you towards the Transfer Credits report. After deleting all the TC's for that org, you'll then be able to delete that org as well.