
June 27 to July 1, 2016

Features & Improvements

Discipline can now be program-specific. Let's say a student badly botches an undergrad Latin course while he's doing swimmingly in his grad-level Interpretive Dance seminar. You want to stick him on academic probation, but you don't want that reflected on his grad-level transcript (but you want it in ALL CAPS on his undergrad transcript). Now you can select the program to which the discipline event should be linked in the Add Disciplinary Action dialog on the Profile > Student view.

Further ensmartened the Add user dialog so that schools using SSO aren't made to think that they're adding users when they actually aren't.

There's a new transcript variable for Term average numeric grade. There's a new donation receipt variable for Campaign. We're so super-excited for these Adam went and designed a t-shirt. Check it out!


Students with grade/transcript locks could nonetheless go to a test's History view and see their test grades there. Populi now dispatches killer cyborgs from the future to prevent this from happening.

Sprinkled some more of that ensmartening powder on the Specialization selector in application fields to make sure the correct information ends up in the student record when you accept the applicant.

We now do this thing where if you need to let students register for a prereq course at the same time that they register for the regular course (and both courses have the same timeframe), you can let them so register. There are multiple obscure situations where schools desired this, but we had made it UNPOSSIBLE. We had a killer cyborg from the future hacked off the UN from that word.

Dunno if you ever did this, but we found out that if you delete and then re-add a course group requirement to a degree or specialization, you'd only get an error. Now you can do that successfully. Or at least we can, because that's the kind of thing we like to do.

Went back to the store for some ensmartening powder when we learned that emails sent to mailing lists were showing variables (like {!FIRST_NAME!}, etc.) on the recipients' activity feeds.

Finally, made the replacement price charged to a student who went and lost one of your library books more consistent: if the copy he lost had a price, he gets charged that; if only the resource has a price, he gets dinged for that.

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