Features & Improvements
Updated spine labels with new variables and formatting options so that Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal call numbers will display and print correctly.
Put some serious hurt on a bug that allowed faculty to unfinalize their courses.
Fixed a bug that prevented the IPEDS financial aid report from recognizing First Time students.
Fixed a bug that threw an error when a custom transcript did not include variables for degrees and transfer credits.
If you were logged in as a user and attempted to access your application—and that application had not been linked to you—then you would be denied permission. That's no longer the case.
If you didn't have honors and tried to add honors to a student, you'd stare at a spinning wheel for hours on end if you chose to. We now don't even let you get that far if you don't have any honors to dole out to students.
Fixed a bug that submitted your course evaluation if you hit the Enter button on your keyboard while typing in a text field.
Fixed a bug that exported different dates from the Bookstore Sales report than what was shown in the interface.
Fixed another bug that exported some ancient dates on various admissions reports for applications that had not yet been submitted.
Fixed a bug that gave a student a fail-for-non-attendance grade even if they should've passed.