Features & Improvements
The smartypants SAT people renamed a few sections of their little test. Not wanting to be outsmarted, Populi's SAT score fields now do this:

No one gets the jump on Populi. No one.
The student course summary page now includes the student's advisor.
Bookstore Admin now has a handy lil' link to the Online Payments settings page.
Library > Inventory now lets you export whatever you're looking at. At one point (just last week), you could only export valid entries. Pshaw. We also added pagination and improvements to the various this's and that's on that report.
The Campus Life > Students report now includes all room occupants, whether or not the occupants in question are actually students. But when you think about, all people are really LIFE STUDENTS, so the report name remains accurate.
Bookstore Point of Sale now lets you handle tax exempt orders. Bookstore Staff can also now manually change the academic term for orders charged to student accounts. Students frequently picked the wrong term; the resultant tears in the space-time fabric were more than we wanted to deal with on a Monday, so we added this little interface thing that fixes everything.
If you exported the Students Table, the roles column was blank. We now export accurate role information there, because that's how we do.
Library resource copy pages now track who marked the thing pulled and/or departed for transits.
Course descriptions weren't appending as advertised to default transcript layouts.
Closed a loophole in the Analytics report that incorrectly counted withdrawn students in enrollment numbers.
Academic Year closures made in one year would cause the ones in previous years to change.
Relationships (on Profile > Info—by the way, if you're not using that feature, you really need to start) used to let you add new people on-the-fly. Until, that is, that we did something to break it. We've done something to fix that, now, and so you can get back to adding people on-the-fly.
Fixed a bunch of arcane issues with calendar invitations. Also fixed a Something went wrong error that was actually a lie—nothing had gone wrong except for the erroneous error warning.
If you edited a meeting time and added a building and room, we petulantly wouldn't save your changes, almost as if out of pure spite (but not: because we love you). Fixed.
Editing an email template would strip out all the formatting of said template. That was cool if that was what you meant to do, but that's never what you meant to do, so it was never cool.
Test Exceptions entered with just a date set the time to 12:00 AM instead of 11:59 PM, which was deeply frustrating.