
September 26 to September 30, 2016 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Work continues on a bunch of new features, some of which have been clamored for since time immemorial. But these are release notes, so that's about all I'm gonna say on those.

Do you like transcript variables? Apparently some of you do—we get asked for several new ones every week, it seemeth. Here are the three we put out there this go-round:

  • {!CG_EARN_CLINICAL_HRS_12345!}
  • {!CG_EARN_ATTND_HRS_12345!}

It is meet and right to discern that these let you include course group clinical and attendance hours on your custom transcript.

Added these columns to the Financial Aid > Academic Progress report:

  • Term Atmp. Units
  • Term Ern. Units
  • Number of Incompletes
  • Number of Withdraws

Changed the boring ol' Date column in the Bookstore > Orders report to the endlessly fascinating Date/Time column.

Added an Aid Payment type to the Unapplied Payments/Credits report that critics are calling "An emotional tour de force" and "A powerful testament to why we fell in love with unapplied payments/credits in the first place".

Last week we fixed a bunch of formatting problems with the ISIR printouts. This week we proactively improved them! The printout now includes a history of the monies the student has received, features a more compact layout, and lets you include an optional sign-this page at the end. It's also available in 16 attractive colors and we finally eliminated (most of) the turpentine reek from the almond-scented version.


The download all assignment files button has some limits—you can't download more than 200MB worth of files at a time—that we never told you about! Rather than remove the limit, we now tell you about it. Better than nothing, right? We'll work on improving the button itself in a future release.

The Country filter condition on the Donations report didn't think you were serious when you included it in a report, but now it realizes that you do actually want to find out what country your donations are coming from.

If you had an active Staff role and inactive roles—like Academic Admin, Financial Admin, etc.—you could reactivate those inactive roles for yourself and others. Goodness gracious. We made this behave.

Fixed some laggardliness on the Application % Completed field that wouldn't update when you rejected app components and then the student re-submitted them.

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