Security settings lets you manage access to sensitive items in Populi. Whenever you update these settings, scroll back to the top of the screen and click Save Settings.
Allow all users to upload their own ID photos
Select Yes to allow anyone with a Populi user account to upload her own ID photo on her Profile. Select No to restrict this ability to users with the Staff or Faculty role. Staff users will be able to manage ID photos for all people—students, leads, others—whether you select Yes or No.
Make new contact information private by default
Select Yes to set all new contact information to Private. Select No to set such to Public. In either case, Staff users can manage privacy settings for any individual piece of contact information. Private contact information is visible only to Staff users.
Allow all users to edit their own bio
Select Yes to permit all users to edit their own bios. Select No to permit only Staff and Faculty to edit their own bios; Staff will manage bios for students, leads, etc.
Populi account administrator(s)
The people listed here have access to all of your school's Populi account settings, as well as the Reporting and Invoices/Payments views. This is important, which is why it's in capitals: YOU MUST LIST AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE AS ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATORS.
- Search for Staff users to add a new account administrator. Don't stop until you have at least two people listed here!
- Click to remove someone from this list.
Social Security Numbers may be accessed by:
Academic Admins can enter, view, update, and export full, unmasked Social Security Numbers and Social Insurance Numbers. Check to extend this access to SSN/SIN to Financial Admin, Financial Aid, Registrar, or Staff users.
Allow the Academic Auditor role to view course evaluations
Check whether you wish to permit Academic Auditors to be able to view and export course evaluations.
Make relationships between people and organizations private by default
When you link people to organizations, all other users will be able to see that information about the person. You can set these relationships to default to private, which makes them visible only to Staff, Faculty, and Advisor users. Staff can edit the visibility of this relationship for any individual person at any time.
Enable scheduling for all users
Select Yes to let all users schedule rooms and resources and invite attendees to events. Select No to restrict this to staff and faculty users.
Account username template
Populi's default username format is first initial, last name, and last two numerals of the current year. If you give John Smith an account in January 2022, his automatically-generated username will be jsmith22. To change the default username format, have a look at this article.
Allow students to create public groups
Groups provide a space in Populi for different segments of your school's community—clubs, teams, committees, etc.—to communicate, share files, and create events with other members of that group. This setting lets you control whether students can set up a public group:
- Select Yes to permit students to create groups.
- Select Require staff approval to permit students to create groups pending staff approval.
- Select No to permit only Staff and Faculty to create groups.
Allow students to create private groups
By default, students can create private groups. If you'd like to change it so that they cannot do this, select No.
Automatically set primary email addresses
Check Yes to automatically set a user's new email address on a managed domain name as Primary. You may view a list of all managed domains in Account > Domains.
Enforce primary email address domain restrictions
Check Yes to prevent users from selecting an email address on an unmanaged domain (e.g. hotmail.com) as their Primary contact.
Faculty access to private contact info
Choose the level of access you wish Faculty and Teaching Assistant users to have to contact information marked Private.
Merge Profile tool access
Populi Account Administrators can merge duplicate profiles. If you wish to extend this access to other users, select the roles that you want to be able to use the profile merging tool.
Login Approval Days
As a security measure, Populi will require you to use another login approval some time after you have successfully logged in on a particular device. Enter the number of calendar days that Populi should wait before requiring this other login approval.
Login approvals
Login approval is a security measure that helps protect individual Populi user accounts. Here's how it works:
- A user has an authenticator app on his smartphone.
- He logs in to Populi in a new browser or using a new device (phone, iPad, a new computer, etc.).
- The authenticator app generates a new, one-time passcode.
- He enters the code to finish logging in.
- That device (or browser) is now "recognized"; recognized devices do not require a passcode for future logins.
Login approval guards against unauthorized access to Populi by requiring that the person logging in have the username, password, and the code generated by the authenticator app on the user's smartphone.
These settings let you allow or require people with certain user roles to use login approval for their Populi account.
- If Allowed, users with that role have the option of using login approval, but can also opt to not use it.
- If Required, all users with that role must use login approval.
- If neither is checked, users with that role log in with only a username and password.
To change the login approval settings for a given user role:
- Check allowed or required next to the roles you'd like to update.
- Scroll to the top of the settings page and click Save Settings.
- As soon as you do this:
- The next time someone whose role requires login approval tries to log in on any browser or device, the authenticator app will generate a passcode; she'll need to enter it in order to log in.
- Users whose roles allow login approval can enable it in their own personal Populi settings.