
The Admissions Portal

In this article, you'll learn about the Admissions Portal. The Portal lets you give leads access to their applications, inquiries, financial aid, and forms without needing to give them a user account. This lets you shepherd them through your admissions process via a unique URL that doesn't require authentication, giving them a single place to provide you with the information you need from them.

Portal setup

To enable the Portal, start by going to Admissions > Settings > Other Settings.

  1. Scroll down to the Admissions Portal Content setting.
  2. Check the content types you wish to make available through the Portal.
  3. Scroll back to the top and click Save Settings.

Portal access

During the admissions process, various emails will be sent to your leads, each of which will contain a link to the portal (provided that content is enabled), including:

  • All admissions-related emails (inquiry replies, application links, application questions, etc.).
  • After an aid application has been started, emails with portal links will be sent when aid awards are offered, aid application questions are updated, and new files are uploaded to the lead's aid application.

Here's how to manage access to a person's Admissions Portal.

To give someone access:

  1. Go to the lead's profile.
  2. Click and select Admissions Portal Access.
  3. Choose one of the lead's existing email addresses or add a new one.
  4. Click Send Portal Link.

In short order, the lead will receive an email containing the link, giving her access to the content you enabled in Admissions > Settings. Some things worth noting:

  • Anyone with the link will be able to access the lead's portal. Be careful who you share it with!
  • The link will be active until:
    • You give the lead a user account.
    • You regenerate or delete the link (see below).
    • The link is not accessed for more than 365 days.

To manage access to the lead's portal, go to the lead's profile, click and select Admissions Portal Access. In the dialog, you can...

  • Click to copy the portal link.
  • Regenerate the portal link; this deletes the old one (so it will no longer work for anyone) and creates a new one that you will then need to send to the lead.
  • Delete the portal link... which will make it no-worky!

What does the portal look like to the lead?

It looks like this!

Essentially, it's a dashboard that summarizes what the lead has done and needs to do next. Here's what's included and what the lead can do with it (depending on what you've enabled in Admissions > Settings):

  • Applications: View and submit applications, pay application fees, submit and update application questions. The application must be linked to the lead's profile for this to work!
  • Financial Aid: Accept/decline any offered awards, update financial aid applications, print CFP (if allowed), print award letters.
  • Forms: Fill out and submit new form responses, view older responses. Forms must be set to Login Required = No and you must send the lead a response request for the form to appear here.
  • Inquiries: Update any active inquiries and view older activity. Any inquiries must be linked to the lead's profile.
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