In this article, you'll learn how to create $0.00 fees and include them in invoices—or even issue $0.00 invoices comprised of such fees. Some U.S. States require that included course materials (textbooks, supplies, et. al.) be shown on invoices as $0.00 line items, and this workflow is meant to accommodate schools that wish to comply with such requirements.
- Do not confuse the fees described in this article for the $0 fees used for variable-amount charges like Library fines. With those, the $0 amount is used as a placeholder that will be swapped for a real amount when added to a student account.
- The fees we're talking about here are meant to appear on invoices as $0.00 line items.
- When invoiced, the $0.00 amount will be recorded in the General Ledger.
Fee Setup
Setting up these fees generally works the same as creating a regular fee, except that you pay attention to the items listed in Step 3, below.
- Go to Billing > Settings > Fees.
- Click Add a fee.
- Enter the fee's details. A few things you need to do here:
- The Type must be Flat Rate.
- The Amount must be 0.
- Check Allow Zero.
- When you're done, click Save.
Invoicing such fees works just like invoicing other charges.
- When you invoice a $0.00 fee alongside other charges, it will show as a $0.00 line item on the invoice.
- When an invoice only includes $0.00 fees:
- It will have a posted date, but not a due date.
- It will automatically be marked as Paid.
- Such invoice transactions cannot be reversed or reposted.
- Transaction entries will be recorded for all the charges as normal, including $0.00 entries for Accounts Receivable and the fee's Income account.