In this article, you'll learn how to use the enrollment verification features in Populi. Enrollment Verification refers to the process by which you check the eligibility of students to receive the appropriate type and amount of Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds at the time of disbursement.
The storyline
The enrollment verification features help enable this broad workflow:
- For setup, you mark the relevant FSA award types as requiring enrollment verification. (All of the built-in Title IV awards are set to require enrollment verification by default.)
- You package aid as normal.
- Before disbursement, you use the Enrollment Verification and SAP reports to verify student eligibility. As you do, you verify enrollment for the upcoming disbursements either individually or in bulk.
- Once everything looks hunky-dory, you disburse the awards.
Setup for award types
The only awards that require enrollment verification are FSA awards (or other awards that are set to Report As an FSA award). To make sure a particular award type will check for enrollment verification:
- In Financial Aid > Settings > Award Types, pick an award type.
- Check next to Require enrollment verification...
- Click Save.
Enrollment Verification report
The report in Financial Aid > Awards > Enrollment Verification summarizes for you the relevant enrollment data you'll need to review in order to verify student eligibility for their scheduled aid awards.
- The report is organized by academic term; choose the term you want to work with in the drop-down at the top.
- Each scheduled disbursement gets its own report entry; a student with multiple scheduled disbursements will appear on the report multiple times. You might've guessed, but disbursements for awards that do not require enrollment verification will not appear here.
- The Date column refers to the date the student was enrolled in the course.
- Disbursements included in this report cannot be included in a disbursement batch until they are verified.
- You can verify enrollment for individual disbursements—just click the Verify button in the report block.
- You can also verify for multiple disbursements:
- Use the filter to hone down the report if needed; you can also check individual disbursements to include in the bulk-verify process.
- When you have the correct disbursements selected, click Actions and select Verify.
- If you need to unverify a disbursement, click next to the Verified indicator in the report block. You can also bulk-unverify by following the steps for verifying multiple disbursements but choosing instead the Unverify action.
You might also need to review the Academic Progress report, which gives you a slightly different angle on enrollment, attendance, and other academic data relevant to financial aid eligibility.
Disbursement batches
When your review process is complete, you can move on to creating and running a disbursement batch.