
June 24 to June 28, 2024 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Big big BIIIGGG news: the API output for Standardized Test Reporting now includes standardized_test_section_score_id values. While these were aready included if you pulled score data for an individual person, they were not included in the "wide" (the developers' phrase) version of the report. Just the skinny one. The wide version didn't have all the data, despite being wider, presumably, than the skinny one. What was that version of the report doing with all that extra girth? Nothing, apparently. Anyway, if you like editing and updating standardized test scores via the API, Populi just became your favorite way to do that.


The API used to not be able to do anything with contact info marked as Old. Now you can use it to do whatever you want with that ancient information.

Search was having trouble finding certain roles. For example, you'd search for "Student" and it would get you Joe Student and Sally Student and KWIJYBO Student, but it wouldn't cough up the page for the Student role (which it was S'POSED to do). It's now very competent at simple tasks like that.

'Twas a time when picking the 31st of the month for a recurring fixed-amount payment plan deadline would create deadlines on the 1st of the month on 30-day months. Now in such cases it makes deadlines on the 30th of such months.

Fixed a bug with the Retention report in Academics > Reporting > Analytics that made the report throw a fake error that corresponded to nothing real.

A display bug in Calendar would show duplicate entries for repeating events scheduled in rooms.

Videos and Focus Sessions

No Focus Sessions next week. There are hot dogs to cook, cold ones to crush, flags to wave, and so on. The following week, though...

  • Introduction to Financial Aid will get you introductified to financial aid settings, awards, packaging aid, disbursements, aid applications and so on. This will be most useful to Financial Aid and Financial Admin users. It's scheduled for July 9th, 2024, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
  • Introduction to Populi will get you up to speed on setting up your Populi account, logging in, adding new users, login approvals, roles, search, basic reporting, Populi's global settings and so on. This will be most useful to Populi Account Administrator and Academic Admin users. It's scheduled for July 11th, 2024, 2024, 11:00 AM Pacific time.

Josh employs his ample reserves of hubris to... advise the Advisors.

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