
How do I mark a lead as Withdrawn?

It happens: you shepherd a lead through her initial interest, help her get started on her application, answer the questions that come up along the way... and then she tells you she has decided not to attend. How do you handle these situations (and all the others just like them)?

If the Lead has started an application...

You'll need to set the application to status to Withdrawn. To do so...

  1. Go to the application.
  2. In the right column in the Settings panel, click Status.
  3. Select Withdrawn.
  4. Click Save to finish.

The application is now withdrawn and is no longer in play.

Change her Lead Info

While there's no Lead Status for Withdrawn (this lets the Funnel Report more accurately describe how your leads move through the Admissions process), you can nonetheless indicate that this lead has withdrawn from the admissions process at your school. There are two ways to do this:

You can add a Declined Reason.

  1. Click Declined Reason.
  2. Choose from the reasons provided in the drop-down. Use the note area to add further detail.
  3. Click Save.

You can also set the Lead Info set's status to Inactive.

  1. Click Active.
  2. Select No.
  3. Click Save.

When you do this, leave the Status field as-is. This signals to Populi that this lead dropped out of the admissions process at that particular phase of her interest in your school. This information is then included in the Funnel Report. This works at any point in the admissions process—from Inquiry all the way up to Enrolled.

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