
January 20 to January 24, 2025 Release Notes

Features & Improvements & Bugfixes

We didn't do nothin' this week. Maybe next week?

Videos and Focus Sessions

Next week's Focus Sessions:

  • Introduction to Financial Aid: Get the skinny on financial aid settings, awards, packaging aid, disbursements, aid applications and so on. This will be most useful to Financial Aid and Financial Admin users. It's scheduled for January 28th, 2025, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
  • Introduction to Populi: Get the low-down on setting up your Populi account, logging in, adding new users, login approvals, roles, search, basic reporting, Populi's global settings and so on. This will be most useful to Populi Account Administrator and Academic Admin users. It's scheduled for January 30th, 2025,11:00 AM Pacific time.

We didn't even make new videos this week. It's like we're back on Christmas break or something. Anyhoo, here's a couple of our most-viewed videos for anyone who might need to brush up on courses in Populi. Maybe it’s old hat for you, but it’ll be new hat to other folks at your school. A brand new hat! They might like that!

Here's a high-level introduction:

Got 40ish minutes? This one gets into the proverbial weeds:

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