Features & Improvements
An important navigation change for Account Admins and Billing Contacts: we moved the Account link from the top black navigation bar to a link in the menu you see when you click your name. The new link says Account & Settings and takes you to a general settings page with two views: My Settings and Account.
We added new custom field types for Financial and Financial Aid information. There are also new variables for Aid Award Letters that let you include custom info on those documents.
We gave the Bookstore > Admin > Sales report a new view selector: now you can view the report By Item Category or By Order Item.
The gubbermint went and updated the Pell Grant tables earlier this week so we hopped right to and updated Populi's Pell calculations, too.
We had a cap on the number of receipts you could export from the Payments report (it was 200). We removed the cap and tousled the Payments report's hair and gave it a quarter to take down to the five-and-dime for comic books and stick candy.
Course calendars would duplicate events if a school was using Google Apps and a course had assignments due outside of the term dates. We took a nice clean rag and scrubbed those course calendars' faces and made them presentable.
Course bulletin board posts that faculty members posted using a mobile app were not triggering email notifications. We felt really stupid about this and changed it.
If you used getApplication from the API, the results wouldn't return any race/ethnicity information you might've collected from a given application. Now you get ALL THE THINGS.
Uncovered a situation where multiple Enrollment Agreements would create and then delete themselves—they were apparently part of a bizarre suicide cult that was awaiting the arrival of FLORAX, a minor "destroyer"-type deity. The ringleader was a bug in the jobmanager queue which was last seen paddling a rubber raft loaded with survivalist gear south to Argentina.
Found a bug were spouse names were not being included on Avery 2160 mailing labels. Stomped the bug and ended up rescuing the traditional nuclear family from the technological solvents that have been relentlessly applied to it over the past 150-170 years. Double win!